
Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

Wiping glass, washing clothes, brushing toilets, all without the help of chemical cleaning products.

There is a lot of learning and confusion:

I heard that some laundry detergents cause cancer?

Can disinfectant be used to wash clothes?

Will the cleanser harm your child's body?

You care about these problems, this article has, carefully read can improve the cleaning safety factor and cleaning efficiency Oh.

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

1. Is the 9.9 yuan laundry detergent sold by the supermarket safe?

not necessarily. It mainly depends on whether the production is standardized.

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

(Image source: Weibo)

If you want to buy reliable laundry detergent, you mainly look at two points:

First of all, we must distinguish whether the brand is "Oisa (Miao)", "Li Ri (White)", "Zhao (Super) Energy", "Bilang (Wave)", "Blue Moon Shell (Bright)" and other cottage goods. Then see if there is valid information such as production address, production batch number, production date, shelf life [1], and the handwriting should be clear and easy to identify. Try to buy in large supermarkets, and the purchase channels are guaranteed.

2. Soap, washing powder, laundry detergent, which is better?

There is no such thing as good or bad.

Soap has good decontamination ability, less foam, easy to rinse, and less damage to opponents and clothes. Hand wash small pieces of clothing and local stains, with soap.

Laundry detergent is alkaline, good stain removal, but irritation to the skin, suitable for machine washing is dirty, and carry cotton and linen, chemical fiber fabrics, such as thick coats, curtains, sofa covers, etc. Silk hairs are very squeamish, do not use washing powder.

Laundry detergent is gentler and easier to rinse, making it suitable for washing intimate clothing.

3. Detergents and clothing softeners have formaldehyde, really?


Washing products may contain methylisothiazolinone and DMDM hydantoin, often used as a preservative, but formaldehyde is released.

It is best to avoid buying washing products containing these ingredients, and be sure to rinse them when washing clothes.

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

(Image source: Internet)

4. Baby Laundry Detergent does not contain carcinogenic ingredients, really?

not necessarily.

It depends on whether there are possible carcinogenic ingredients in the instructions. For example, cocamide DEA can increase foam, but it is easy to cause skin allergies and is listed as a carcinogen chemical [2].

Methylisothiazolinone and DMDM hydantoin are commonly used preservatives that release formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) [3].

It is best not to even have whitening agents, fragrances, etc.

For the sake of safety, no matter which product you choose, rinse it several times.

5. Is the more laundry disinfectant poured, the better?


Many disinfectants are very irritating and corrosive, and too much will irritate the respiratory tract and skin mucous membranes. It is recommended to use it according to the instructions.

6. Can I wash my clothes with 84 disinfectant?


84 disinfectant is highly corrosive and easy to corrode clothing; there is also a bleaching effect, so that clothes fade.

If you must use it, you can match the proportion according to the instructions, and try it out in a small area first. If there is no corrosion or fading phenomenon, continue to use.

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

7.84 Can I add some water to the disinfectant liquid?

No way!

84 disinfectant should be diluted and used, and the dilution concentration is generally marked on the bottle. Daily household disinfection is generally 1:100, plus 1 bottle of cap disinfectant, you have to add 99 bottles of cap water.

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

(Image source: Internet)

8. 84 Disinfectant accidentally got on your hands, don't get in the way, right?

Of course it gets in the way!

84 disinfectant is irritating and corrosive, and high concentrations will make the skin white, red and swollen, blistering, etc. If you accidentally get it on your hands, wash it immediately with plenty of water or light soap and apply a moisturizer.

9. Is the effect of "bacteriostatic" hand sanitizer better than ordinary?

not necessarily.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes that there is no scientific evidence that bacteriostatic hand sanitizers are more effective than regular hand sanitizers.

The FDA also issued a ban in 2016, requiring that bacteriostatic cleaning products containing certain active ingredients (bacteriostatic soap, bacteriostatic hand sanitizer, bacteriostatic laundry detergent, etc.) should not continue to be sold [4].

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

10. Disinfect your child's belongings, what kind of disinfectant is effective and safe?

Choose medium- and inefficient disinfectants, such as Lysol water, disinfectant alcohol, etc. [5].

If you have a patient with an infectious disease at home, you can choose a highly effective disinfectant, such as peracetic acid, 84 disinfectant, etc. [5]. After disinfection, be sure to wipe or rinse with water.

11. Can infants and young children use alcohol hand sanitizer?

Can be used occasionally.

Your baby's long-term use of alcohol leave-in disinfectant can easily irritate the skin and may cause alcohol poisoning due to accidental consumption [6]. Occasional emergencies are fine, but let your baby rub his hands well until they are completely dry.

