
Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

"One cup of milk a day, strong Chinese", this is the classic milk slogan that many people are very familiar with. Drinking milk often is good for health, and the mainland has been vigorously promoting the benefits of drinking milk, hoping that everyone can drink milk every day.

Not long ago, the 2022 version of the dietary guidelines was published, and compared with the 2016 version of the dietary guidelines, the new guidelines place special emphasis on milk intake. The original recommended milk and dairy products in the 2016 version were 300 grams/day, while the recommended amount in the 2022 version was increased to 300~500 grams/day.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

Chinese Nutrition Society

This change further confirms the importance of drinking milk, and also reflects the importance that the mainland attaches to drinking milk.

Even so, there will still be many different voices in the matter of drinking milk, mixed praise and criticism, and even some people strongly oppose drinking milk. Regarding milk, let's talk about the 10 things that it is "poked" the most.

1, drinking milk is harmful to health, but also leads to precocious puberty?

There are rumors that milk contains hormones, adults drink it is harmful to health, and children will have precocious puberty when they drink it!

The truth is: no!

First of all, there are two sources of estrogen in milk, one is the natural estrogen contained in the milk itself, which comes from the natural secretion of dairy cows during the milk production process; the other is artificially added estrogen, mainly for infertility and estrogen used in the treatment of cow disease. [1]

Among them, natural estrogen is very low in milk, there is no harm to the human body, and many common natural foods contain estrogen or estrogens, such as meat, soy products, etc., and even breast milk also contains estrogen, the content is often higher than milk.

And artificially added estrogen, of course, the state will have restrictions, the mainland "Veterinary Drug Management Regulations" has clear provisions on estrogen drugs, related drugs in animal food can not be detected. Therefore, as long as it is milk purchased by regular manufacturers, there is no need to worry too much about estrogen problems.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

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In addition, there is currently no evidence that drinking milk causes precocious puberty in children or harms children's health. Conversely, several studies have shown that the intake of milk and its products can increase the bone density of children, adolescents and postmenopausal women, which is conducive to the growth and development of children. [2]

Drinking milk in adults does not cause cancer, and studies have shown that milk and its products are not related to risks such as breast and prostate cancer. Drinking milk regularly may also reduce the risk of breast cancer by 16%, and drinking 200 grams of dairy products per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 7%. [2]

In general, as long as it is the milk purchased by regular manufacturers, there is no need to worry about carcinogenic problems, and it is safe to drink.

2. Why should I recommend drinking milk?

Because most people in the mainland do not drink enough recommended milk, according to the "Scientific Research Report on Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2021", the per capita milk intake in mainland cities in 2015 only reached 14% of the recommended amount of the 2016 dietary guidelines, and the rural areas were even lower.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

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In other words, most people on the mainland do not drink enough milk. Milk is a good source of calcium supplementation, and if there is insufficient milk intake for a long time, it may increase the risk of calcium deficiency.

In addition to calcium supplementation, milk can also provide high-quality protein and vitamin B2, and the lactose in milk can also promote the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc.

3. Is a pound of milk a day scientific?

The reason why it is recommended to have a pound of milk per day is because for special people with high calcium demand, even if they insist on drinking 300 ml of milk every day, it is still difficult to supplement calcium. For example, adolescents who are growing and developing, women in the middle and third trimesters, nursing mothers, and people over 50 years old.

If you drink 300 ml of milk per day, you can supplement 321 mg of calcium, which is obviously not enough for people with higher calcium requirements, which means that you need to consume 500 to 900 mg of calcium from other foods.

In addition to milk, green leafy vegetables, soy products are also the source of calcium supplementation, but affected by phytic acid, oxalic acid, etc., the absorption rate is mostly not as good as milk, such as the calcium absorption rate of tofu is only 15%; the calcium content of celery is higher than that of milk for 191mg/100g, but the content of oxalic acid is as high as 231mg/100g, the available calcium is only 79mg/100g, the calcium content of leeks is 105mg/100g, the oxalic acid is as high as 162mg/100g, and the available calcium is only 34mg/100g. [3] Therefore, it is necessary to increase the intake of milk to reach the amount of 1 catty per day.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

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4. Should lactose intolerance be withdrawn from milk?

Lactose intolerance is common in the mainland, and such people lack lactase in the intestines to break down lactose, and discomfort after drinking milk will occur, such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. But even if you have lactose intolerance, it doesn't mean you need to quit milk. We recommend trying these 4 methods:

Drink yogurt: During the fermentation process of yogurt, lactose will be fermented by microorganisms to produce lactic acid, reducing lactose content and alleviating the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Studies have also shown that increasing yogurt intake can improve symptoms of lactose intolerance. [2]

Drink 0 lactose or low lactose milk: a special process is used to hydrolyze the lactose in the milk, which is very suitable for lactose intolerant patients.

People with only very mild lactose intolerance can try to improve lactose tolerance: during or after each meal, drink 60 to 120 ml of pure milk 2 to 3 times a day for 3 weeks of observation, slowly inducing the intestine to increase lactose tolerance. [4]

Low-salt cheese: According to the protein ratio, 10 grams of cheese is equivalent to 100 grams of milk.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

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5, is not like to drink milk, why supplement nutrition?

