
Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

author:The first line of theater

"I'm going to talk to you alone

Tell you everything for the first time

I'm going to let you know

My whole life has been yours

And you never knew anything about my life."

Zweig, the author of the world's most knowledgeable women

Meng Jinghui, the world's most ignorant director of women, directed

Starring Huang Xiangli, the queen of the one-man show

Meng Jinghui's classic theatrical works

"Letter from a Strange Woman"

First into Xi'an

December 17 and 18

Western performance live yi vulgar grand theater

Tell me what you and I haven't found

A deep love affair

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

▲Meng Jinghui's classic theatrical works

▶December 17-18, 2021 7:30 PM

▶ Western performance live yi vulgar grand theater

▶380 280 180 120 100 yuan

▶Children under 1.2 meters are not allowed to enter, one person, one ticket system, the number of seats

A long letter

Tells the love of her life

But whether this love has a beginning and an end

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

A sharp sense of literature subverts Zweig

Play a woman's spring, summer, winter and autumn

What does a woman's life look like?

The Austrian German-language writer Stephen Zweig wrote "Letters from a Strange Woman".

And this classic drama work of Meng Jinghui is based on this novel of the same name: a woman wrote a poignant long letter in the last moments of her life, full of infatuation, and confessed the hidden intention of hiding her life.

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

The image comes from the Internet

Zweig's brushstrokes reach the most subtle corners of the character's heart, from which you can feel the subtle tremors of the soul. Meng Jinghui is not satisfied with this simple depiction and the performance of the novel.

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

From the beginning of the work to the final presentation, the crew gradually entered the spiritual world of Zweig's original work, and was more inclined to move closer to the characteristics of actor Huang Xiangli, the actor's temperament and feeling were more important than the understanding of the novel, rather than to Zweig to illusion, so this crazy love has both Zweig's literary sense and does not lose the sharp edge of Meng Jinghui's drama.

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

Huang Xiangli held alone for two hours

International performances conquered the audience

Huang Xiangli, the lead actor known as the "Queen of One-Man Show", single-handedly supported the audience with a two-hour performance of great tension and passion.

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December
Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

She will be a woman in the crush in the crush of the inextricable sweetness, hurt and torture of the performance of the stinging, explicit, she performs delicately, emotionally full of emotion, body control is precise, explosive shock, free to retract, can be called an international stage performance.

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

Meng Jinghui did not hesitate to praise Huang Xiangli: "This is an actress who is as agile and poetic as an elf, who at the same time dares to take risks, dares to break the boundaries between the stage and the audience, and exposes her soul 100% to communicate with the audience and breathe with the audience!" ”

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

Minimalist dance a feast for the senses

Broken glass creates a dance on the tip of the needle blade

The minimalist stage vision also adds a lot to "Letter from a Strange Woman".

The geometric three-dimensional stage is like broken glass to create a dance on the tip of the needle. A bed, a dining table, a guitar, a woman. The choreography is simple enough to accommodate a variety of functional transitions and aesthetic imaginations.

Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December
Meng Jinghui's classic drama "Letter from a Strange Woman" debuted in December

Actress Huang Xiangli links all the techniques and experiments, completes the songwriting of the play alone, plays and sings by herself, and shows her cooking skills. The interweaving of sight, hearing, smell, and taste will contribute to the sensory feast of this drama.

Media reviews

In the nearly two-hour performance, the feminine Huang Xiangli showed her varied and explosive performance. ——Beijing News

Huang Xiangli's 2-hour extremely tense and passionate performance filled the audience, showing the sweetness, hurt and torture that a woman felt in her crush. ——Beijing Times

The whole stage is full of Meng's theatrical grammar, stylized performance forms, spatial geometric choreography, Impressionist lighting, minimalist vision, etc., bringing a special theater experience to the audience. ——Oriental Morning Post

Huang Xiangli used her music, cooking skills, and limbs to give Meng Jinghui the reason why she preferred it. ——Beijing Youth Daily

Deep winter in December

Feel the intense love of this woman

Admission Notice:

In order to actively cooperate with the needs of epidemic prevention and control, visitors to Shaanxi and shaanxi need to hold a 48-hour nucleic acid test report, scan the one-code pass and itinerary code on the spot, and measure the temperature to enter (there is no double code with ID card registration)

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