
Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

It is clear that Marvel's movie box office in recent years is actually largely unable to compare with the previous three stages, but despite this, data shows that Marvel has not made money in the past year, but compared with the previous high profit ratio, Marvel in 2022 has earned relatively less.

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

So, as a Marvel IP sequel blooming everywhere in 2022, which Marvel work has made money?

Deadline previously shared profit and loss data for last year's biggest superhero movies, including all three movies released by Marvel Studios - "Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness", "Thor 4: Love and Thunder" and "Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever".

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

Among them, from the perspective of the global box office, "Doctor Strange 2" ranked first in these three movies with a relatively large advantage, but did not exceed 1 billion US dollars, and "Thor 4" was released in July last year, so the current global box office data is the lowest, of course, it is inseparable from the film's own bad reviews.

The specific data is as follows:

"Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness" $955.7 million;

"Thor 4: Love and Thunder" $760.9 million;

"Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever" $859 million;

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

Of course, these total box office revenues actually include a part of the box office contributed by streaming media platforms, digital TV, etc., so if the reference data cuts this part of the revenue, the box office revenue of the three films is:

"Strange 2" $780 million, "Thor 4" $650 million, "Black Panther 2" $750 million!

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

The embarrassing thing is -

Among the three movies, the film investment budget of "Thor 4" is the highest (the investment cost of Strange 2 is 490 million US dollars, the investment cost of Black Panther 2 is 490 million US dollars, and the investment cost of Thor 4 is 540 million US dollars), but whether it is pure theater box office or total revenue, "Thor 4" is the "crane tail" in this!

After combining these data, in fact, the net profit of these three Marvel movies came out, and finally:

"Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness" $284 million;

"Thor 4: Love and Thunder" $103 million;

"Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever" $259 million;

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

Therefore, in the entire 2022 Marvel movie works, the most profitable is the controversial "Strange 2", compared with the proportion of net income in the previous three stages, naturally Marvel in 2022 has a huge decline, but because of the environment, it is actually a good thing to make money.

Compared to DC next door, Marvel is much better.

Why do you say that?

Also a comparative indicator of the box office revenue of film works in 2022, DC has released 2 film works throughout 2022, namely Dwayne Johnson's "Black Adam" and Robert Pattinson's "The New Batman", of which Robert Pattinson's "The New Batman" received $770.9 million at the box office last March, with a total revenue of $635 million, an expenditure of $458 million, and a final profit of $177 million.

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

That's similar to Marvel's lowest Thor 4 this year, but with a budget of less than $99 million, the actual profit surged by $74 million.

And the previously highly regarded Dwayne Johnson's "Black Adam" finally became a blow to DC -

The total box office revenue was only $390 million, but the budget of the film was $195 million, the total cost was $338 million, and "Black Adam" only brought back a profit of $52 million, which also caused one of the causes of the conflict between Warner DC and Dwayne Johnson at that time.

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

After all, Dwayne Johnson said that "Black Adam movies are making money" (manual dog head ~).

In contrast, you can know why I said that Marvel in 2022 is much better than DC, and now the fifth phase of Marvel has begun, but the overall is not particularly smooth, the box office revenue of the previously released "Ant-Man 3" movie, referring to the previous March data, is 460 million US dollars, but it seems that in order to break even, the movie box office must reach at least 600 million US dollars.

Which Marvel work made money in 2022?

Obviously, whether Marvel can win back a game in the follow-up, the pressure of the "Silver Guard 3" movie will not be small.

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The pictures in this article originated from the Internet, invaded and deleted~

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