
The woman who sought medical treatment for abdominal pain learned that she was pregnant to term: it turned out that someone really did not feel pregnant at all

Original | Pregnancy

"After giving birth to a baby, I learned I was pregnant!"

Yesterday's hot search news: A woman with abdominal pain sought medical treatment and was pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy at full term!

To be honest, if it weren't for authoritative news media reports, this news would be really hard to believe.

I didn't feel anything when I was pregnant in October, and I didn't know I was pregnant until the baby was born?

According to media reports, Ms. Zhao in Jiangsu suddenly had lower abdominal pain while going to work, which became stronger after a few hours.

News source: @我苏视频

When I went to the hospital for examination, Ms. Zhao turned out to be pregnant, and the baby was full-term, and the cause of abdominal pain was contractions, and the baby was about to be born.

After surgery, Ms. Zhao gave birth to a male treasure of more than 7 pounds.

According to the doctor, Ms. Zhao has irregular menstruation, her body is fat, and she had a miscarriage 2 years ago and was diagnosed with intrauterine adhesions, which is not easy to get pregnant.

So she didn't have menstruation for 10 months, and her belly became bigger, and she didn't think there was a problem.

The doctor said: Uterine adhesions are not easy to get pregnant, but it does not mean that you will not get pregnant!

After the news was issued, many netizens felt too incredible like pregnant mothers:

"It's impossible to live without knowing that you are pregnant, the baby will move!"

"It is estimated that she is completely unresponsive when she is pregnant!"

"Is there really someone who doesn't feel pregnant at all, I vomit just because of morning sickness!"

"My sister-in-law is too, she has always been fat, and one day her legs were so swollen that she couldn't go downstairs, and she went to the hospital for examination only to find that she was going to give birth at full-term!"

"I don't know how fat this is, so I don't know if I'm pregnant!"

It is really a big world, sighing, pregnant mothers should also remind that pregnancy has signals, pregnant mothers must pay careful attention to the symptoms of the body.

"I didn't know I was pregnant until the baby was moving in my tummy!"

Moms, what are the first symptoms of pregnancy?

When my pregnant mother was pregnant at the time, I knew I was pregnant just because my aunt came a day late.

Because my menstrual cycle is very accurate, I will never postpone it in advance, and once I postpone it, something will happen.

Therefore, the world is really big, and many people do not know that they are pregnant until the fetus moves, until they are born.

"My neighbor, obese and menstrual abnormal, just gave birth to know that there was a baby!"

"A slightly chubby female colleague of mine only knew she was going to be a mother when she was 6 months pregnant!"

"I only knew it when I was 4 months pregnant, I thought I was fat, and my menstrual period was normal, and the doctor said it was pregnancy bleeding."

"We have one in our hometown, not to mention that something has grown in the stomach, and it turned out to give birth to a baby!"

"I have a colleague who only knew he was pregnant when he had a fetal movement at 5 months of pregnancy!"

Looking at the experience of these mothers, many netizens are envious of the whole thing, I was pregnant with morning sickness to the point that I wanted to die, and some people had no symptoms.

What pregnant mothers want to say is that envy is envy, and such a pregnancy is actually dangerous.

Just like Ms. Zhao above, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and severe preeclampsia when she went to the hospital, which are very dangerous emergencies in obstetrics, and finally Ms. Zhao had an emergency cesarean section.

To conceive a healthy baby and ensure the safety of the mother, it must be inseparable from the escort of the obstetric doctor!

Intrauterine adhesions are not pregnant

That's not the same as not getting pregnant!

Let's talk about Ms. Zhao's experience first.

Because of the intrauterine adhesions after the miscarriage, she felt that she would not get pregnant.

It is true that adhesions in the uterine cavity can cause infertility, but it also depends on the degree of adhesions.

The classification standard of intrauterine adhesions of the European Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy (ESGE) divides the adhesions seen under hysteroscopy into I.~V. degrees.

I degree: there are fibromembranous adhesions in many places in the uterine cavity, and the uterine horn and fallopian tube opening on both sides are normal.

Second-degree: there are dense fibrous adhesions between the anterior and posterior walls of the uterus, and the uterine horns and fallopian tube openings on both sides are visible.

