
Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

Some people are obviously very thin, and the whole body is "fat" in the stomach, no matter how you lose it, you can't lose it, which may actually be "sagging internal organs".

Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

Experts interviewed

Guo Lin, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Endocrinology, Shenzhen University General Hospital

Wei Pengfei, attending physician of the Department of Endocrinology, Shenzhen University General Hospital 

Liu Juying, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Nutrition, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University

People who are too thin have sagging internal organs 

The stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs in the abdominal cavity cannot be "down-to-earth" like feet, but are "hanging" on the abdominal wall after fixation by ligaments and fascia.

Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

Clinically, the prolapse of organs in the abdominal cavity is collectively referred to as "visceral prolapse", and common parts include stomach, kidney, uterus, intestine, etc. In addition to the main cause of aging, frail and emaciated and lack of muscle strength are also triggers, especially in thin people.

Such people have less fat in the abdominal cavity, can not provide sufficient support and protection for internal organs, the load of ligaments and fascia will be greater, and gradually relax under the action of gravity, and the organs will be displaced.

Therefore, people who lose weight too quickly have a rapid decrease in adipose tissue in the abdominal cavity, and the risk of sagging internal organs will increase significantly.

In addition, poor postures such as long-term hunchback can narrow the abdominal space, and once squeezed to the ribs, the liver, stomach, and spleen located at its lower edge will "fall" downward.

Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

In order to pursue a small waist, some women will wear a "corset" every day, and the abdominal cavity is continuously squeezed, which will also cause the internal organs to "collectively" shift, and even cause bladder, vaginal wall, and uterine prostula.

Different internal organs droop and behave differently

With the increase of age, the abdominal ligaments and fascia gradually relax, the pressure in the abdominal cavity decreases or the tension of the abdominal wall decreases, the abdominal cavity cannot be "supported", and one or more organs may deviate from their original position, and sag or displacement may occur.

◎ Stomach drooping: as soon as I eat, I feel that my abdomen is full and falling, and the more I eat, the heavier the symptoms;

◎Liver ptosis: dull pain and swelling in the liver area after standing or walking for a long time;

◎Renal prolapse: mainly manifested as low back pain, hematuria, proteinuria can occur after strenuous activity, kidney stones, urinary tract infection risk will also increase.

No matter which internal organ is prolapsing, it is often accompanied by stretching of the intestine, and it is more likely to appear intussusception, volvuluss, and in severe cases, it can be life-threatening. Some women's "small belly" always cannot be reduced, which may also be caused by sagging internal organs falling into the pelvis.

Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

What should I do if my internal organs are saggy?

Conservative treatment is usually used clinically, such as adjusting the amount of food, eating small and frequent meals, processing food as fine and soft as possible, and increasing dietary fiber intake, which can help improve bowel movement.

You can tie a 3~5 cm belt at the level of the umbilicus to help support the abdominal organs, be careful not to be too high or too low.

You can also strengthen the anterior abdominal wall muscles through exercise, such as the gluteal bridge (make the lower back and buttocks off the ground for 30 seconds, repeat 5~10 times), and try to arrange the exercise before meals.

If there are serious complications of visceral prosperation, surgical treatment, such as sling, can be chosen, which mostly results in good long-term results.

4 tricks to help the body grow some meat

Wasting can be divided into pathological and physiological.

Pathology: Signs of certain diseases, such as endocrine system diseases (hyperthyroidism, diabetes, etc.), or digestive diseases (peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.), or various acute and chronic infections, and even malignant tumors, etc., cause extreme energy consumption, which is secondary to a large loss of weight.

Physiological: due to excessive labor and exercise, or growth and development, pregnancy, lactation, etc., the consumption of body fat and protein increases, and weight loss occurs.

Body mass index (BMI) is commonly used in medicine to measure how fat or thin a person is:

Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

In addition to the easy sagging of internal organs, underweight brings no less problems than obesity, such as reduced immunity, low tolerance in stressful states, slow wound healing, inability to withstand disease consumption... How can people who are too thin gain weight healthily?


Increase your intake of high-protein foods

Poultry and livestock contain high-quality protein with high digestibility, and animal meat contains high iron.

The whey protein in milk has many benefits for promoting muscle synthesis, and the calcium absorption and utilization rate is also high, and eggs are also a high-quality source of protein.


Appropriate additional meals

Eat three meals on time, and you can add meals between the two meals, such as fruits, milk, nuts, soda crackers, etc., but do not overeat.


Vitamin D supplementation

Increase outdoor activity time, bask in the sun every day, and appropriately increase the intake of foods high in vitamin D, such as animal liver, egg yolk, etc.


Moderate exercise

Do strength training, such as bungee rope, lifting sandbags, practicing equipment in the park, etc., 20~30 minutes a day, more than 3 times a week. Aerobic exercise and resistance exercises are appropriate to increase muscle mass and strengthen the body.

Finally, it should be emphasized that although in most cases, sagging internal organs are not life-threatening, they will still have a significant impact on life, especially thin people, short-term rapid weight loss people, this situation is not uncommon, and needs special attention. ▲

Editor of this issue: Deng Yu

Skinny people with belly beware: your internal organs may be sagging

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