
Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?
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Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

In 2006, the entertainment industry exploded. The famous host Jin Xing and her German husband Hans announced their divorce, and the news spread quickly among the major media like a bombshell.

Beneath the surface of the hustle and bustle lies an untold truth.

What kind of secrets are hidden behind this ups and downs of marriage story? Let's uncover this moving story of love, identity, and family responsibilities.

Venus's story begins with her childhood. From an early age, she showed a unique trait. While other boys are playing, young Venus prefers to be close to women.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

This tendency does not stem from fear, but from an indescribable affinity. However, at that time, such a trait could only be hidden deep in the heart, like a seed waiting to break through the ground.

As she grew older, Venus's dancing talent gradually revealed. She made her mark in the field of art with amazing perseverance and creativity, eventually becoming one of the pioneers of modern dance theatre in China.

Jin Xing's dancing is unique, and her performance has not only conquered domestic audiences, but also won praise on the international stage. However, behind the glamorous stage career, Jin Xing's inner struggle has never stopped.

She aspires to be her true self and to live in the world as a woman.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

After a long period of thinking and struggling, Venus made a major decision that changed the trajectory of her life – to undergo sex reassignment surgery. This decision requires great courage, as it means facing unknown risks and social skepticism.

Venus firmly believes that this is the only way to the true self.

After the successful operation, Venus regained her public standing in front of the public with a new identity. She calmly faced the attention of the media and said sincerely: "Transgender is just to pursue one's dreams.

Behind this sentence is her search for self-identity and her desire for real life for many years.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

However, the road to transgender has not been easy. Venus had to face a harsh reality: she lost her fertility. This became an irreparable regret in her life.

Despite this, Venus was not defeated. She faces life with a positive and optimistic attitude, and uses her own experience to interpret the diversity of life and the value of pursuing the true self.

The transformation of Venus is not only a person's self-realization, but also a challenge to the traditional concept of society. Her courage and determination have brought hope and strength to many people in similar predicaments.

Venus proves with her actions that everyone has the right to pursue their true self, no matter how difficult the road may be.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

At a turning point in Venus's life, fate arranges an unexpected encounter for her. On an international flight, she met Hans from Germany. The encounter was like a movie scene, and Hans was fascinated by the charm of Venus and insisted that he fell in love at first sight.

This affection transcends the boundaries of gender and goes straight to the resonance of the soul.

Venus was touched by Hans's sincerity and was also infected by the power of love. She realizes that having a free, genuine relationship is an integral part of life.

Despite having undergone sex reassignment surgery, Venus still longs to have a full married life. So, they embarked on the journey of marriage hand in hand and started a new chapter in their lives.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

Life after marriage is not a fairy tale. As transsexual, Venus faces the reality of not being able to have children. This brutal truth caused great distress to the newlyweds.

They deeply feel that a childless family always seems to be missing something. But they weren't willing to give up on their dream of having a complete family.

After much deliberation, Venus and Hans made an important decision: to complete their family through adoption. This decision is not only an interpretation of mutual love, but also a responsibility for the family.

They adopted three children: the eldest son, Dudu, the second daughter, Nini, and the youngest son, the third child. The arrival of each child has injected new vitality and joy into the family.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

Venus and Hans poured all their love into these three children. Especially Venus, she took her mother's love to the extreme. She often laments: "I am extremely proud not to be the best dancer or the best in the hosting world, but to be the wife of a mother of three children and a German husband."

This sentence not only shows her cherishing of her family, but also shows her tenderness and strength as a mother.

In daily life, Venus's interactions with children are always full of warmth. In the photos circulating on the Internet, we can often see the intimate picture of Venus and her daughter Nini.

From the sunglasses they wear, to the black outfits they wear all over, to Venus sipping delicious ice cream, these heartwarming everyday moments show the true face of a happy family.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

Although Venus was unable to experience pregnancy and fertility firsthand, she experienced the joy and responsibility of parenthood through adopting and raising her three children. She and Hans work together to create a loving family environment for the children.

