
The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

author:Dusty said classic

Once, "Round Table Pie" invited screenwriter Wang Hailin to talk about the experience of identifying bad films.

"I can judge that it is a bad film, don't look at it, here is a skill, as long as it is based on the appearance of the small fresh meat actor as a selling point, it must be a bad drama, but if this small fresh meat actor is a partner to put in, and then there are good actors in the play to match him, this is no problem."

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Small fresh meat with old drama bones can indeed produce good works, which can be proved by "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" and "Qing Yu Nian".

But it cannot be said that the small fresh meat drama escorted by the old drama bone must be of good quality.

The spy war drama "Autumn Cicada", which began airing a few days ago, is just typical.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

The starring role of fresh meat is Ren Jialun, who became popular with "Under the Golden Dress". The bones of the play include Zhang Hanyu, the Golden Horse Film Emperor, and Wang Jinsong, the god of acting.

This lineup packaging is somewhat like Wu Gang Wang Jinsong Ren Dahua protective body Huang Jingyu filming "Icebreaker Action".

Dragged down by the rotten tail, "Icebreaker Action", the lowest score can become the highest score of "Autumn Cicada".

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Some people may not accept the Douban score, but the loopholes in "Autumn Cicada" are really unacceptable.

Ye Chong, played by Ren Jialun, is a Japanese officer who is not smiling on the surface, but in fact he is a good comrade with patriotic enthusiasm.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

In 1942, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was in full swing.

Ye Chong's immediate superior, Xu Yongren, conveyed orders asking Ye Chong to go to Hong Kong and sabotage the actions of the Japanese invaders. In this operation, Ye Chong's code name was Qiu Cicada, and the contact person in Hong Kong was called Osprey.

Xu Yongren on the front foot conveyed the news, and the back foot received the bento.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Mountain rain is about to blow all over the building.

The audience will think that Ye Chong is dancing on the tip of the knife next, and if he is not careful, he will worry about his life.

However, Autumn Cicada will surprise you.

Ye Chong's biggest dilemma in Hong Kong is a role like Miyamoto's.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

First, let's take a look at Miyamoto's book strength: The Japanese military in Hong Kong military and political department intelligence department Shaosa, fierce personality, insight can be called first-class.

This book strength is simply a buyer show that pits dead people and does not pay for their lives.

Miyamoto appeared on the scene to eliminate the contact point of the communist army and plot against the underground worker He Yong.

He Yong received important information: Autumn Cicada will meet with Osprey at Sheng Ji Yi Shop at 13 o'clock tomorrow.

The unexpected scene came.

Miyamoto quickly led a large group of men and horses to summon the osprey, but without success, he killed the osprey.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

I was the first to express disbelief, Miyamoto this is brainless!

If the osprey is killed, it may hit the grass and startle the snake, and the autumn cicada may change the original plan.

The correct way for Miyamoto to do this is to wait and see what happens, not to provoke the osprey, to set up an ambush in the Sheng Ji clothing store, and to catch turtles in an urn.

A great opportunity to catch Akira alive, he was screwed up by Miyamoto.

Sato also criticized Miyamoto for killing ospreys.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

A young man in the intelligence section, killing an osprey that knows a lot of intelligence information, is as stupid as making money and then burning it with his own hands.

This incident illustrates a life phenomenon, whether you are convinced or not, the stupid fork can also be a leader.

Maybe some people don't believe that Miyamoto is a stupid fork, and the next plot will make you have to believe.

At the Ikejo cocktail party, Miyamoto discovers that the waiter is He Gang, another underground worker with intelligence.

Miyamoto shouted "He Gang", pulled out his pistol and hit He Gang's key part, the height of his heart.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

The key parts of the human body are either the head or the heart, and in the real world, this is a killing move.

At first glance, Miyamoto's killing move against He Gang is normal, because the ass decides the head, and He Gang is his enemy.

But this is exactly where Miyamoto's brain is crippled.

He Gang is an important person who is expected to dig up intelligence, has important information value, and Miyamoto must be captured alive, not killed.

After He Gang was hit in the heart, Miyamoto still held him for information, which proved that Miyamoto had no brains about He Gang's killing moves.

Everyone enjoyed Miyamoto's brainless trifecta.

He Gang was shot, and he still had the face to ask some mentally handicapped questions that were also asked in vain.

Why are you here? Do you have any accomplices?

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Heaven, earth, there must be accomplices, otherwise he would come to such a high-end consumption place?

You think that underground workers are like some leaders, with the power to eat and drink at public expense.

Miyamoto was stupid, and He Gang also responded positively, and the donkey's head replied "I believe in you" without saying to the horse's mouth.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

That's awesome.

He Gang was saying this to Chi Cheng. Obviously hinting, there are some gang friends next to you.

Of course, for Miyamoto's intelligence, I can't analyze the hidden information here.

