
"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"
"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"
"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

On February 5, 2019, people watch a lion dance performance at the Silai Temple near Los Angeles, California, USA. It is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, and many parts of the world have held events to celebrate the Spring Festival. Xinhua News Agency

"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

Xiong Bohong, former Minister of Defense of Honduras and commander-in-chief of the Navy, Army and Air Force.

"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

Japanese documentary filmmaker Ryo Takeuchi.

"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

Cida Pedrosa, city councillor of Recife, Brazil, winner of the highest prize for Brazilian literature.

"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

Tan Zaifan, a well-known Malaysian scholar.

"'Dragon Awakening' is an amazing thing that will change the world"

Fu Xin, former Minister of Tourism of Brazil and professor at the School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University.

Spanish Prime Minister Alexis Sanchez, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, French President Emmanuel Macron, European Commission President von der Leyen, and Brazilian President Lula recently visited China one after another, sending a clear signal that they are willing to strengthen communication and exchanges with China. At the thematic forum "Understanding China-Bay Area Dialogue", Brazil's former tourism minister specifically mentioned Chinese football and expressed his hope that the two countries would strengthen exchanges; Before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Honduras, Chinese archaeologists explored the secrets of ancient civilizations on Mayan sites, not only personally feeling the beauty of Chinese and American civilizations, but also gaining a new understanding of Chinese civilization...

As China embarks on a new journey, it has ushered in another diplomatic upsurge in this hope-sowing spring, looking forward to walking hand in hand with all countries in the world, transcending civilizational barriers with civilizational exchanges, transcending civilizational conflicts with mutual learning among civilizations, and surpassing civilizational superiority with civilization tolerance, so that the hundred gardens of human civilization will be more vibrant and springy.

Nandu and N video reporters interviewed authoritative figures from Honduras, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil and other countries to listen to how China's plan can help all walks of life around the world to transcend barriers and promote friendly and common development.


Chinese archaeologists working at Mayan sites

"There is still a lot of potential for our archaeological cooperation with China"

On March 26 this year, China and Honduras established diplomatic relations. At 7 o'clock local time on April 2, accompanied by the solemn sound of the national anthem, the five-star red flag was slowly raised in front of the site of the Honduran Overseas Chinese Association.

"I am very happy that the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is inevitable." Xiong Bohong, former Honduran defense minister and commander-in-chief of the navy, land and air force, told Nandu reporters that the opening up of the two sides is very conducive to the development of Honduras.

Xiong Bohong, who lives in Latin America, often shares his deep friendship with China on social media platforms: watching theatrical performances in Beijing, giant pandas in Chengdu, celebrating the Spring Festival with overseas Chinese in Honduras... He told the Nandu reporter that when he first came to China, he was extremely amazed by China's development. "On my first trip to China, I said to the leaders of the Chinese overseas Chinese affairs department that the 'Dragon's Awakening' will be an amazing thing that will change the world."

In this ancient and mysterious land, the figure of Chinese archaeologists has long appeared. In 2015, the first Chinese archaeologists were stationed in Honduras, working with local workers to excavate important sites in the hinterland of the Mayan civilization. This is also the first time that a Chinese archaeological institution has conducted archaeological excavations of the core remains of other major civilizations in the world in an area far from China. Recently, Li Xinwei, the project leader and researcher of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was interviewed by Nandu reporters and introduced that after nearly 8 years and the relay of more than 40 people, the excavation stage of the project has been completed, and it has entered the final stage of data compilation and collation. Next month, he will fly to Honduras again to coordinate the work.

Salvador Martínez, representative of the western region of the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History, said: "There is still a lot of potential for our archaeological cooperation with China, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries provides more opportunities for this."

"Cultural ties between China and Europe and Japan are a must"

In Europe, the cultural exchange between France and China presses the "accelerator button". French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Beijing on April 5 for a state visit to China, and participated in the opening of the 17th "Sino-French Cultural Spring" art festival that evening. Nandu reporters noted that during the visit, the two countries reached a series of consensus on deepening cooperation in various fields, including the two sides will jointly celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France in 2024 and jointly hold the Sino-French Cultural Tourism Year.

