
When inspecting and guiding the construction of cultural and tourism projects in Xiezhou Town, Li Zhe stressed: Seize the time to promote project construction and promote rural revitalization with industrial prosperity

author:Nine factions view the world
When inspecting and guiding the construction of cultural and tourism projects in Xiezhou Town, Li Zhe stressed: Seize the time to promote project construction and promote rural revitalization with industrial prosperity

On October 21, Li Zhe, secretary of the district party committee, went to Xiezhou Town to inspect and guide the construction of cultural tourism projects. He stressed that the closer the project construction is to the end point, the more strict standards and perseverance are needed. It is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Municipal Party Congress, seize the time, promote project construction with high quality and high standards, do a good job in the integration of agriculture, tourism, culture and tourism, and promote rural revitalization with industrial prosperity. Li Lin, Wang Bo, Su Yinping, Meng Mantang and Jing Juncai attended.

When inspecting and guiding the construction of cultural and tourism projects in Xiezhou Town, Li Zhe stressed: Seize the time to promote project construction and promote rural revitalization with industrial prosperity

The antique pedestrian street project in Changping Village, Xiezhou Town, is about to be put into trial operation. Li Zhe inspected the progress and quality of the project along the street, he stressed that the antique street is both a tourism project and a landscape, and the town and village levels should strengthen the awareness of management and governance, standardize the door number and shop signs of merchants, and protect the overall style of the antique street. It is necessary to firmly grasp the sunny weather, comprehensively promote the construction of follow-up projects, and ensure the quality of construction. It is necessary to do a good job in scenic spot operation with high standards, focus on "eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment" and other aspects of diversified investment, and introduce intangible cultural heritage performances and displays to enter the antique street to provide tourists with a multi-level leisure and entertainment experience. It is necessary to actively drive the people of Changping to participate in the development of rural tourism in Changping, explore the establishment of new types of business entities, build platforms in various models, increase the "wage income" of the masses, and at the same time, leave sufficient space for local villagers to operate characteristic agricultural and sideline products, and stimulate the vitality of scenic spots. It is necessary to refine and do a good job in the planning of a series of activities during the trial operation of scenic spots, attract popularity with colorful activities such as study tours and folk performances, and drive Changping rural tourism to heat up and catch fire.

When inspecting and guiding the construction of cultural and tourism projects in Xiezhou Town, Li Zhe stressed: Seize the time to promote project construction and promote rural revitalization with industrial prosperity

A number of cultural tourism projects around the Guandi Temple in Xiezhou are scheduled to end at the end of this year, and near the construction period, Li Zhe has successively gone to the front line of the Spring and Autumn Road Renovation and Upgrading and the Wulongyu River Comprehensive Treatment Project to study and solve the problems encountered in the project and relevant personnel on the spot. He stressed that the improvement and upgrading stage of the project should be more refined, in accordance with the 5A level scenic spot creation standards and the overall planning of the area, under the premise of ensuring the quality and progress of the project, carefully do a good job in street lamp installation, road maintenance and other projects, highlight the quality of the scenic spot in the subtleties, and create a boutique project that can withstand the test of time and history.

During the inspection, Li Zhe also randomly inspected and learned about the environmental sanitation and rectification work in some rural areas of the state.

Source丨 Salt Lake Fusion Media

【Source: Salt Lake Government Affairs】

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