
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

author:Artistic necessities

"Don't each of us have two hearts?" The secret heart is crouched behind the well-known, everyday heart that we use, dry and shrunken. ”

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

This is a self-portrait of a post-90s boy named Adam Tan, a New Zealand Chinese painter.

In December 2012, he graduated from Auckland University of Technology with a degree in Graphic Design, majoring in Illustration and Painting.

At the age of 23, he ended his life after leaving 31 paintings after escaping from a mental hospital in Auckland.


Although Adam was young, he became famous in the Auckland art scene early on, holding solo exhibitions, publishing personal illustration collections, and a talented young painter who is considered a rising star.

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

Heaven also mocks the fate of man, especially those who are called "proud sons of heaven."

This wirelessly bound album brings together 31 illustrations made by Adam between 2011 and the first half of 2013, with a total of 44 pages, 18 × 24 centimeters.

It is hard to imagine that this will be Adam's first and last album.

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

Let's start with 14 works by the big boy

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

His unique style and approach, full of vibrant colors, bright and comfortable scenery, and an indescribable power.

The eccentric images that recur in the painting resemble both the black sun and the black hole.

A thin white line like a crack, although I was confused by the second monk, I couldn't help but look at these strange images again.

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

The black shadow in the painting makes people feel confused and swaying, as if they are detached from reality and have no sense of security. The white line also strangles people's breathing, making people breathless.

The tone of Adam's paintings is warm, but because of the black circles, black shadows, and white lines, the whole is shrouded in a thin veil, some gray and cold.

Some people say that it is repression, the repression of the painter Adam, it can not be relieved, desperate, he committed suicide.

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

West Coast Beach, the inspirational habitat of this post-90s big boy. There are winds, waves, endless oceans and vast skies, and in the gap of time, look for inspiration and touch. The hospital room is white on all sides.

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

"Am I a patient?"

The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings
The post-90s child with mental illness committed suicide after leaving 31 paintings

Later, at the age of 23, he "fled" from an Auckland hospital.

A week later, the big boy committed suicide.

Is the world real?

If it's lying

Isn't it ridiculous to be alive