
He Liangliang: Plague runs rampant in the world Dharma Pudu sentient beings

author:Chinese Buddhism

Editor's Note: From December 29 to 31, the 2020 Nanhai Buddhism Shenzhen Roundtable was held in Shenzhen. During the meeting, current affairs commentator He Liangliang wrote a special article entitled "Plague Rampant in the World Dharma Pudu Sentient Beings", which mentioned how to fight the epidemic from its own perspective in the situation where the epidemic is still spreading, but also to work with neighbors to repair the soul and strengthen their spiritual strength. Buddhism can and is playing a unique role in this regard. The full text of the Phoenix Network Buddhism compilation is as follows:

He Liangliang: Plague runs rampant in the world Dharma Pudu sentient beings

2020 South China Sea Buddhism Shenzhen Roundtable Conference Site (Source: Phoenix Buddhism)

The year 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year in human history. A sudden pandemic of COVID-19 spread around the world, bringing unprecedented disasters to countries. In the face of this plague, various different civilizations have shown different ways of coping, among them, the Land of China, which was bred by the Chinese civilization, faced with the plague, was not afraid of danger, and the whole country was united in one heart, successfully controlled the epidemic, and social and economic life returned to normal, attracting the attention of the world.

But people cannot be left alone, and the country cannot develop behind closed doors. How to fight the epidemic from your own perspective in the situation where the epidemic is still spreading, but also to repair the soul with your neighbors and strengthen your spiritual strength.

Buddhism can and is playing a unique role in this regard.

Buddhism was introduced to China, experienced the process of localization, and became a religion of Chinese; the influence of Buddhism in Chinese daily thinking and life is both deep and widespread, although we are not conscious, but in fact, the subtle influence of Buddhism is everywhere, which is an important part of traditional Chinese culture and an important part of Chinese civilization. This kind of living Buddhism deserves our attention and study. Buddhism is particularly precious for soothing people's hearts and minds in today's society.

The world is developing rapidly, people's material life is unprecedentedly rich, the environment has also been unprecedentedly damaged, and the spread of the epidemic in the world, is there also a relationship between cause and effect?

This year's Roundtable on Buddhism in the South China Sea was held in this context, and its special significance is self-evident. South Sea Buddhism, Buddhism South Sea. The area around the South China Sea has been the place where Buddhism spread and carried forward since ancient times, and the light of Buddhism protects the tranquility and peace of the South China Sea. The South China Sea is also a necessary place for the maritime Silk Road in history, and today it is a very important link in China's Belt and Road Initiative. Therefore, the South China Sea Buddhist Conference held in Shenzhen in 2016 was a pioneering move, not only a grand gathering of South China Sea Buddhism, but also a symbol of China's opening up and exchanges represented by Shenzhen.

I greatly appreciate the concept of modern management of South China Sea Buddhism, Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist monasteries put forward by the Great Monk Yinshun. The development of Buddhism in China is a process of constantly advancing with the times and constantly renewing itself, so that Buddhism can keep pace with the progress of the times. Today's Buddhist ecology is no longer the scene of the old monks in the ancient monasteries in the mountains that we remembered in the past, but a vibrant religious civilization that can be oriented to the younger generation.

Mao Zedong Shiyun: By asking the plague king where he wants to go, the paper boat is burning in the sky. This is exactly the portrayal of the land of China today sending away the plague god and ushering in a new heaven.

People yearn for the pure land, the promised land, and look forward to the peace of mind. The holding of this year's South China Sea Buddhist Roundtable is in line with people's needs for spiritual improvement in the epidemic era, and the need for the sustainable development of Buddhism in the South China Sea.

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