III. degree: fibrocord-like adhesions cause atresia in part of the uterine cavity and one uterine angle.

IV. degree: fibrocord-like adhesions cause atresia in part of the uterine cavity and both uterine angles.

V. degree: scarring of adhesion bands causes extreme deformation and narrowing of the uterine cavity, and adhesion bands cause complete disappearance of the uterine cavity.

Among them, the I degree is mild; II.~III. degree is moderate; IV.~V. degree is severe.

What causes intrauterine adhesions?

90% of intrauterine adhesions are due to uterine injury after pregnancy, such as abortion, spontaneous abortion curettage, and postpartum hemorrhage curettage.

How do intrauterine adhesions cause infertility?

If a woman has intrauterine adhesions, it can lead to destruction of the endometrium and reduced uterine volume, which can interfere with the normal implantation of the embryo, eventually leading to infertility or miscarriage after conception.

Mild intrauterine adhesions are also possible to conceive naturally.

If it is moderate or severe, it needs to be treated as prescribed, and the current accurate diagnosis method of intrauterine adhesions is hysteroscopy, and the treatment of intrauterine adhesions mainly relies on hysteroscopic electroresection therapy.

It is important to emphasize that mild intrauterine adhesions may also become pregnant naturally, so do not use this to determine your infertility.

These symptoms of the body are telling you

You're pregnant!

In fact, as long as you look closely, most mothers are pregnant with symptoms, like Ms. Zhao mentioned above, there are still not many such cases.

Menstruation that has not come for a long time, an enlarged belly, and a drowsy spirit are all symptoms of pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers have previously collected topics with mothers about the first symptoms of pregnancy, and many mothers have given answers:

"Dreaming of pregnancy and then getting up to go for a pregnancy test is actually true."

"The great aunt found out before she came."

"Every day is sleepy, walking on the road is also sleepy, especially at noon, is the kind of sleep that I can't wait to lie on the ground."

"Always hungry and always wanting to eat."

"Chest swelling for more than 20 days, during which I was sleepy and nauseated and urinated frequently every day, thinking that I had not tested my pregnancy once, and after a week, I always thought that I was really pregnant after another test."

"Relatives who have always been punctual, suddenly they are late."

The arrival of the little angel will definitely send a signal, depending on whether the mothers can catch it.

Today, pregnant mothers will sort out the first symptoms of pregnancy:

(1) Menstruation did not come as scheduled

For mothers with accurate menstrual cycles, this is a very direct signal, if menstruation has been very accurate and suddenly delayed, it may be pregnant.

So it's a good habit to keep track of your menstrual cycle.

(2) Nausea and nausea

About a quarter of pregnant mothers have nausea and nausea after pregnancy, because hormonal changes can make mothers very sensitive to smells.

(3) Breast swelling and pain

Breast tissue is very sensitive to hormones, so the breast will receive signals for hormonal changes after pregnancy.

Most often, it is normal to have a feeling of tender breasts after two weeks of pregnancy, and the breasts will also become full.

(4) Sudden frequent urination

After pregnancy, blood levels increase and the kidneys produce extra fluid, which can cause many mothers to urinate frequently in the first trimester.

If you suddenly find yourself running to the toilet more frequently, you may be pregnant.

(5) Low back pain, uterine spasm

Pregnancy can cause a lot of unexpected physical discomfort, the most obvious of which is low back pain, at that time I thought it was sitting in the wrong position, until menstruation did not come, I understood that it was pregnancy.

Mild uterine cramps and low back pain are also symptoms of the first trimester.

(6) Abnormal bleeding

Implantation bleeding may occur during the first trimester, which occurs around 6-12 days after conception, and not all pregnant mothers will have bedtime bleeding, but it is also one of the symptoms of the first trimester.

Implantation bleeding is not very large, and the color is different from menstruation, which is pinkish or brown.

If you have light bleeding accompanied by other symptoms, you may be pregnant!

(7) Physical and mental deterioration

Tiredness is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy, even if the daily routine has not changed, but it is very sleepy, just want to sleep day by day.

Unexplained fatigue can be a sign of pregnancy.

(8) Taste changes

Suddenly want to eat sour, or very much like eating spicy, or very disgusted with the food you used to eat, and the sudden change in taste is also a symptom of early pregnancy.

Well, science popularization is complete!

I hope that little pregnant women can receive the signal of the arrival of the baby, go to the hospital for examination in time, and a safe and healthy pregnancy is responsible for themselves and the baby!

At the end of the article, the following exchanges:

How did everyone find out they were pregnant?

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