
How can a new car be harmful to health? New research: There may be a variety of carcinogens in the car

Interviewed expert: Zhang Jinliang, researcher of the Environmental Pollution and Health Research Office of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences

Global Times health client reporter Gao Jiayue

There will always be an unpleasant smell when a new car arrives. This is closely related to the various compounds emitted by materials such as interior leather, plastic products, adhesives, fabrics and so on. A new study published April 12 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Sciences found that this "new car smell" may bring greater harm to the health of passengers.

Researchers from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Peking University and the Harvard Chen Zengxi School of Public Health formed a joint Sino-US research team to conduct a 12-day observation study of the interior environment of the new car. They measured the concentration of 20 common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air samples taken at different temperatures, from clear weather to cloudy conditions. For example, the concentration of class I carcinogen formaldehyde (commonly found in disinfectants, fungicides, furniture and gas, etc.) exceeded China's national safety standard by 34.9%, the concentration of class II carcinogen acetaldehyde exceeded the safety limit by 60.5%, and the concentration of carcinogen benzene (commonly found in paint, gasoline and cigarettes, etc.) also reached an unsafe level for drivers staying in new cars for a long time (11 hours), but there was no greater risk for occasional passengers (1.5 hours in the car). The results show that the increase in the lifetime risk of cancer caused by multiple VOCs detected in new cars is enough to arouse the vigilance of vehicle users.

The team further analyzed and found that the emission characteristics of VOCs depend on the surface temperature of the material. The longer the new car is exposed to high temperature environment, the higher the temperature inside the car, the greater the concentration of VOCs, and the stronger the health risk to passengers.

Zhang Jinliang, a researcher at the Environmental Pollution and Health Research Office of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, told the "Global Times Health Client" reporter that VOCs are mostly inhaled through breathing, but they also enter the human body through the skin. Long-term exposure to VOCs in vehicles increases the risk of lung cancer, leukemia and lymphoma. PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in new cars are also carcinogenic and teratogenic, which can reduce human immunity, increase depression tendencies, worsen respiratory diseases, and aggravate symptoms of allergies and asthma.

In addition to the harmful gases emitted by new cars, some human factors can also bring pollution inside the car. 1. Car interior decoration. Many people like to change into leather seat covers, lay floor rubber, or cushion seats made of chemical fiber after buying a car, which may release volatile organic pollutants. 2. Ornament contamination. Car perfume is the most common ornament, inferior perfume uses mostly chemical fragrance, which contains aromatic hydrocarbons that will cause damage to the nervous system, and can also stimulate children's respiratory tract and cause asthma. Some people like to place plush toys in the car, the static electricity generated by the plush can accumulate a large number of bacteria, if the cleaning is not in place, the bacteria will spread in the car, causing the passenger's breathing discomfort. 3. Bad driving habits. Smoking in the car will not only bring direct harm to passengers, but also the residual "third-hand smoke" will also endanger health for a long time. There are rotten and moldy food residues, spilled drinks, carpets that have not been cleaned for a long time, etc., which may lead to the growth of bacteria, and long-term exposure to this environment is prone to dizziness, nausea and other discomfort, and even respiratory diseases. If the car air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time, excessive dust will accumulate on the filter and filter element, and with the operation of the air conditioner, harmful mold, bacteria, etc. will be blown into the car.

Compared with the outdoor environment, the space inside the car is small, the air diffusion and exchange capacity is poor, the concentration of pollutants is higher, and the degree of harm to the human body is also higher, which must be paid attention to. In order to reduce the health damage caused by pollution in the car, Zhang Jinliang suggested:

1. Check the proof when buying the car. The mandatory national standard "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Air Quality in Passenger Cars" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") jointly formulated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China stipulates limits for the concentration of eight harmful gases. Among them, the concentration limit of benzene is 0.06 mg/m3, and the concentration limit of formaldehyde is 0.1 mg/m3. When buying a new car, you should choose a car brand that has passed the national environmental protection certification and check whether there is an air quality test certificate. If you feel smoked eyes, stimulated breathing, or even feel dizzy when you test drive a new car, it is recommended to stop using it in time, abandon the purchase, or carry out an in-car air quality test. In addition, do not buy car interior products cheaply, especially should stay away from "three no" products to prevent the content of formaldehyde and other harmful substances from exceeding the standard. Automotive floor adhesive is one of the main sources of pollution in decoration, and priority should be given to the original floor adhesive provided by 4S stores when choosing.

2. Tear off the plastic packaging. After buying a new car, be sure to tear off all kinds of plastic packaging on the car in time to avoid the volatilization of toxic gases released by the car interior, and at the same time avoid the odor of these plastic packaging after exposure to the sun.

3. Do not use various fragrances in the car.

4. More ventilation. The most effective way to remove odors in the car is to open the windows for ventilation and allow the air inside the car to convection with the outside world. It is best to open the doors and windows before using the car, and then get into the car after the air in the car is basically dissipated, especially after sun exposure, the pollution in the car is aggravated, and the ventilation time should be appropriately extended. When the weather is good, if driving on the highway, you can open the outer circulation and sunroof. After parking or parking, a gap can be left in the window or sunroof to maintain air circulation and convection.

5. Use fruits to remove odors. Natural fruits have the effect of removing peculiar odors, such as cut pineapple, peeled grapefruit peel, tea leaves after drinking, etc., you can often put some on the car to absorb peculiar smells, but pay attention to replace them in time to avoid rot; Installing on-board air purifiers and placing regularly replaced activated carbon and bamboo charcoal can also play a role in absorbing odors in the car. ▲

Responsible editor: Deng Yu

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Fang

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