
In the high-quality spy war drama, why is "The Identity of the Father" difficult to make the list

author:An eagle soaring through the sky
In the high-quality spy war drama, why is "The Identity of the Father" difficult to make the list
In the high-quality spy war drama, why is "The Identity of the Father" difficult to make the list
In the high-quality spy war drama, why is "The Identity of the Father" difficult to make the list
In the high-quality spy war drama, why is "The Identity of the Father" difficult to make the list
In the high-quality spy war drama, why is "The Identity of the Father" difficult to make the list

In recent years, there have been many domestic spy war film and television dramas, and the high-profile fine works such as "Cliff", "Latent", and "Before Dawn" have made people want to watch it. No1 on the Internet about who is a spy drama has always been debated.

Today I will discuss with you a very embarrassing spy drama "Father's Identity".

The reason why it is embarrassing is because the actors of the play, whether they are well-known old drama bones, or the supporting actors are generally online, but they still can't hide the paleness of the plot.

Yu Beiping (played by Chen Jianbin), a senior agent of our party, whose official identity is the director of the Ninth Division of the Second Department of the Kuomintang Ministry of National Defense, was later sent to Qingcheng to serve as the colonel director of the Kuomintang Special Investigation Bureau, and fought with Zheng Yi (played by Yu Feihong), the inspector of the bureau, and finally won a major victory.

Watching the entire series, there is always a feeling of iq being insulted. As the first leader of the Qingcheng Special Investigation Bureau, both Xu Wenzheng (played by Feng Enhe), deputy director of the Second Department of the Ministry of National Defense, as a patron, and Anderson, the commander of the US military at the port of Qingcheng, were friends, but they were all over by Zheng Yi, and the entire special investigation bureau was full of Zheng Yi's people, and even the secretary was the eyes and ears that Zheng Yi installed next to Yu Beiping. Our Party has worked hard and painstakingly and sacrificed a number of important comrades to push him to such a special post, but he has not been able to mobilize anyone in the Special Investigation Bureau and grasp any action of the Special Investigation Bureau. Like a blind and deaf retarded clown, there was nothing to do to reverse this passivity, and how much daunting resistance and danger this passivity brought to his underground work.

Yu Beiping is like a genius with an explosive IQ throughout the play, and in every round of the confrontation with the villain Zheng Yi, both sides can accurately analyze each other's psychological ideas and the next action trajectory, which can be called two gods. At the same time, Yu Beiping is like an incompetent clown, a person with a gray head and a dirty face who is surrounded by Zheng Yi's mobilization of global personnel. Completely allowed All the personnel in Zheng Yi's mobilization bureau to monitor him as the number one. The backbone of the entire Special Investigation Bureau all regarded Yu Beiping as a communist, and joined forces to conceal and monitor him and his daughter. This role is simply the lowest ability and the most stingy senior idiot agent in the history of the spy war drama, I don't know what the director's purpose is to shape the plot like this? Is it to highlight the enormity of underground work?

The embarrassment of the whole drama is that all the actors are all acting online, which is a huge contrast with the paleness of the plot. Despite the role, Chen Jianbin has made Yu Beiping's introverted, forbearing, and tenacious grasp at ease. Recognized as the great beauty Yu Feihong portrayed a capable and firm secret agent Zheng Yi as remarkable, the character and acting skills are not inferior to Li Ya in "Latent", there is no trace of personal greed, for the sake of the country and faith, even if it is clear that the Kuomintang building will fall, it is still unmoved to find the enemy lurking inside. Wu Kuncai (played by Cao Weiyu), the number one supporting role, as the director of the Special Investigation Bureau, brings to life a shrewd, corrupt, thoughtful, and sophisticated MIDDLE AND LOWER-level Kuomintang official. Special Investigation Bureau Action Captain Sun Deli (played by He Tiehong, who once played the big gangster Zhou Guoquan in "Conquest") vividly portrays a vulgar snobbish, wind-driven, and flattering low-level Kuomintang petty official into life. Personally, I think the biggest highlight is Lin Sha (played by Qi Xi), the captain liaison officer of the US military stationed in Qingcheng Port, as the plot progresses, Lin Sha is not only an underground worker of our party, but also the daughter of Yu Beiping who has been lost for many years. LinSha's style is capable, her actions are bold, and her emotions are realistic. Finally, in order to cover his father Yu Beiping, but also to protect his half-sister Dani, without hesitation, he chose to die with Zheng Yi, seeing that victory was coming, the dawn was in sight, but Lin Sha fell before dawn.

It is a pity that the full dedication and sincere acting skills of all the actors were wasted in vain by a spy drama full of loopholes.

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