
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem & police badge police uniform

author:Detective Liao Yu

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > the type of German state police</h1>

The German state police are divided into two levels, state and municipal, and the police organization at all levels is administratively under the leadership of the local government and financially borne by the local government. Operationally, the state-level police organ directs the municipal organs.

The main task of the state (city) police agency is to enforce the law within the state. Under the German federal system, each state can formulate its own laws and regulations, so the police law enforcement basis of each state is also different, so the state is not uniform in terms of institutional settings, scope of authority, police badge clothing and other aspects.

Although the police agencies vary from canton to canton, the German state police generally include the following main departments. Public Security Police Department, Criminal Police Department, Traffic Police Department, Security Police Department, etc. There are roughly the following types of police officers.

Schupo uniformed police officer

Schutzpolizei, also known as the Security Police, is primarily responsible for maintaining order in the state and dealing with general policing cases, similar to our civilian police.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Security Police

Kripo Local Criminal Investigation Officer &amp; LKA State Criminal Investigation Bureau

Kriminalpolizei is the local criminal police of each municipality and Landeskriminalamt is the criminal police of the states.

When a local case is related to other parts of the state, the State Criminal Investigation Bureau takes over the case and coordinates with local criminal investigation officers to solve it.

The main duties of the Criminal Police Department are to investigate criminal cases that occur in the state, combat and prevent crime, etc. Its work is mainly aimed at dangerous homicides, serious robberies, and organized criminal activities. In general, the detection of criminal cases is the responsibility of the Länder Police.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Criminal police of north Rhine-Westphalia

BePo Riot Troops

The Bereitschaftspolizei is mainly aimed at large-scale crowd control, and the riot control units of the German Federal Police can also support the riot control units of the state police.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Riot troops in the city of Berlin

WSP Marine Police

Wasserschutzpolizei is a police officer on the waters of The German Inland River, and because Germany is a country with a large number of rivers, there are generally water police officers in each state. The Commonwealth has a Coast Guard.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Water Patrol Police

SEK Special Operations Commando

Spezialeinsatzkommando is a special police force attached to the Honshu Police Department. Each state has one SEK team, and some states even have two. They are mainly responsible for the arrest of major cases such as drug enforcement cases and kidnapping cases, and the team members wear hoods to keep them confidential.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

SEK SWAT team member in Bavaria

In Germany, EINS commandos are generally deployed in cases that are difficult for ordinary police to deal with. Although most of the public is aware of sensational cases, in fact, the Einsatzgruppen is more prepared for vicious cases caused by individual criminals, such as knife wounding. Against knife-wielding thugs, SEK SWAT officers wear special armor suits, tactical vests, and protective helmets. Four members of the team were divided into a tactical group, one team member blocked the attack with a shield, one team member subdued the criminal with a long baton, another team member with a police dog on the side to prepare for reinforcements, and a fourth team member prepared for maneuvering. Generally under the strict tactical cooperation of four SEK team members, the gangsters are often difficult to fly with their wings and can be caught.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

SEK team members wearing "lock armor"

SEK team members are selected as one of the best in the police force, and candidates must be at least 24 years old and have many years of experience in performing tasks, and must also pass physical fitness tests, health examinations and psychological tests. SEK requires strong team players to have a strong team spirit and a high degree of stress resistance.

There is generally another mobile criminal task force in each state, MEK, whose configuration and requirements can be said to be slightly easier than SKE, mainly responsible for handling hostage rescue, cooperating with the criminal police to make strategic and rapid arrests, vip protection, etc. They also often operate in conjunction with SKE, where they are responsible for surveillance and search during missions. There is also a technical commando team, TEK, which is mainly responsible for intelligence reconnaissance. In the German media "Bild" there is a detailed description of the SEK SWAT equipment.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Photo of the German media Bild

1. Zenturio model bulletproof helmet with built-in radio intercom headset.

2, Balaclava hood can protect the face from high temperature, flash bomb damage, but also can cover the face and expression, has the role of protecting privacy and not being caught by criminals.

3. Matching button of wireless device. The reason why it is designed to be so large is so that SWAT officers can easily press when wearing gloves, and at the same time, they are easy to find in the dark.

4. Submachine gun magazine, 30 rounds each.

5. The window breaker is a long axe to smash the window when breaking through the building. The long handle is designed to prevent broken glass from splashing and injuring SWAT officers.

