
Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

author:Garden Langzhong

#谷丰计划 #

Pine borer, also known as pine borer, has always been one of the most important pests and diseases in the process of planting and maintaining various pine trees, and can be said to be a stubborn disease of pine trees. It mainly harms the young shoots of pine trees such as oil pine, black pine, Huashan pine, and sassafras pine, causing it to dry up the top and overgrowth lateral branches. The trees that have been harmed by it will not only affect the ornamental value, but also affect the normal growth of seedlings, and even cause the death of the entire pine tree.

Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

Pictured is the larvae of the pine borer within the pine shoots

Today, here I will briefly share with you the prevention and control methods of pine borer, I hope it will be helpful to you!

<h1>First, the harm law and characteristics of pine borer</h1>

Pine borer is mainly based on its larvae for harm, and mainly to the top of the main stem of the pine tree for food, if not in time to control it may cause the side shoots to grow, or the tree shows a curved, deformed state, seriously affecting the landscape value of pine trees and wood value. Therefore, the control of pine borer is particularly important in the planting and maintenance of pine trees. For the prevention and control of pine borer, we must first understand three points: that is, the harm object, the harmful part, and the harm law of the pine borer.

Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

The picture shows the drying and breaking of the top of the top after the damage of the pine borer

1. Hazard objects 

The target of the damage of the pine borer is mainly those pine trees that are less than ten years old, and those pine trees that are more than thirty years old are basically rarely affected by the damage of the pine borer. Pine trees that are between 10 and 20 years old will also be harmed by it, but the probability of harm is much smaller than that of young pine trees.

2. Hazardous parts

The main harm of the pine borer is the young shoots of the pine tree, when its larvae enter the young shoots of the pine tree, it will make the young shoots gradually lose water and nutrient supply, and eventually dry up and sag. If the affected part is not prevented in time, it may cause the entire tree to dry up and die.

3. The law of harm

Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

The picture shows the development process of the pine borer

In North China, pine borer occurs in 2 generations per year, and the larvae overwinter in the infested pine shoots or in the cones. The activity begins at the end of March and the beginning of April of the following year, and some of them continue to eat down in the shoots to harm the 2-year-old branches, and some of them divert the damage to other new shoots. In early May, the larvae mature one after another, pupating in the infested stalks, and adults appear in late May, and the adults are nocturnal and phototropic. After the adults cross their tails and lay eggs, the first generation of larvae appear in June and begin to be the main shoot, and the young larvae crawl rapidly to find new shoot hazards. The larvae pupate in late July, the adults feather, cross their tails and lay eggs in early August, the second generation of larvae in late August in pests in the shoots, and the larvae begin to overwinter in the shoots in November.

<h1>Second, what are the reasons why pine borer is not well controlled? </h1>

1. The area of pure forest is large, and the number of natural enemies is small

Pine trees are sometimes planted in large areas during afforestation in the northern region, and for this kind of pine tree planting area with a large pure forest area, the ecological food chain has lost its proper balance, which provides very favorable conditions for the occurrence and harm of pine borer.

2. The harm is relatively hidden, and the prevention and control is more difficult.

Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

The picture shows the pupae of the pine borer

Pine borer is mainly in the pine treetops for survival and harm, the harm is relatively hidden, when the pine tree victim symptoms are found, the landscape value of pine trees has caused a certain impact.

In addition, because most of its periods are active in the shoots, it is difficult to spray general drugs on its body, which also causes certain difficulties for the chemical control of pine borers.

<h1>Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer </h1>

1. Reasonable planting

In the process of artificial afforestation, we should pay attention to the mixed planting of various varieties, and do not plant pure forests in large areas. Especially in the northern region, it is important to pay attention to the mixed planting of coniferous and broad-leaved seedlings.

For areas such as woodland or nursery bases where pure pine trees have been planted in large areas, attention should be paid to planting density, lighting and ventilation to ensure the healthy and normal growth of seedlings.

Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

The picture shows the harm caused by the pine borer to the pine tree

2. Chemical control

Chemical control is the most direct effect in the process of pine borer control, and it is also the most commonly used means for everyone. For the prevention and treatment of chemical agents, it is mainly necessary to start from the following aspects:

(1) In February to March:

When trees are just beginning to grow in early spring, granular insecticides such as diazine phosphorus, octylthion, and chlorpyrifos are buried in the roots of pine trees for prevention. They are of the extended-release type, which allows the pine trees to absorb slowly and carry poison as a whole.

(2) From the end of March to the beginning of April:

When the overwintering larvae of pine borer are just beginning to be active, they can spray spirant ethyl ester, flufenacillitrile, thiamethoxazine, or thiazide ketamine to the tree, etc., and can be used with silicone, mineral oil, or orange peel essential oil when sprayed, which is more conducive to the penetration of the liquid into the treetops to kill pests.

(3) Late May and early August:

For the feathering period of the overwintering generation and the first generation of larvae, according to the characteristics of the adult pine borer, black light is used for booby traps at night; of course, it can also be sprayed with conventional insecticides such as paternides or dichlorvos and octyl thion in the evening.

Master the time and method, pine borer control can actually be very simple! First, the harm law and characteristics of the pine borer Second, what are the reasons why the pine borer is not easy to control? Third, the prevention and control methods of pine borer

The picture shows hanging a black light for booby-trapping

(4) Early June, mid-to-late August:

For the first generation of larvae, the second generation of larvae began to harm the period, using the control method of March to April, the whole pine tree was sprayed with insecticides such as ethyl helium, thiazidone, flufenacil, and then combined with osmotic agents such as silicone and orange peel essential oil. When spraying, be sure to pay attention to spraying well and spraying thoroughly!

Understanding the above medication time and medication methods, I believe that everyone can solve the prevention and control of pine borer very well!

Well, a little knowledge about the control of pine borer, I will share it with you here today.

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