
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

author:Pippi Films

丨This article was first published in the Pippi movie

Pippi Movies / A great movie recommendation every day

Action superstar Tony Ja is now Thailand's Kung Fu Emperor.

Although he starred in his first film "Invincible Killer" as early as 1994, it was 2003's "Boxer" that made him popular all over the world.

Tony Jia, who was still a rookie at the time, conquered audiences around the world with unprecedentedly difficult martial arts moves.

At that time, Pico was originally immersed in the action movie world of Jackie Chan and Jet Li, but after watching the film, he was quickly fanned.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Comparing "Boxer" to those mature Hong Kong kung fu films, it is easy to see the roughness of its action design, but the fierce punching style of fist to flesh and the real fight that completely abandons Wei wei and assists it is refreshing.

Director Plachia Pinkyao does know how to shoot the shocking effect of Muay Thai play, and Tony Jai' high-altitude legwork with Muay Thai as the table and taekwondo as the base can't help but clap his hands.

By 2005's "Tom Yin Gong", Plachia decided to further upgrade the shooting method, and the actors also added several heavyweight action stars, 111 minutes, no stand-ins, fist-to-flesh hand-to-hand combat, but also made this film a benchmark for kung fu movies in the new century.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

In the film, Tony Jia plays Ah Jin, a young peasant who grew up in the primeval jungles of Thailand and lived a peaceful life without controversy. Ah Jin's family has elephants, and the relationship between people and elephants is close and deep.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Ah Jin's father, Ah Kai, was a former royal guard and had always hoped that one day he would be able to dedicate the family's most beautiful elephant fraternity to the Thai Emperor.

Ah Jin also learned Muay Thai from his father from an early age, in order to be able to enter the palace to defend the king.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

On Songkran Day, Akai asked the local governor, Su Bao, to sacrifice the elephant to the king, but Su Bao colluded with the gang to sell the elephant to Australia.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

The gang leader shot and wounded Akai, and then drove the elephant fraternity and the baby elephant Xiaokang to the car.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

An angry Ah Jin broke into the base of the gang alone and beat the underworld to pieces.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Learning from the gang leader that both elephants were taken to Sydney, Australia by a man named Johnny, Ah Jin traveled to Sydney alone to find his love elephant.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

The main story line of "Fist Fighter" is to find the head of the Buddha, the main story line of "Tom Yin Gong" is to find elephants, Buddha and elephants are the most representative cultural symbols in Thailand; and the title of the film "Tom Yin Gong" We all know that it is actually a famous soup in Thailand, one of the world's top ten famous soups, and the most representative Thai food.

In Thai, "Tom Yin" means sour and spicy, "Gong" means shrimp, and "Tom Yin Gong" is actually sour and spicy shrimp soup.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

The story about the movie Pigo did not want to introduce more, because the main line is extremely simple, that is, the young Ah Jin went to Sydney to find an elephant, and the process was spoken with his fists from beginning to end.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

What needs to be said in detail is the intensive action scenes in the movie, which is simply playing to the peak.

After the little knife fight in the gangster's lair, it was followed by a river boat chase scene with strong Thai characteristics.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Although the duration is not long, it is also thrilling, and many buildings have been damaged, and it is obvious that it is deliberate to burn money, which can also be seen to be sincere.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

After arriving in Sydney, Ah Jin also quickly found Johnny and pursued him desperately, buddha to kill Buddha, demons to kill demons.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

There is a shot of Bruce Lee kicking the lamp, which actually shows his true skills in practicing taekwondo for many years.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Because of the breach of Johnny's crime scene where the drug trade is taking place, Johnny is extremely upset and orders his men to surround him one by one.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

This fight also pays tribute to Tony Jia's idol Jackie Chan, and many flashes and movements are like The Jackie Chan fighting style.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

The first action shot in the film also appears here, from the two parked cars all the way to the outside, not only cleverly designed, but also extremely demanding on the actors' movements.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

It turns out that behind Johnny is a multinational gang called Madame Rose, whose main business is drug trafficking, rare animals and underground black shops that deal in rare animal dishes.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Ah Jin found the black shop and fought all the way downstairs to upstairs, eventually knocking Johnny to the ground.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

This is the only and longest action shot in the history of world cinema.

It is said that this long shot NG took 6 times, and each remake had to rearrange those scenes, which was extremely time-consuming and laborious.

Two photographers carried bulky cameras throughout the shoot, and to maintain a constant state of excitement, Tony Jia also used sniffing salt.

It is this craftsmanship that created this long shot of 3 minutes and 56 seconds of fighting action that is still talked about by fans.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Because the black shop was served by the Thai Australian policeman Mark after Ah Jin's meal, Lady Rose was very upset with this, so she sent her subordinates to kill Ah Jin.