6. Pockets where handcuffs and other items can be placed.

7. Leg pocket for placing knives.

8. Armband with a mark on the organization or police department to which it belongs. There are also bandages in the backpack to wash the eye wash of pepper spray.

9. Door tool.

10. Bulletproof vest, weighing up to 10 kg.

11. Special material tactical gloves, anti-cutting, flame retardant.

12, X26 model Taser, relying on firing charged darts to hit the enemy, the farthest flying 7 meters.

13. HK MP5 submachine gun, equipped with a red dot sight, using 9mm bullets.

14. Walter P99 semi-automatic pistol, using 9mm bullets. The handle is replaceable and weighs only 685 grams.

15. Hydraulic door opener.

In addition to the above 15 kinds of equipment that make people feel like "lucky, eat chicken tonight", I think the most interesting thing is the "lock armor suit" that SEK wore when he carried out his mission above. It is said that this "armor suit" was first developed by the German police in the 1990s, mainly for criminals who use knives and axe blades as weapons of attack.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

"Armor jacket" and stab-proof tactical gloves

Although the design principle of the "lock armor" is similar to that of the ancient European lock armor, the material is very different. According to the Bavarian state police, who first used this "retro" equipment, the material they used in this modern "lock armor" is close to aluminum, light weight, high density, good breathability, and better performance than traditional stab-proof suits. Combined with the use of stab-proof tactical gloves and shields, it can effectively prevent slashing attacks. At first glance, the image of the SEK team members wearing hats and helmets, lock armor and shields is almost like a knight in the European Middle Ages!

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

A member of the Bavarian SEK in a "suit of locks"

Both the SEK and the MEK are attacking SWAT forces, focusing on fast, accurate, and fierce. As a result, large-scale, sustained manhunts are generally not conducted. The BFE+ Counter-Terrorism Police Force fills this gap. The German Federation established this new anti-terrorism police department in 2016.

BFE+ Counter Terrorism Police Force

The first 50 members of the force are responsible for conducting routine counter-terrorism manhunts and routine counter-terrorism patrols, providing intelligence and support to other SWAT teams such as SEK, MEK, GSG-9 (Ninth Border Guard of the German Federal Police) as necessary.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Autobahnpolizei Highway Police

The main duties of the Traffic Police Department are to manage traffic order in the state, handle traffic accidents, etc.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

German traffic police

Police security

The so-called Security Police is the reserve security police force of the State Police Agency, which is independently organized. Its primary responsibility is to join as a reserve police officer in the effective fight against crime and the handling of emergencies in the event of insufficient state police strength.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Generally, in large-scale events, the police can be used as police support

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > the personnel system of the German police</h1>

German police ranks are divided into 4 classes and 14 grades. Class 4 is junior officer, intermediate officer, senior officer and special officer. Levels 14 are Superintendent 1 to 2, Superintendent 1 to 4, Sheriff Level 1 to 4, and Officer Level 1 to 4. Junior police officers are ordinary police officers, intermediate officers are inspectors, senior officers are chief inspectors and special officers are government advisers. The promotion must first be recommended by the superior, and then must participate in special training and pass the corresponding examination before being promoted. However, within the same rank, a certain number of years can be reached to be promoted.

The promotion of the German police is closely linked to its professional education, such as intermediate police officers who want to be promoted to senior police officers, they must first apply for it, and only after passing the approval of the commander and passing the examination can they be admitted as senior police officers, and then after three years of study, they can be promoted to senior police officers. In order for police officers at all levels to be promoted to senior police officers, they must undergo training in the high police academy, otherwise they cannot be promoted.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Schematic diagram of German Federal Police Ranks

Germany has maintained a federal model of government since Prussia unified the German Republic. An important feature of the federal system of government is "decentralization", so the German police system presents a model of coexistence of the federal police and the cantonal police. For more information about the Federal Police, please go through the previous article.

In essence, the German police system is a maritime police system. The so-called oceanic police system refers to "the police system of the central and local governments, that is, the legislative power related to the police system and the implementation of these decrees are controlled by the central and local government organs respectively." There is no unified police organization throughout the country, and government levels or government departments have their own police organizations, and there is no or only partial command and supervision relationship between the police organizations.

