
He Liangliang: The black riots' attempt to stir up turmoil in Hong Kong is their own end

Source: Global Times

After entering May, the epidemic situation in Hong Kong continued to ease and economic and social life began to recover, but the black riot forces were also resurgent and ready to create turmoil similar to those that lasted for half a year after June last year, and the situation in Hong Kong once again attracted attention from all walks of life.

During the May Day holiday, some black rioters ignored the epidemic prevention ban, took to the streets to illegally gather, harass shops, throw petrol bombs, and the police also found "pressure cooker bombs" in a abandoned school building in Kowloon Bay. On Mother's Day on May 10, when some gangsters called for demonstrations in major shopping malls and shopping malls across Kowloon and the New Territories, hundreds of people dressed in black gathered in nearly 10 places across Hong Kong in violation of the ban. Compared with before, the scale of the activities of the black riot forces has expanded, and the behavior has become more and more extreme, in addition to the "five major demands, one is indispensable", they have also openly played the slogan of "Hong Kong independence" and sang songs with the color of "Hong Kong independence". However, the Hong Kong police quickly enforced the law, and according to reports, the police arrested more than 100 suspected illegal activities in Hong Kong on the same day, effectively dispersing the activities of the black riot forces.

June 9 marks the first anniversary of Hong Kong's "legislative amendment storm," and the recent insurgents' recent insurgency has nothing to do with the fact that they are still contemplating large-scale unrest. However, their scheme is doomed to fail. For some time now, obvious changes have taken place in Hong Kong, and "black riots are not eliminated for a day, and Hong Kong is restless for a day" is becoming the consensus of Hong Kong society.

First, the central government's overall right to govern and supervise Hong Kong has been gradually put into practice since the beginning of this year, which has effectively promoted the relevant work of the Hong Kong government, law enforcement and judicial system, and promoted Hong Kong to rectify the chaos. Recently, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and the Liaison Office of the CPC Central Committee have issued solemn statements and talks on the situation in Hong Kong, directly naming Kwok Wing-hing, a member of the Civic Party of hong Kong's Legislative Council, who took advantage of his position as vice chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee and used procedures to paralyze the Hong Kong Legislative Council. Luo Huining, director of the Liaison Office of the CPC Central Committee, solemnly pointed out that the laws and mechanisms of national security issues are a short board in Hong Kong and must be paid attention to and resolved.

Second, finding a way out for Hong Kong and refusing to be "speculated" has increasingly become the mainstream thinking of Hong Kong society. Affected by the double impact of the "amendment storm" and the epidemic, Hong Kong's economy has been deeply hit, with GDP falling by 8.9% in the first quarter, affecting the lives of a large number of ordinary citizens. On May 5, Tung Chee-hwa and Leung Chun-ying, two former chief executives of Hong Kong and vice chairmen of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, joined forces with 1,545 elite celebrities from all walks of life in Hong Kong to establish the "Hong Kong Re-Departure Grand Alliance", with the goal of getting out of the predicament and starting again, and will unite all the people as much as possible, support the administration of the Hong Kong SAR Government, and promote the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong society. The alliance has received widespread attention and welcome in Hong Kong society, and it also shows that restoring the economy and restoring normal social life order is the primary demand of the majority of Hong Kong citizens at present.

As the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office mentioned in its speech a few days ago, "The greatest scourge in Hong Kong comes from within it, that is, the black riot forces that openly clamor and carry out 'speculation.'" Eradicating the black riot forces has become the most important issue in Hong Kong at present, and the black rioters who are eager to move and still want to create turmoil are obviously looking for their own end. (The author is a host of Phoenix TV)

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