12. What should I do if I accidentally drank 84 disinfectant?

Heal right away! Don't induce vomiting yourself!

Doctors may do gastric lavage and intravenous fluids [7].

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

13. I heard that dish soap can cause infertility, really?


There are currently no studies that suggest that dish soap is associated with infertility. Infertility may be associated with endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, oligospermia, and other conditions.

14. Is fruit and vegetable dishwashing detergent really non-toxic to the human body?

Regular products are fine.

The "GB9985-2000 - Detergent for Hand Washing Tableware" issued by the state contains a series of indicators such as fluorescent brighteners, methanol, formaldehyde, arsenic, heavy metals, colonies, etc. The dish soap produced by regular manufacturers is non-toxic.

I really don't feel at ease, just rinse a few times.

15. Does dish soap really hurt your hands?

It's possible.

Dish soap is to deal with oily leftovers, stain-removing, and really not very friendly to the skin. You can choose a "hands-free" dish soap, which is a product containing methyl fatty acid sulfonate (MES). The easiest way to do this is to wear gloves.

16.84 Is it a rumor that disinfectant cannot be used with toilet cleaners?


Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

(Image source: Weibo)

84 Disinfectant and toilet cleaner mix will produce chlorine gas, irritate the eyes, respiratory tract, and may be life-threatening if inhaled in large quantities.

The toilet cleaner itself has the dual role of cleaning and disinfection. If you have to use 84 disinfectant, you must at least 30 minutes away from the toilet cleaner.

17. Kitchen fume cleaner is so powerful, it must be toxic, right?

It's possible.

It may contain ether-based solvents [8], and inhalation may cause dizziness and vomiting. Be sure to open the window for ventilation when using it.

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

18. I heard that detergents contain surfactants that corrode the skin?

Do pay attention to hand guards.

Surfactants can damage the stratum corneum of the skin, causing symptoms such as dryness, itching, and erythema [9]. Products containing mild ingredients such as sodium cocoyl isethionate can be selected and applied to emollients in a timely manner.

19. Is air freshener toxic?

It may make you uncomfortable.

Air fresheners may contain a variety of volatile organic compounds [10], and excessive spraying may lead to nausea and vomiting, so it is necessary to open windows in time for ventilation.

20.Will the washing machine sink cleaner hurt the body?


There are currently two types: strong oxidation and weakly acidic curing .[11]

The former has a bleaching effect, and it needs to be rinsed after use to prevent the clothes from fading.

The latter has a stronger descaling ability. As long as you wash according to the amount of instructions and the amount of water added, there is no harm to the body.

How to choose a household cleaner to be healthy

Do you understand everything?

Send you a little Easter egg again -

Stop! This laundry detergent is best used sparingly, and quickly tell the family

Hurry up and share this article with family and friends~

Contributing Author: Zhou Zhanfan | Attending surgeon of the Second Hospital of Shunyi District


Bao Huiling | Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Pediatrics, Peking University Third Hospital

Chen Xiaoling | Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology, The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University


[1] GB/T 36970-2018 "Instructions for use of consumer goods, labeling of washing products"



[4] Focus, on, Surfactants, et al. FDA issues final rule on safety and effectiveness of antibacterial soaps[J]. Focus on Surfactants, 2016, 2016(10):4-4.

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[6] Santos C , Kieszak S , Wang A , et al. Reported Adverse Health Effects in Children from Ingestion of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers — United States, 2011–2014[J]. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2017, 66(8):223-226.

[7] Douglas S Fishman.Caustic esophageal injury in children . uptodate . 2020

Wu Jinlan,Yang Yang. Detection of 8 organic solvents in oil scale cleaner[J].China Chemical Trade, 2018, 010(020):101.

[9] Xu Bin, Yin Qingchun, Cheng Yan, et al. The interaction between surfactants and skin[J].Daily Chemical Sciences, 2017, 40(002):55-57.

[10] Fu Xiaoxin, Wang Xinming, Francois, et al. Composition of volatile organic compounds in air fresheners and their potential impact on indoor air quality[J].Environmental Chemistry,2012.

Zhao Huiang,Yu Wen. The current situation of washing machine cleaning agents[J].China Detergent Industry,2019,000(001):65-68.

ZHAO Qian. 10 Kinds of Natural Cleaners To Return Your Green Home[J]. Frontiers in Medicine, 2010.

Yu Tinglin. Laundry tips[J]. Everyone's Health, 2014.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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