
Habeck's "sudden change in the style of speech" boasted that China has a vision, and the whole world must bow its head when China rises

author:Liu Zhenqi's view

According to reports, at a time when Europe is aggressively imposing tariffs on China, a high-ranking EU official has visited China for the first time. German Vice Chancellor Habeck not only brought a reflection on China's strategy, but also staged a "real fragrance" scene. Before his visit to China, he was unashamed to say that the trip would not resolve the tension over the EU's tax hike on China. And when the Green Party leader arrived in Beijing, he changed his style and bluntly said something that was eye-catching: "Germany's China strategy needs to be updated and included in a longer-term plan, because China obviously has a medium-term layout that we lack." These words seem to be the highest praise for China's years of hard work and forge ahead, and it is also a powerful response to those who try to contain China's rise.

Habeck's "sudden change in the style of speech" boasted that China has a vision, and the whole world must bow its head when China rises

For a long time, there has been no shortage of belittlement and misunderstanding of China's development model in the European and American public opinion fields, but Habeck's trip seems to tell the world: "Even if we discuss it at home, we must seek truth from facts in front of China." This change in attitude is not accidental, but the inevitable result of China's decades of hard work and innovative development. From Made in China to Created in China, from a participant in the global economy to a leader, China has taken every step of the way firmly and powerfully.

Habeck's remarks are particularly striking at a time when the German automotive industry is threatened by a trade conflict. China is not only the largest overseas market for the German automotive industry, but also a key link in the global electric vehicle supply chain. The warning of the German Association of the Automotive Industry is clear and resounding: the tax hike on China will ultimately hurt its own muscles and bones. Isn't this the best proof of China's strength? Even if someone wants to "wield a big stick", in the end, they still have to sit down with a smile on their faces and beg to negotiate business with China.

Habeck's "sudden change in the style of speech" boasted that China has a vision, and the whole world must bow its head when China rises

Habeck's "bowing" posture not only reflects Germany's realistic considerations, but also shows that China will never bow its head even if there are rumors from the outside world and sanctions come and go. China has proved with its own strength that on the road to rise, it has won not only economic data, but also the respect and recognition of the world. To put it mildly, when China rises, the whole world has to bow its head. China does not want to be a vassal of the world, but wants to participate in global governance as a master. This self-confidence stems from China's emphasis on scientific and technological innovation, its commitment to sustainable development, and its commitment to openness and cooperation.

Today's China can confidently straighten its back on the world stage, which is the result of countless Chinese people working day and night, and is the reward for Chinese enterprises in the international market. When China is no longer just the "factory of the world", but has become the engine of global innovation, the voices that once tried to belittle and isolate China will naturally become weaker and weaker.

Habeck's "sudden change in the style of speech" boasted that China has a vision, and the whole world must bow its head when China rises

Habeck's visit to China seems to be a simple diplomatic interaction, but in fact it is a vivid interpretation of the current world pattern. China's development achievements have forced the world to re-examine, and also made those former "sanctions" and "declines" seem pale and weak. The story of China is writing a new page in human history with an unstoppable momentum.

China, an ancient oriental power, is standing tall among the nations of the world with a new look. Habeck's "sudden change in style" is not only an indirect recognition of China's rise, but also a reflection of the adjustment of the global balance of power. Unwilling to be subservient, China has earned the respect it deserves on the world stage through its unremitting efforts, and all of this is exactly what China has always been striving for. With its practical actions of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, China has demonstrated what it means to be a true international responsibility and a major country.

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