This one-on-three wheel battle battle features three kung fu stars, Latif Crowder from California, Caboera, John Finn from the family class, and Nathan Jones from WWE.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Capoeira, also known as the Brazilian War Dance, was created by African slaves who were trafficked to Brazil in the 16th century, and is one of the most important national skills in Brazil. Legend has it that the black slaves created a kung fu routine based on legwork because their hands were tied, which is extremely ornamental and is a unique dance between martial arts and art.

Latif Crowder learned Brazilian war dance from an early age, known as the Prince of Capoeira of Brazil, and is now developing in the United States, in addition to this film, he has also participated in films such as "Falcon Burst" and "Twilight 4: Breaking Dawn (Part 2)".

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

John Finn from the Chengjia class is a mixed Chinese and Irish-born child who practiced Chinese Kung Fu from an early age.

In the film, John Finn played a big knife, and he also participated in 2010's "Reinventing the Warrior".

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

WWE star Nathan Jones retired from the military in 2005 and worked in films, starring in Jackie Chan's "Police Story 4"; playing the beaten Hercules in Jet Li's "Huo Yuanjia"; and he was also featured in the Hollywood movie "Troy".

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

At the end of this action scene, Ah Jin is beaten by Nathan, and after regrouping, he hits Lady Rose's lair alone.

When he saw that his beloved elephant fraternity had been killed and made into an elephant bone, Ah Jin was completely enraged.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Good! Next, I want to talk about Pigo's favorite highlight, that is, the 1 pair of N Muay Thai 100 people chop! Ah Jin used a kind of grappling and splitting skills to destroy the group of men who had rushed up to Madame Rose one by one.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Many people can't name this kung fu, right? This is an ancient martial art in Muay Thai called "Smashing Elephant", which literally translates to "smashing elephant".

The specific operation is to break the joints and bones of the opponent with heavy blows and smashing, which of course requires heavy hands and fists to do, and further proves the fierceness and fierceness of Muay Thai.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Later, Ah Jin tied the elephant's leg bones to his hands, and with the technique of picking 4 strong men in 1, it was also "smashing elephants".

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

The key to victory is to use broken elephant bones to cut the hands and ankles of the strong men, and to see the hair in people's hearts.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

In the end, Ah Jin kicked down the old butler in the air, and used a move "four eight four" to shoot Mrs. Rose down from the helicopter, and the high-rise building in the background is obviously composite, which is estimated to be the effect made after the shed shooting, but it is also very shocking.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Ah Jin and Lady Rose both fell from the roof of the building, and Lady Rose was killed on the spot; Ah Jin fell on the tusks of fraternity, just like Jesus in the arms of the Virgin Mary, this shot actually has a Christian connotation.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

In fact, Pigo knew Venus earlier than many people, and the Rose Lady she played in this film really made people grit their teeth and impressed Pig.

Since "Tom Yin Gong", Pigo has suddenly had a good feeling for Venus, because although she was not well known to mainland audiences at that time, she could see her performance efforts and acting skills were also very outstanding, which showed that she was a serious and dedicated person.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

The ending of the film borrows from the policeman Mark to interpret the environmental theme of the film: for a long time, Thailand has been marked by elephants, and we regard elephants as brothers and relatives.

Thais are against anyone hurting elephants, Thais love peace, but we don't love people doing something wrong.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Mark is played by the famous Thai comedian Patchathai Wang Kamrao, who has a good relationship with Tony Jia, and his funny action movie "Bangkok Bodyguard" series has a cameo appearance by Tony Jia.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie
If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

If "Boxer" made Tony Jia a blockbuster, "Tom Yin Gong" is a masterpiece that established his status as a Thai kung fu movie star, and its benchmarking status is beyond doubt.

Remember Indonesia's "Raid" male protagonist Iko Uas, his debut work "Jingwu Warrior", from the appearance to the action is imitating the image of Ah Jin in this film, at that time also known as "Indonesian Tony Jia", which shows the influence of "Tom Yin Gong" in Asia and even the world.

If it weren't for the superstar Tony Jha, I wouldn't have known that Venus had acted in such a bullish action movie

Although Tony Jia was silent for 3 years after this film (he went to the monastery to become a monk), he continued to work hard after his return, and in recent years, he has also developed smoothly. Next, he will also participate in the New Year blockbuster "Detective Chinatown 3" in the Spring Festival next year, and Pi Ge is really looking forward to this movie.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: Bloody Dan Heart

© Original 丨 Article Copyright: Ppdianying

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