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

German police announce posters

The superiority of this police system lies in the clear division of labor, clear functions, and the ability to give full play to the enthusiasm of the central and local police agencies. The disadvantage of this police system is that because the state police agency is directly under the leadership of the state government, there is a possibility of local protectionism, which can easily breed corruption and prevent the law from being fairly and effectively implemented nationwide. However, in general, the level of law enforcement and policing system of the German police is still at a high level in the world, so it has been imitated and learned by many countries.

The slogan of the German police is: The police are your friends and helpers!

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

German police propaganda photo

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > the state flag &amp; police badge uniforms of 16 German states</h1>

Germany has 16 states, so there are sixteen cantonal police, each with its own state flag and coat of arms, and each state police agency also has a police badge and a different uniform that echoes the state emblem. However, the police badge does not have as many styles and variations as the American police, and its overall design is a 12-corner sun-type badge, which is also a traditional European ornament. The police badge center is generally a state emblem or related elements, and it is clear at a glance that it is a German policeman. The following will introduce the state flags, state emblems and police emblems of each state one by one, and police uniforms. If there are any omissions or errors, please correct in the comment area, it is not easy to collect, if you like it, give it a note!

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

The 16 german states are distributed in the flags/emblems of the states

Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg/Stuttgart (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

The state flag and coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Badge of the baden-Württemberg

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Baden-Württemberg state uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bayern Bavaria/Munich (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

The state emblem and state flag of Bavaria

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bavarian State Police Badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Old Bavarian police uniforms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Old bavarian police uniforms (left) and new uniforms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Badge of the Bavarian State Police

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bavarian State Police Uniform Armband

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bavarian State Police Uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Berlin Stadt-Canton of Berlin (Capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

The state flag and coat of arms of Berlin

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Berlin Police Badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Old berlin police uniforms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

New police uniforms in Berlin

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Berlin police badge epaulettes

Brandenburg/Potsdam (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Brandenburg flag, state emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Brandenburg State Police Badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Brandenburg State Police Uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Brandenburg State Police Uniform Armband

Bremen Canton of Bremen City

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bremen flag, state emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bremen police badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bremen police uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Bremen police uniform armband

Hamburg-City State of Hamburg

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Flag of the State of Hamburg, coat of arms of the State

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Hamburg State Police Badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Hamburg police uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Hamburg police uniform armband

Hessen/Wiesbaden (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

State flag of Hesse, coat of arms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Hesse State Police Badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Hesse State Police Uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg - Anterior Pomerania/Schwerin (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Mecklenburg-Anterior Pomorie State Flag, State Emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Mecklenburg-Anterior Pomorie State Badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Mecklenburg-Former Pomorie State Police Uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Niedersachsen Lower Saxony/Hanover (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Lower Saxony State Flag, State Emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Lower Saxony police badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Lower Saxony police uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Nordrhein-Westfalen North Rhine-Westphalia / Düsseldorf (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

State flag of North Rhine-Westphalia, state emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Police badge of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Police uniforms in north Rhine-Westphalia

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Rheinland-Pfalz Rhineland-Palatinate/Mainz (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Flag of the Rhineland-Palatinate, coat of arms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Coat of arms of the Rhineland-Palatinate

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Uniform of the Rhineland-Palatinate

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Rhineland-Palatinate police uniform armband

Saarland Saarland/Saarbrücken (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saarland flag, state emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saarland police badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saarland police uniform

Sachsen Saxony/Dresden (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

State flag of Saxony, coat of arms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saxony state badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saxony state uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform
Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saxony State Police Uniform Armband

Sachsen-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt/Magdeburg (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Flag of the Saxony-Anhalt state, coat of arms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saxony-Anhalt police badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saxony-Anhalt State Police Uniform

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Saxony-Anhalt police uniform armband

Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig-Holstein/Kiel (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Flag of the canton of Schleswig-Holstein, coat of arms

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Schleswig-Holstein State Police Uniform

Thüringen Thuringia/Erfurt (capital)

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

State flag of Thuringia, state emblem

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Thuringia state badge

Rare collection! The state flag of 16 german states, the state emblem, the police uniform, the police badge, let you once see the kind of German state police The personnel system of the German 16 states of Germany State flag state emblem &amp; police badge police uniform

Thuringia state uniform