
The 36-year-old said he really grew up "Bad Boy" Cassano will return to football

On October 10, 2018, local time, Italy Chiavari, former Italian international, known as the "bad boy", Antonio Cassano is about to return to football, he has trained with a Serie C team, but the two sides have not yet signed a contract. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC)

The 36-year-old said he really grew up "Bad Boy" Cassano will return to football

Cassano was also recently interviewed by Italian media, and the 36-year-old also said he was eager to return to the professional arena, telling reporters that he had "grown up". (Photo attribution: Oriental IC)

The 36-year-old said he really grew up "Bad Boy" Cassano will return to football

He said: "Thanks to the team owner for letting me return to the training ground, I want to do something for my wife and children. I've grown up and I don't want to disappoint anyone. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC)

The 36-year-old said he really grew up "Bad Boy" Cassano will return to football

Just over a year ago, Cassano staged a retirement farce. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC)

The 36-year-old said he really grew up "Bad Boy" Cassano will return to football

The young and crazy Cassano has caused many troubles in football because of his impulsive personality, Cassano said: "I found out too late that the problem was not in the coach. "Like Cassano said, it's too late for his career to find out now. But for his whole life, it wasn't too late at all. Hopefully, this time, he really understood. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC)

The 36-year-old said he really grew up "Bad Boy" Cassano will return to football

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