Macron said that for the two eternally evolving civilizations, China and France, the establishment of cultural ties is necessary. In April this year, at the thematic forum "Understanding China-Bay Area Dialogue", an "old friend" brought a new story of his perception of China's development during the exchange. Japanese documentary director Ryo Takeuchi told reporters in Nandu that he liked the popular Chinese film and television series "Crazy Race", and had previously shared the TV series with Japanese audiences.

Ryo Takeuchi believes that this drama faithfully presents the great changes in Chinese's dress, diet and other aspects of life in the past 20 years, and can help foreign audiences understand China's development process, which is very attractive. He specifically mentioned that the protagonist of the show, "Anshin", is very popular with Japanese audiences because of his resolute character, and many similar characters can be seen in Japanese anime such as One Piece and Naruto.

Across the ocean, the Brazilian city of Recife (hereinafter referred to as "Recife") passed a bill last year to make the Chinese New Year an official holiday of the city, sponsored by Sida Pedrosa, a member of the city and winner of the highest prize in Brazilian literature. She told the Nandu reporter that the purpose of the proposal is to let Lei City better understand and appreciate Chinese culture, and promote the friendship and unity between local people and Chinese people.

For Pedrosa, who belongs to the rabbit, this year's Spring Festival has a special meaning. She told Nandu reporters that she was very happy to participate in this beautiful moment of cultural exchange. The dazzling light show showcased the festive elements of the Spring Festival, and the sister city of Guangzhou also sent Chinese New Year wishes. The unique cultural accumulation and rich history of people-to-people exchanges between China and Pakistan prove that the development and progress of mankind cannot be separated from people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.


Chinese intangible cultural heritage will be integrated into Malaysia's tourism program

The Chinese element attracts Singaporeans

In March, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong came to China for the first time in four years.

China and Singapore share a rich heritage of people-to-people exchanges. At the beginning of the year, after China liberalized its immigration policy, Singapore directly rushed to the cross-border popular destination for mainland tourists, and the number of mainland air tickets to Singapore increased by more than 8 times year-on-year. Relevant data show that since the official liberalization of the policy on February 13, the overall booking volume of Singapore travel has increased by 262% year-on-year, of which the booking volume of mainland tourists has increased by 781%, and the popularity of Singapore travel search has increased by 503%. It is understood that nearly 20 cities in Chinese mainland can fly directly to Singapore, with more than 140 weekly passenger flights.

In addition, a number of provinces, autonomous regions and cities immediately launched tourism promotion activities at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Chinese elements such as the silver-clad northern scenery, the exquisite and elegant Jiangnan gardens, and the graceful Suzhou Pingtan attract many industry professionals and Singaporeans.

Today, China-Singapore relations have been upgraded from an "all-round partnership that keeps pace with the times" to an "all-round and high-quality forward-looking partnership", and the pragmatic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries in various fields will continue to develop towards higher quality.

The overseas implementation of intangible cultural heritage has stimulated the development of local tourism

Not only Singapore, but also Spain has ushered in a new wave of tourism market. In December last year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and the Ministry of Cooperation of Spain signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Holding of the Year of Culture and Tourism on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Spain in 2023, reaching a preliminary consensus on the organizational structure, publicity and promotion and implementation progress of the Year of Culture and Tourism between China and Spain. On February 21 this year, the Spanish Tourism Promotion Conference was held in Guangzhou, and the director of the Spanish National Tourism Agency, Miguel Sans, officially announced the reopening plan of the Chinese market.

On March 10 this year, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice deciding to resume the pilot operation of Chinese citizens' outbound group travel and "air ticket + hotel" business to relevant countries (the second batch) from March 15, including Spain.

On the evening of March 10, riding the good news, the Spanish National Tourism Office organized a joint delegation to Spain. After visiting Madrid, Segovia and Barcelona, the delegation composed of representatives of travel agencies from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou arrived in Valencia and quickly integrated into the sea of joy of the Fallas Festival, welcoming the arrival of spring with the locals, which is also the long-awaited "spring" of the Spanish tourism industry.

In addition, China's intangible cultural heritage has taken root overseas, developed and evolved, radiated new vitality and vitality, and also stimulated the development of the local tourism market.