"Autumn Cicada" is ye chong's stage, and Miyamoto's existence is to serve Ye Chong.

The screenwriter made Miyamoto firmly believe that Ye Chong was an alien in the team.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Miyamoto wanted to kill Ye Chong, which was a reward for confusing behavior.

He uses the power of the underworld to blow up Ye Chong.

I don't know where our party got the news, but the mysterious spy came out halfway and successfully intercepted Ye Chong and avoided the risk.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Without killing Ye Chong, Miyamoto was surprised.

Miyamoto is undisciplined and organized, and if the organization finds out that Ye Chong was assassinated, he is the mastermind behind it, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Understand that Ye Chong is a person with gold fingers, and his stepfather is a high-powered Miyamoto Kano, who is bigger than General Sato.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Miyamoto decided to find Jin Xiang's back pot.

As the saying goes, whoever God wants to perish must first make him crazy

Miyamoto looked for Jin Xiang's back pot, which showed that he did not take the bento, and it was difficult for Heaven to tolerate it.

Because Jin Xiang is a fierce character, the president of the Xinghe Association, the leader of the local underworld, has a head and a face and a pomp.

Moreover, she also has a boyfriend Who is not bad for money.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Engaging in such a ruthless role, even if it is successfully killed, there will be countless troubles.

Miyamoto dared to think, and his boss Sato really dared to agree.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

I really can't figure out why Sato should approve of it.

He is the leader of the Japanese Military Executive Tribunal in Hong Kong, and the purpose of coming to Hong Kong is to turn Hong Kong into a colony.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Directly tearing the face with the underworld forces by violent means is the next strategy to harm others and harm themselves.

Sato has a deep hidden castle deep character, this recognition is not a blindfold, then I also have to say that Sato, like Miyamoto, is also a brain-dead villain.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

I have talked so much, you can also summarize a law of identifying bad films, the villain is a brain-dead work, it is difficult to become a good work.

The loopholes in "Autumn Cicada" make the villain brain-dead, and the protagonist's aura can blind the audience's eyes.

The one that convinced me the most was the heroine Ye Ying.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Because Ye Chong killed the traitor He Yong, He Yong's sister He Ying wanted to kill Ye Chong.

He Ying was a very ambitious and incompetent warrior who only hit Ye Chong's arm, was shot in the left chest, and was sent to prison.

The most powerful thing here is that the dragon set can be killed with a single shot if they are shot in the heart.

He Ying not only did not fall, but also had the strength to take a knife and stab.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

What's even more divine is that being tortured in prison can still survive.

May I ask, which audience's titanium alloy eyes can hold up this protagonist aura?

After reading this paragraph, I want to learn erhu from Teacher Ah Bing, and after being blind, I can smoothly change careers to become an erhu artist.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

Some people may say that "Autumn Cicada" was originally 60 episodes, and 11 episodes were reduced in order to start broadcasting, which affected the rationality of the plot.

This may be the reason why "Autumn Cicada" did not make a good film, but it cannot be a reason for the audience to forgive it.

I know that "Autumn Cicada" has a lot of audience likes, the lead actor is very handsome, and the villain's appearance is also very high, but even if there is a value filter, we can't ignore that its formula is the same as the anti-Japanese drama (Xiao Shenyang tone).

With a bright blind protagonist aura, 360 degrees to hang the brain-dead villain.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

As long as it is a work in which the villains are brain-dead, it will be very difficult to see.

"Icebreaker Action" is high and low, bad in the end Chen Ke can break into the tower several times can be safe and sound, the play is too lazy, the protagonist's aura is too strong, and the villain is reduced to mental retardation.

"Autumn Cicada" at the beginning of the contribution of Miyamoto such a villain, the plot is unreasonable, it is difficult to highlight the protagonist Ye Chong's survival wisdom, word of mouth is naturally difficult to say.

希区柯克曾说过,“The more successful the villain, the more successful the picture”。

A common translation in China is that the worse the bad guy, the better the film will sell.

Literally translated, it should be that the more successful the bad guys are, the more successful the film is.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage

The bad guy who makes a success can't write him as a brain cripple.

Think about it, a male protagonist who gathers the light of the universe, hangs a mentally handicapped villain with a bad brain, and fights with different stages, it is difficult for the audience to have pleasure.

Let's say Bruce Lee and I fight head-to-head, Yao Ming and I play basketball, and even if they get a perfect score, you won't have any pleasure.

Good and evil are opposed, and if you want to be wonderful, you must be a chess opponent's peak duel, not a 360-degree all-round hanging.

I hope that "Autumn Cicada" can make the villain smart in the next plot, and also ask the domestic drama to improve the IQ of the villains.

The fatal loophole of "Autumn Cicada": the aura of the hard concave protagonist, the villain is reduced to brain damage