
The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win

author:Idle people talk about basketball

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest lineup surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win!

After the Lakers suffered eight consecutive defeats, finally in the ninth game, 121-118 to beat the Grizzlies, to win the first victory of the season, this game the Grizzlies this group of young players played their own speed and explosive advantages, fighting very fiercely, and the Lakers this gang of old players but play their own experience, and the advantages of on-the-spot resilience, the two sides you come and go, play is difficult to solve, the game ups and downs, the process is very exciting, really gripping!

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win

Before the game, Vogel said that he would change the lineup in this game, because no lineup can be invincible, so he has to try various lineup changes, he has tried several lineups before, most of the time, Vogel is the "Big Three" with a little Jordan, or bring Howard, plus a Bazemore, this is the most used set of lineups by the Lakers so far this season, but repeatedly failed, it seems that it must change.

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win

So in this game, what sets of lineups did the Lakers use, and what changes did Vogel have? In the first quarter, Vogel still used the old lineup, James, Jordan Jr., Thick Brow Brother, Westbrook and Bazemore five starters, the result of this lineup started unfavorably, and even was suppressed by the Grizzlies, half a quarter just passed, this lineup was played by the Grizzlies a wave of 17-7 attack wave, in the middle, Vogel substitution, sent Anthony and Munch, 2 minutes and 16 seconds and replaced by Reeves, the result of Munch running fast to score a layup, and Anthony scored 5 points in a row, the Lakers set off an offensive wave, a wave covered a wave, The Lakers blasted out a wave of 22-7 attacks, and this lineup is Anthony, Westbrook, Reeves, Munch and Anthony, that is, the lineup of three old and two young, which shows that this lineup does have the upper hand.

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win

In the second quarter, Vogel continued to change the lineup, let Howard, Anthony, Reeves, James and Westbrook, this is the lineup of four old and one young, the result of this lineup played for 3 minutes, no effect, and the Grizzlies are still difficult to score high, Vogel decisively changed the lineup, sent Munch again, while the thick eyebrow brother replaced Howard, this is a set of James, thick eyebrow brother, Westbrook, Reeves and Munch lineup, still three old and two young, the result of the thick eyebrow brother, Anthony and Munch troika drove together, successively killed to the basket to cut 6 points, Westbrook suddenly broke out, It's another shot, another breakthrough, and three points, 9 points in a row, this set of three old and two young lineups once again set off an offensive climax, and will reverse the score.

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win

In the third quarter, the starting points are James, Jordan Jr., Westbrook, Thick Brow Brother and Bazemore, the old lineup, the result of the offensive end is still passable, Jordan Jr. completed the dunk, Thick Brow Brother and Bazemore also hit three points, the two sides launched a confrontational war, but the defensive old arms and legs could not keep up, but the Grizzlies hit a climax, the Grizzlies continuously played counterattacks, the speed is getting faster and faster, fortunately, Anthony and James took out the three-point sight that they had collected for many years, and hit three points successively, otherwise they were almost taken away by the Grizzlies' gang of boys. After three quarters, the Lakers still fell behind 87-90.

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win

In the last quarter, Vogel finally found that it was still a three-old and two-young lineup reliable, so in the fourth quarter Vogel sent James, thick eyebrows, Anthony + Munch and Rivers two young players, James a three-shot start, Anthony's feel continued, consecutive hits of three points, Reeves but stepped on the Hot Wheel to get rid of the rabbit like a fast attack, Munch shot a three-point shot, this set of three-old and two-point lineup blasted a wave of 14-3 attack waves, laying a solid foundation for the Lakers' final victory.

It is not difficult to see above that the Victory of the Lakers in this game is indeed directly related to The Vogel change, and the strongest set of lineups is three old and two young, the facts have proved that the lineup of the four old men is not good, one is not able to run, the second is that the defense cannot keep up, the three old plus two are less, but it can make up for this deficiency to a certain extent, the Lakers finally have a strongest set of lineups surfaced, Vogel finally found the key to open the door to victory, stopped losing consecutively, and the Lakers' prospects have suddenly become open!

The Lakers beat the Grizzlies, a strongest roster surfaced, and Vogel found the magic weapon to win