
Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first prize in the speech competition of "Clean Hospital Construction" of the city's health system

author:The right to know Suizhou

Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first prize in the speech contest of "Clean Hospital Construction" of the city's health system

On June 28, in the speech contest of "Clean Hospital Construction" of the city's health system held by the Suizhou Municipal Health Commission, He Junwei, the representative of Suizhou Zengdu District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, stood out among the 13 participants and won the first prize.

Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first prize in the speech competition of "Clean Hospital Construction" of the city's health system

It is reported that the Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine attaches great importance to the "Construction of a Clean Hospital" speech contest, starting from the broad and profound Chinese medicine culture, from the spring warmth of the apricot forest to the great doctors, from the avoidance of illness to the prevention of microscopic diseases, the traditional Chinese medicine culture and the culture of integrity, an important part of the traditional Chinese virtues, into "Promoting the Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Inheriting the True Colors of Integrity", teaching medical workers to draw spiritual nutrients from the traditional culture of integrity, carving the sincerity of the doctors, and practicing great love without borders!

Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first prize in the speech competition of "Clean Hospital Construction" of the city's health system
Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first prize in the speech competition of "Clean Hospital Construction" of the city's health system

The purpose of this competition is to strengthen the awareness of integrity among cadres and employees in the city's health system, establish a culture of integrity, promote the clean style of health and health, be learners, practitioners and communicators of clean and honest construction, and promote the construction of clean hospitals. Zengdu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will take this event as an opportunity to vigorously promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, inherit the true character of integrity, deepen the construction of clean hospitals, provide a solid political guarantee for the high-quality development of hospitals, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a clean and healthy Suizhou. (Correspondent: Yu Yang)

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