
How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

author:Koi are self-motivated

When the husband accidentally becomes the "microphone" between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the situation is a bit delicate.

The original simple sentence, after his transmission, may have changed its meaning, it is not pleasing to both sides, and it may also cause a series of misunderstandings.

Netizens shared their experiences and experiences, and after reading it, it really made people cry and laugh!

Have you only been scolding for four or five days? The gas is so small

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

My mother-in-law didn't roll up the bed, and she would go home

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Your husband said briefly, the scene was omitted

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Malatang is eaten, and my mother-in-law probably doesn't want to cook much in the future

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Haha, your husband is a bit illogical to speak

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

I can't smell the fragrance, and it becomes a pillow in your husband's mouth

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

I'm afraid you won't be able to fight, this is the case

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Originally, I wanted my mother-in-law to rest more and let my husband pass on something

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Haha, I guess that's how the in-laws understand

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Haha, this netizen knows how to read and understand

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Brother-in-law: The taste is different, and it is relatively novel. There is no dislike for it

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

The main one is short, for fear that you won't be able to fight

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Adding fuel to the fire has to be this netizen

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Haha, you said so much, and he heard a word

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

It seems that there is more than one husband who can talk like this

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

This way of communication has obvious results

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Your husband worked hard and explained it to you after understanding it himself

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

It seems that some things are really misunderstood, and sometimes it is necessary to clarify them in person

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Hahaha, forgive me for laughing unkindly, you didn't have anything wrong with spraying

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

It seems that you won't be able to eat the soup bread in the future

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

My boyfriend summed up your words in just a few words, and he is also a talent.

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

There are still mothers who understand their sons

How outrageous can the "husband-style talk" be! Mother-in-law: This kind of fart will only come out of your mouth

Have you ever had a similar experience? In your family, how does your husband act as a microphone? Welcome to chat in the comment area!