Some friends just don't like the taste of milk, some people are allergic to dairy products and really can't enjoy it, and some friends still have doubts about milk and don't want to drink it. So how can such people supplement calcium?

For people who do not like the taste of milk, milk and fruit can be made together into a milkshake, such as strawberry milkshake, banana milkshake, mango milkshake, etc., the taste is mostly acceptable; milk or milk powder can also be used to make custard and steamed buns; yogurt and cheese are also good choices.

According to the protein ratio: 12.5 grams of milk powder is equivalent to 100 grams of milk.

For people with milk allergies, they cannot eat any dairy products and often worry about insufficient calcium intake. It is recommended that vegetables with higher calcium content, such as rapeseed, cabbage, radish, fennel, coriander, and vegetables with high oxalic acid such as spinach, amaranth, hollow cabbage, celery, etc. can be blanched before eating. Eat enough vegetables to eat 300 to 500 grams a day, and 1 fist is about 100 grams after cooking.

Soy products are recommended to eat at least 50 grams of soybeans, such as 2 fists of northern tofu or 4 pieces of dried tofu or 1.5 fists of shredded tofu.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

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In addition, it can also be appropriately supplemented with calcium, it is recommended to choose a small dose, preferably each tablet contains 100 ~ 300 mg of calcium, can be flexibly supplemented.

6, drink milk will burst acne, what to do?

Many friends actually like to drink milk, but what is helpless is that when they drink milk, their faces are full of acne. This may occur because of the presence of food intolerance to milk, and the casein in milk can promote the secretion of insulin and IGF-1, resulting in acne. [5]

In particular, skim milk may be more serious than whole milk, so it is also mentioned in the "Chinese Acne Treatment Guidelines (2019 Revision)" that if you have acne and pay special attention to limiting the intake of skim milk, you can try sugar-free yogurt and low-salt cheese.

7, milk and citrus fruits phase gram?

There are rumors that milk and citrus fruits can not be eaten together, and milk will degenerate and precipitate after encountering citric acid in oranges, resulting in stones.

The truth is: milk and citrus fruits meet may indeed appear precipitation, but this is because the organic acid in the fruit breaks the acid-base balance, in the pH just reached the protein isoelectric point, the protein particles in the milk because of the weakening of the intermolecular force, easy to collide, condensation, so that a flocculent precipitate, but these precipitates are also edible, many cheeses are produced in this way.

Even if it is not eaten with fruit, the milk will precipitate and coagulate after encountering stomach acid. Therefore, milk and citrus fruits can be eaten together with confidence, and they will not be poisoned or stoned.

8, drink milk, smear milk, can whiten?

Can milk be whitened if it is white? Black people also drank milk, and their skin color was still dark.

The main components of milk are water, protein, fat, calcium, etc., these ingredients have no special effect on whitening, even if you wash your face with milk every day, you will not whiten.

Skin color is closely related to genetic and environmental factors, and it is not something that can be changed by eating any kind of food. Drinking milk is recommended, but don't expect whitening; as for washing your face with milk, don't waste it.

Carcinogenic? Precocious puberty? Love pops? 10 questions about drinking milk, tell you the answers now!

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9, long shelf life of milk secretly added preservatives?

Many of the milks on the market have a shelf life of up to 6 months, so some people think that they have secretly added preservatives.

In fact, milk does not need to add preservatives, and the shelf life depends on the sterilization method of milk.

The shelf life of milk using pasteurization is generally short, generally 7 days, and it needs to be refrigerated and stored; and the milk that uses ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization has almost eliminated all microorganisms and bacteria in the sterilization process, so it can still be stored for a long time without preservatives, generally up to 6 months, and can be stored at room temperature.

10. The milk in the transparent bag is fresher and more nutritious?

Now there are many transparent bags of milk on the market, the price is relatively high, you can directly see the true color of milk, giving people a very fresh feeling. Many consumers also prefer to buy this type of milk, believing that it is more nutritious and more reassuring to drink.

In fact, the transparent packaging bag does not mean that the milk is fresher and more nutritious. Vitamin B2 in milk is a photosensitive substance that is unstable under light. Milk in transparent bags is often directly exposed to sunlight and light, which may increase the loss of vitamin B2 in milk.

The opaque milk packaging can be stored away from light, thus better protecting the nutrients in the milk.


From the perspective of calcium supplementation and disease prevention, 300 to 500 ml of milk per day is necessary. If you particularly like to drink milk, drink more than 500 ml a day, then it is more recommended to choose low-fat milk, or reduce the intake of other fats in moderation, and avoid total energy exceeding the standard.

Author | Xue Qingxin Member Registered Dietitian Of the Chinese Nutrition SocietyRegist registered nutrition technician Health Manager Public Dietitian

Audit | Song Shuang, Associate Researcher, Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Editor-in-charge | Ding Kun

This article is produced by "Scientific Debunking" (ID: Science_Facts), please indicate the source when reprinting.

This article is from the copyright gallery of images and is not reproduced with permission.


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Chen Jian, Sai Xiaoyong. Research progress on lactose intolerance[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2016, 37(2):299-302.

Xiao Qingqing,Gao Shangpu,Song Yu. Research progress of diet in the incidence of acne[J].World Latest Medical Information Abstracts,2019,19(92):92-93.DOI:10.19613/j.cnki.1671-3141.2019.92.045.

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