
Married women engage in extramarital affairs, and they do not recognize their relatives

author:A Feng miscellaneous vlog

There was a woman named Sub-Position, 33 years old, young and beautiful, energetic.

Met a man in his mid-40s who is hard-working, earns money, and is a middle manager in the company.

Women love that emotion in the career field.

After meeting the handsome male boss and caring about her so much, unconsciously, he fell in love with this man. In order to please men, he used all his strength.

The woman told the man about her family misfortune: the husband was honest and veneer, did not understand romance, only knew how to work, was an ordinary mechanic in the factory, did not have any high income, and only knew frugality.

I have lived with my husband for more than ten years, my husband and wife life has been bad, I have never enjoyed the so-called "orgasm", I often quarrel with myself, I don't listen to my words, and so on.

Women also plan their future for men: divorced their husbands two years later, at that time, the children are older, there is no concern, they go to work in other places, buy their own houses, and create their own future together.

Anyway, it's a stomach full of bitter water.

Under the attack of warmth, the man compromised and the two cheated.

Men buy a lot of gifts for women and spend a lot of money on them. Take good care of women.

The woman was incredibly sweet.

And promised his boyfriend that he had slept separately from his husband and would no longer have any marital relationship with his husband. Once the husband knows about this, he immediately divorces the husband and so on.

He also said to his boyfriend: I only love him.

After three years, the woman's husband knew about it. Ask her what to do?

The woman said that she didn't want to divorce, that it was the man who seduced her, not voluntarily. Push all the responsibilities clean, and promise your husband that you will live a good life with your husband in the future.

When the boyfriend asks her what to do in the future.

This woman said: I never loved you. You forced me to be with you. I didn't volunteer.

He also blocked his boyfriend's mobile phone number and WeChat id.

Wash yourself clean.

The boyfriend was speechless.

At this moment, the boyfriend has spent more than a million on women.

Women are fierce, married women are even more fierce, and women who are married and have an affair are fierce.

This is the true story of a netizen.

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