
Recommend a good Korean horror film "Cry"

author:Sister Na from the Orangutan Ball
Recommend a good Korean horror film "Cry"

Director: Luo Hongyi

Writers: Luo Hongyi

Starring: Koo Do-won / Hwang Jeong-min / Chun Woo-hee / Kokumura Hayabusa / Kim Ki-cheon

Release: 2016-05-11

Recommend a good Korean horror film "Cry"

An unknown mysterious figure (Hayabusa Kunimura) arrives in a small town called Tanijo, and he is scorned by the local residents as a "Japanese Yankee", and builds a house in the depths of the forest far away from the residential area, and since then, strange things have begun to happen. The townspeople had a strange disease, had a rash on their bodies, and their temper had become very grumpy. Later, a couple was found dead in their cabin, suspected of being a relative who had eaten some magical mushroom. This case, along with a subsequent arson that killed many people, frightens the police officer Zhong Jiu (Guo Daoyuan).

Zhong Jiu began to have nightmares, in which he fought a monster. A local poacher claimed that he had seen identical-looking beasts running at great speed through the forest and swallowing a deer alive. Unexpectedly courageous, Zhong Jiu took a few reluctant colleagues to investigate, and inadvertently stumbled into the Japanese Yankee's hiding place— there was a black dog guarding outside, and there were many secret rooms inside.

Then, Zhong Jiu's daughter also suffered from a strange berserk disease, so he finally made up his mind to find out. As evil envelops the entire town, all the characters are in the grip of the devil.

Recommend a good Korean horror film "Cry"

Seriously, when I first watched this movie, I was a little excited at night and couldn't sleep, because there were a lot of reversals and there were a lot of places I couldn't understand, anyway, this movie was absolutely incomprehensible to watch with my IQ, after watching the first time I didn't even know which was the good guy and which was the bad guy, and then brushed a few times to gradually figure out a little!

Recommend a good Korean horror film "Cry"

Although it is a little difficult to understand, but it is still a horror movie that is highly recommended for everyone to watch, do you have a small partner who understands?

Recommend a good Korean horror film "Cry"

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