
Exposed the details of Guoan's introduction of Ben Yeder: The official announcements were all prepared, and he repented

author:Tiger soccer
Exposed the details of Guoan's introduction of Ben Yeder: The official announcements were all prepared, and he repented

On the evening of December 17, in the BTV Winter Olympics Timely Channel "Olympic Story Club" program, football commentator Wei Yidong and media person Yuan Ye served as narrators, telling the story of the Beijing Sinobo Guoan team's 2019 coaching change and reinforcements. Wei Yidong and Yuan Ye revealed the details of Guoan's second transfer to introduce Ben Yeder, when they all brought their jerseys and scarves, and the rear all prepared an official announcement, and received a call from Ben Yedder to repent.

First of all, we talked about the team's change of manager in 2019

Wei Yidong: Genesio scored 22 points in the last 10 rounds of the 2019 season, which is equivalent to the sum of Schmidt's two seasons combined, so Schmidt is high and low every season.

Yuan Ye: Schmidt is conservative, he thinks he has completed the set goals at the end of the season, including last year's top four, he does not want to think too much, last year if you work hard to achieve results will never be the fourth place, Schmidt personally is very conservative, but also a very stubborn person. Last year, Soriano achieved good results, he insisted on not using it, and this year he resolutely did not use Bakambu, and resolutely did not give Bakambu a chance, and the foreign aid that needed to solve the problem in front of him did not want to change foreign aid, which also laid the groundwork for himself to leave.

Schmidt's reason for class

Wei Yidong: The excessive singleness of tactics has become a weak point used by opponents, which is the core reason why he left the coaching position, in terms of giving players confidence, from Soriano to Bakambu, and even some domestic players, he has not completed the move to get high scores. Of course, Schmidt's exploits are undeniable, but the final straw that really crushed Schmidt was Vieira's injury.

Yuan Ye: Schmidt, if Guoan is the patriarch, he relies too much on Vieira and Augusto, acquiescing to them passing the ball to each other, and over-pressing the treasure on Vieira, causing two people to be injured one by one, resulting in a collapse.

Talk about the summer window replacement of foreign aid

Wei Yidong: After the summer window opened, Vieira was injured, and the team had to make a decision to change foreign aid in two weeks.

Yuan Ye: At that time, there were less than 10 days, the club was ready to change two, one was Ben Yeder and the other was Fernando, when the club said that the first choice was to change the striker, and the problem of our striker was there, but no one thought that Ben Yedder did not come at the last minute, which was the biggest reason why the second half of the season did not slow down.

Details of the introduction of Ben Yedder at that time

Wei Yidong: At that time, General Manager Li Ming had flown to Madrid and was going to Sevilla, when Ben Yedder and his agent were waiting there to sign a contract, Ben Yedder, who had already verbally agreed, suddenly called Li Ming at this point in time to announce his remorse, the specific reasons were not too important, in short, this international transfer was forced to end without a problem.

Yuan Ye: At that time, they all brought their jerseys and scarves with them, and the rear was ready to make an official announcement, and if he didn't come, he wouldn't have time to talk about other people, and it became a pity.

Speaking of replacing Schmidt's new coach Genesio

Wei Yidong: He has an unavoidable shortcoming, he has been working as a player and coach in France, so he has to adapt to a new continent, completely different leagues and unfamiliar players are difficult for anyone, but fortunately in the last three rounds, he brought Guoan on the right track.

Finally, guoan missed the opportunity to compete for the championship twice

Yuan Ye: On the one hand, the opponent attaches more importance to us, on the other hand, there may be no special advantage in our personal strength and strong dialogue, with Evergrande we are Li Ke played particularly well to limit Paulinho, when the other side studied us, augusto and Vieira limited, we are very difficult, when Vieira is injured we are more difficult, when the opponent is fully prepared, we are still a little bit worse in hard power.

This year's mood is very complicated, in the end not to say regrets, but the heart is still very unwilling, with ten consecutive wins, the configuration is also good, people sabers and guns are good, there was no particularly strong competitiveness before last year, I hope to take 2019 as the starting point, if next year we do well in all aspects, next year still have the strength to break the wrist with Evergrande SIPG, looking forward to the future.

(Editor: Yao Fan)

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