
Spiders weave coiled silk holes that are both stealthy and quick to catch prey

author:Yangzhou Net
Spiders weave coiled silk holes that are both stealthy and quick to catch prey

Spiders run to the mouth of the cave to "scout"

Yesterday, on the banks of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Yangzhou City, the reporter saw a spider living in the "Pansi Cave". It carefully weaves a net hole, and this net hole is connected to the net of prey. The reporter observed that while waiting for the prey to hit the net, it was quietly staying in the "coiled silk hole".

The woven coiled wire holes are tubular in shape

The spider has a lot of webs on a pine-like plant. These webs, not like the common spider webs, are not open in the air, but are knotted on the leaves or branches of the plant, each web is not large, but the number of webs is large.

What most interested the reporter was that in the many spider webs, there was a web hole hidden, which was only 3 cm wide and about 15 cm long, tubular, and relatively smooth, which could be called a "coiled silk hole", and the hole was relatively dark. During the weaving process, the net holes also glue the leaves of the surrounding plants.

Spiders prey on rabbits, usually "waiting for the rabbit", waiting for the prey to crash into the net on its own. Therefore, most of the time, they wait quietly. The spider waits quietly in the "coiled silk hole", but as long as there is movement outside, such as the wind blowing the web, it will run to the mouth of the cave to "reconnoiter", very fast. As a result, the reporter was able to photograph it, but when it found that there was no prey, it quickly returned to the depths of the "Pansi Cave".

This is a type of tube nest spider

The reporter learned that this spider is a kind of tube nest spider. In Yangzhou, the spiders that people often see in the wild are large-bellied garden spiders, sticky bride spiders, golden spiders, etc., which all have large webs. The web of this spider knot is not large, but the number is large, and there are "coiled wire holes". In fact, it is a certain kind of spider of the genus Pipe Nest Spider.

This tubular "coiled wire hole" is its "high-speed tunnel", which can both stealth and quickly move when the prey hits the net, which is why the "coiled wire hole" is connected to other nets outside.

Spiders can also prey on pests

Of course, some spiders have webs, and some spiders don't. Even if the spider with a web, in fact, the web is not the same, such as the common large-bellied garden spider in Yangzhou, its knotted web is large, flat and round; and the common help bride spider (commonly known as the colored spider), the knotted web is not regular round, and a little droopy.

Some spiders like to hide aside when waiting for prey, such as the big belly garden spider; but there are also spiders like the rod bride spider, which waits for prey on the net, and can often catch large prey such as bats. Spiders prey on pests and are good helpers for humans. Such as water tarantula, horizontal striped golden spider, etc., is a common spider in the farmland, especially likes to prey on pests such as gray planthoppers.

Intern Hu Yongjia Reporter Xiang Jiafu Text/Photo

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