
Story: A woman in the Yuan Dynasty saw a great white spider, and soon after someone was promoted to a higher rank and became rich

author:Lingguang Suzaku

During the reign of Emperor Yuanshun, in a small village in Nanping, Fujian Province, a family lived and lived a life of male cultivators and female weavers. The hostess of the family, Li Shi, is a hard-working woman who earns money by weaving hemp. Every night, Li's skin is soaked in a large water tank, so that the skin can be fermented naturally and it is convenient to make hemp thread.

In order to facilitate the soaking of hemp skin, the large water tank in Li's home where the hemp thread is soaked is always filled with water. One night, Li Shi went to soak it with hemp skin again, but found that the water in the big water tank had actually dried up. At first, Li Shi thought that the water tank had cracks and leaks, but after inspecting the cylinder body, he did not see the gaps, and there was no trace of dripping water on the ground.

Story: A woman in the Yuan Dynasty saw a great white spider, and soon after someone was promoted to a higher rank and became rich

Li Shi had to fill the water tank with water again, and then left, but for the next few days, the water in the water tank would dry up every day. The bold and careful Lee decided to check out what was going on. That night, Lee hid in his room, taking advantage of the bright moonlight to secretly observe the situation outside through the window slit.

In the middle of the night, an object the size of a bucket crawled into the water tank to drink water. Li Shi found through the moonlight that this thing was full of light, emitting the same light as the bright moon, and the illuminated courtyard was bright. Li Shi took a closer look, and it turned out that this thing that stole water to drink was a huge white spider.

It is really appalling that a spider can grow up to the size of a bucket and drink the water from the tank. Li Shi heard that the giant spider had a treasure bead in its body, which was extremely valuable, so he quickly found a chicken coop, quietly walked over, and violently covered the great white spider with the chicken coop.

Story: A woman in the Yuan Dynasty saw a great white spider, and soon after someone was promoted to a higher rank and became rich

After Li Shi controlled the spider, together with her husband, he used a sharp knife to cut open the spider's abdomen, and after some groping, he took out a projectile-sized night pearl from it. This pearl of night shines brightly at night, and the whole room is illuminated by pearlescent light, which is really a rare treasure in the world.

That night, the movement of the Li family alarmed the neighbors, and soon the Li family caught the big spider and got a night pearl, which was known to everyone. As the saying goes: "Pifu is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime", among the local garrisons, there was a hundred households who wanted to get the pearl of the night after hearing about this, so they found Li Shi and involuntarily detained Li Shi.

Story: A woman in the Yuan Dynasty saw a great white spider, and soon after someone was promoted to a higher rank and became rich

Baihu said to Li Shi, "If you want to live, hand over the orb, otherwise you won't want to go out." "Li Shi had no choice but to give the jewel to a hundred households, and the hundred households were very happy, so they gave Li fifteen taels of silver, which was considered to be the purchase of Li's night pearl." After the hundred households got the orb, they were not happy for long, they were killed by his superior, Qianhu, and the reason why the thousand households killed the hundred households was to occupy the beads of the hundred households.

After qianhu snatched the night pearl, they sold the night pearl to a merchant at a high price of three thousand taels of silver, and after the merchant bought it, he sold it to an official named Jizhi at a price of ten thousand taels. After purchasing the Night Pearl, he bought a white jade pillow carved from mutton fat white jade, and then presented the two treasures to the Yuan Shun Emperor together. After Emperor Yuanshun received two treasures, Long Yan was overjoyed, and he was crowned and made the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province Pingzhang (from Yipin Dayuan).

Story: A woman in the Yuan Dynasty saw a great white spider, and soon after someone was promoted to a higher rank and became rich

The Night Pearl was the first to be obtained by the Li clan, but she only got fifteen taels of silver, a thousand households earned three thousand taels, and the merchants made seven thousand taels; and it seemed that she lost ten thousand taels of silver, but she was appointed by a pint of a big member, and became the lord of the anointed land of Jiangnan, and he was the last person to laugh. As for the hundred households, they not only lost fifteen taels of silver, but also took their lives, which was purely self-inflicted.

Reference: The Collection of Jian Ou

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