The drum sticks beat with a crisp sound, and the players' eyes were like torches and majestic, so that the sound of drums echoed in the theater... This is a special performance of 24 drums of "Encouraging Johor Bahru" jointly presented by the Johor Bahru Drum Corps and the Everyone Drum Theatre in Kuala Lumpur. The 24-stanza drum was co-created in 1988 by renowned Malaysian scholars Tan Zai Fan and Tan Hui Chong. This drum performance is based on the traditional Chinese 24 solar terms, and integrates the characteristics of Guangdong lion drums and traditional calligraphy art used in Guangdong Awakening Lion, a national intangible cultural heritage of the mainland.

Chen Zaifan told Nandu reporters, "We hope to make 'Agitation Johor Bahru' a brand program, and cooperate with local hotels and tour guide associations to promote the development of tourism." ”


Brazilian scholars called on the two countries to strengthen exchanges in football and other fields

The "Ball King" city connection adds new vitality to China-Pakistan cooperation

At this year's "Understanding China-Bay Area Dialogue" thematic forum, Fu Xin, former Minister of Tourism of Brazil and professor at the School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University, mentioned to Nandu reporters, "I have noticed that the Chinese women's football team has performed well in recent tournaments. ”

Nandu reporters noted that on the evening of April 15 this year, the opening match of the 2023 Chinese Football Association Super League was held at the Beijing Workers Stadium, and Meizhou Hakka faced Beijing Guoan. In this team from Meizhou, the "home of football", there are Brazilian players.

In fact, sports exchanges between Guangdong and Brazil began many years ago. In 2016, invited by the Guangdong Provincial Football Association, Cesar vice president of Santos Club Brazil and some Brazilian football youth training experts visited the development of football in Guangdong, hoping to bring Santos' youth training mechanism to Guangdong. Since then, this club, which has walked out of famous players such as Pele and Neymar, has forged an indissoluble bond with Guangdong.

In February 2017, Santos Football Club signed a contract with Zhongshan Experimental Middle School to build a football school. Santos appointed three youth coaches to form a coaching team, stationed in Zhongshan to guide the school's team, and at the same time selected Zhongshan outstanding football players to Brazil to study and train regularly. In 2018, Zhongshan's "football players" went to Santos for intensive training and exchange competitions with Brazilian football players of the same age, bringing Brazil's football atmosphere and football technology back to Zhongshan.

Meizhou, the "hometown of football", has given birth to football stars such as Li Huitang, Zeng Xuelin, Chi Minghua, and Wang Huiliang. In 2019, Perez, president of the Santos Club in Brazil, led a delegation from Santos City to Meizhou and signed the Meizhou-Santos Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing Friendly and Cooperative Relations with Meizhou. After that, the coaches of Santos Football Club successively entered 15 schools in Meijiang District, Meizhou. Santos and Meizhou, two cities that have had a profound impact on their own football, have officially connected and used football as a medium to inject new strength and vitality into the friendship and cooperation between China and Pakistan.

Guangzhou Sister City Lyon, France Jointly cultivate football talents

Nandu reporters noticed that in addition to Brazil, there are also French coaches who have joined Chinese football. As early as 2004, the Guangzhou Sister City French Lyon City Government assisted the Guangzhou Football Association in hiring French coaches. Over the years, the two cities have cooperated in the field of sports. In December 2019, the Guangzhou Football Association and Sochaux Montbéliard Football Club signed a memorandum of cooperation on the youth football talent exchange program, cooperating in the field of youth football reserve talent training and jointly promoting the development of football in China and France.

As the "Brazil China Research Network", jointly initiated by Brazilian academics and educators, recently issued an open letter, the strengthening of strategic cooperation between Brazil and China and mutual cooperation in international affairs will help realize the beautiful vision of human society of common prosperity and harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and look forward to further enhancing people-to-people exchanges between the two countries in the future.

Fu Xin also expressed his hope for enhanced cooperation in the future to Nandu reporters. He said that China and Brazil should strengthen sports exchanges such as football activities and attach importance to the training of young athletes.

Coordinator: Nandu reporter Xiang Xueni

Written by: Nandu reporter Liang Lingfei Intern Li Xiaoyi

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