
Ho Leung-leung: Opposition spreads "plague of people's hearts" in Hong Kong

He Liangliang

The pneumonia epidemic infected by the new coronavirus began to hit Hong Kong before the Spring Festival, impacting Hong Kong's social and economic life.

As of the 4th, 17 cases of pneumonia infected with the new coronavirus have been confirmed in Hong Kong, and 1 case of death has aroused concern from all walks of life, and the supply of masks is in short supply, and people are panicked. At a time when many citizens were seeking medical treatment in hospitals, a trade union of medical staff in Hong Kong went so far as to issue a so-called "ultimatum" to the SAR Government, demanding that the border crossings between Hong Kong and the mainland be completely closed immediately and completely, that all personnel exchanges be stopped, so as to stop the virus from flowing into Hong Kong from the source, and that a strike be held if the SAR government did not agree.

The SAR Government has taken practical measures to reduce personnel exchanges between the Mainland and Hong Kong, and the Mainland has also cooperated. Hong Kong has a total of 13 ports, 6 of which have been suspended, and 4 more from the 4th, leaving only Shenzhen Bay, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the International Airport to continue to open, which has greatly restricted the movement of cross-border people. The Ministry of Public Security announced the suspension of the acceptance and endorsement of tours to Hong Kong and Macao, individual tours and "one-week trips" for Shenzhen residents. Guangdong Province halted thousands of domestic and foreign tour groups. In the case of a shortage of masks in the mainland, a considerable number of masks are still allocated for Hong Kong. Some have shouted about the so-called "lockdown", completely disregarding the hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents currently living in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta region, and the now-significantly reduced cross-border population flows. The deep reason for this is that the drunkards do not want to drink alcohol, and some medical staff who have participated in the storm of the amendment since June last year have claimed to prevent the virus from the mainland, which is essentially taking the opportunity to engage in "de-Sinicization". There are only a dozen cases of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus in Hong Kong, why do thousands of medical workers have to exert pressure and threaten the government to "seal the customs"? Strikes by health workers at a time when the epidemic is severe, and when viewed worldwide, they will only happen in Hong Kong.

Leung Chun-ying, the former chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, pointed out in a social media post that the "HA Staff Front", instigated by the black hand behind the scenes, ignored Hong Kong patients, took advantage of the epidemic to try to fire the first shot of the "three strikes", and resolutely went to the opposite side of society. He questioned that if medical workers go on strike today due to the epidemic, "tomorrow is a political strike, and the day after tomorrow is a strike for the 'five major demands'... Everything is a big thing, it is all to 'save Hong Kong', is the medical service of the Hong Kong people planted in the hands of these people? ”

People of insight pointed out that compared with the SARS crisis in 2003, Hong Kong is now caught in the "plague of people's hearts", when Hong Kong was united in the fight against SARS, and now the opposition has fallen into a well, not only instigating some medical workers to strike, but also continuing to launch violent sabotage attacks from time to time, and some newly elected district council members have also taken the opportunity to exert pressure on the SAR government. The opposition's leading figures have made no secret of their attempt to take advantage of the current public health crisis to continue to pursue "de-Sinicization" in an effort to control the new Legislative Council in the Re-Election in September this year and gradually realize the right to govern Hong Kong.

Sooner or later, the epidemic crisis will end, but the political situation in Hong Kong may worsen as a result. However, the overall situation in which Hong Kong belongs to China cannot be changed, nor can the central government's determination and will to continue to promote "one country, two systems" and implement the overall governance of Hong Kong. (The author is a host of Phoenix TV)

Editor-in-charge: Yang Yang

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