
Pine trees are most afraid of pine borers, and once they encounter them, they will die if they are light and heavy

author:Road through agriculture

Pine borer

Pine trees are most afraid of pine borers, and once they encounter them, they will die if they are light and heavy

Pine borer, also known as pine borer, has always been one of the most important pests and diseases in the process of planting and maintaining various pine trees, and can be said to be a stubborn disease of pine trees. It mainly harms the young shoots of pine trees such as oil pine, black pine, Huashan pine, and sassafras pine, causing it to dry up the top and overgrowth lateral branches. The trees that have been harmed by it will not only affect the ornamental value, but also affect the normal growth of seedlings, and even cause the death of the entire pine tree.

- I. Hazard characteristics -

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The young shoots of the trees are the main harmful parts of the pine borer, and the larvae eat the top tips, so that the young shoots gradually lose the supply of water and nutrients, and eventually dry up and sag.

Pine trees are most afraid of pine borers, and once they encounter them, they will die if they are light and heavy

The larvae look for new shoot hazards and first gnaw on the skin of the tip, forming a finger-sized scar with pine resin clotting at the bite. After drilling into the new tip of the pulp, it is often fed to the tip and then down, hollowing out the marrow to form a moth path about 15 to 30 cm long. The moth mouth is round and has a large collection of moths and insect droppings.

The main hazard objects of the pine borer are pine trees that are less than ten years old, and there is basically little harm to pine trees that are more than thirty years old. Pine trees that are between 10 and 20 years old will also be harmed by it, but the probability of harm is less than that of young trees.

Pine trees are most afraid of pine borers, and once they encounter them, they will die if they are light and heavy

- II. Occurrence Law -

Pine borers overwinter in the pine shoots or pine cones in the form of larvae, and begin to be active in late March and early April of the following year. In the northern region, pine borers can occur in two generations a year, with the first generation of larvae appearing in late June and early July, and the second generation of larvae emerging in late August and early September. The peak period of harm is mainly july to August, and september to October, and the larvae stop the harm in November and begin to prepare for wintering.

It is mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan and other places.

Pine trees are most afraid of pine borers, and once they encounter them, they will die if they are light and heavy

- III. Integrated Prevention and Control -

1. Strengthen the management of forest areas.

Strengthen the care of young forests, promote the early closure of young forests, can reduce the harm; when pruning stubble should be short, the incision should be flat, reduce the branch wounds, to prevent adult insects from laying eggs in the wound; use the winter leisure time, organize the masses to remove the dead dried shoots, insect fruits, centralized treatment, can effectively suppress the density of insect mouths.

2. According to the phototropism of adult insects, even black light lamps and high-pressure mercury lamps trap adult insects.

3. Protect and utilize natural enemies.

4. Chemical control: try to choose prevention and control at a young larval stage. At this time, the insect population density is small, the harm is small, and the insect resistance is relatively weak. It is recommended to use [Kang Huan], which can be used 1-2 times, with an interval of 7-10 days. Medications can be rotated to delay the development of resistance.

Pine trees are most afraid of pine borers, and once they encounter them, they will die if they are light and heavy

【Kang Huan】

1. For Lepidoptera pests

2. Reduce the amount of drug used, delay pest resistance, strong effectiveness, more thorough insecticidalization, and more durable insecticide.

3. It has a good anti-effect on kale beet moth, especially suitable for pest strains that are resistant to other insecticides.


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