
Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

author:Narwhal Workshop

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Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

▲ The beagle Hasel has its own silhouette on its back

Shannon Austin, 31, the owner of a shop in the UK, said that in the previous six weeks, the motif behind his dog, the nine-week-old Hazel, had miraculously merged together.

Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

▲ Hazel's owner noticed the shape of a beagle on the pet's back

The owner of this eagle-eyed beagle found a familiar shape on Hazel's back, and then took a closer look, and it was actually a silhouette pattern like a beagle, and a light-colored nose, exactly the same as Hazel!

Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

▲ The puppy has markings on its body, and even its nose is the same as its own

Shannon, from Rotherham, South Yorkshire, said: "I noticed that the day I took her home, she had unusual markings on her body. ”

"When I first met her when she was three weeks old, the markings were individual spots, and now they have fused into a dog-like shape."

"I think it's amazing, and she's unique."

Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

▲ Over the course of six weeks, Hazel's fur textures were completely blended together

Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

▲ This nine-week-old puppy snuggles up at home

Cute pet new: The English beagle has a "self-portrait" on its back, and even its nose is exactly the same

▲ The host said: This is amazing, she is very unique.

(Chen Mengyao)

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