This family of love, though unusual, is no less warm and strong.

Venus and Hans's happy life seems to be a happy one, but they soon encounter an unexpected challenge. When Jin Xing returned to Shenyang with his eldest son Dudu to apply for household registration, a heartbreaking problem was placed in front of them.

Since Hans is a foreigner, according to the national household registration management regulations, their adopted children cannot successfully obtain a Chinese hukou.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

This news was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shattering the good hopes of Venus and Hans. Not having a hukou means that children will face many difficulties in education, medical care, etc.

As parents, they can't accept that their children's future is limited as a result.

Upon learning of this, Venus fell into deep trouble. She couldn't sleep at night, thinking repeatedly about how to fight for the rights and interests of her children. After many communications with the household registration administration, Jin Xing finally learned of a heart-wrenching solution: in order to apply for a household registration for her adopted child, she must first divorce her foreign spouse.

Hans on the other end of the line was silent for a long time. These few minutes seemed like years to Venus, and her heart hung in her throat, for fear that Hans would leave because of it.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

Hans's answer moved her to tears. "I understand your difficulties and how important it is for children," he said. I will return to my country immediately, and we will go through the divorce procedures together.

This seemingly peaceful divorce contains deep love and sacrifice behind it. Venus and Hans were legally separated, but their hearts were never truly separated.

They still live together, raise children together, and prove with their actions that the power of love and affection transcends the boundaries of the law.

In the days that followed, Venus and Hans faced many challenges. They need to explain this seemingly ridiculous decision to friends and family, and also work to keep the family functioning.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

However, when they see the children growing up happily, they feel that everything is worth it.

This decision also deepened the relationship between Venus and Hans. Their love withstood the test and became more resilient. Although legally separated, they are more spiritually and emotionally intimate.

This experience made them deeply understand that true love is not about possession, but about being willing to make sacrifices for the other person and family.

The story of Venus and Hans shows that the power of love can transcend the eyes of the world and the constraints of the law. Their choices may not be understood by everyone, but they reflect the greatness and selflessness of parental love.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

This experience also made them cherish each other more and cherish this hard-won family.

Venus's transgender experience not only changed the course of her life, but also brought her a series of unprecedented challenges. After sex reassignment surgery, she faced both physical and psychological tests.

Every day, Venus needs to take estrogen on time to maintain feminine characteristics. This is not only a long process, but also requires a lot of perseverance and determination.

Medication is just the beginning of the challenge. Venus also has to deal with societal perceptions and prejudices, as well as the constant adjustment of her own identity. She once admitted on the show that the process was full of hardships, but she never regretted her choice.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

More worryingly, research data shows that the estimated life expectancy of most transgender people is only around 50 to 60 years. In 2021, Venus will be over half a hundred years old, and this reality can't help but make people sigh.

Venus, however, is not depressed. She faces life with a positive and optimistic attitude and cherishes the time she spends with her family.

Venus's experience has also sparked social concern and reflection on the transgender community. Her story has made more people realize that no matter what gender identity, everyone should have the right to pursue their true self and should be understood and respected by society.

Venus proves with her actions that the value of life is not about the length of life, but about how to live your true self.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

In 2018, a surprising news spread throughout the entertainment industry: Venus and Hans held a remarriage ceremony in romantic Italy. This wedding, which was 12 years late, witnessed their sincere feelings across time and difficulties.

With the blessings of family and friends, Venus and Hans once again joined hands in the palace of marriage, interpreting the true meaning of "love will eventually conquer everything" with practical actions.

Today's Venus has a successful career and a happy family. Her intimate interaction with her daughter Nini often appears in the public eye, showing a warm and happy family picture.

Despite the twists and turns in life, Venus and Hans eventually come together and reweave their happy life with love.

Venus, who is transgender and unable to have children, divorced her husband in order to adopt a child, what is the secret behind it?

We wish Venus the best of luck for the rest of her life to continue to live a healthy and happy life with her beloved husband and adorable children. Her story will always inspire us to pursue our true selves and face life's challenges bravely.

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