
Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

author:Bo Shi Tong today

Before Wu Zixu died, he swore a poisonous oath to curse the demise of the Wu kingdom, and 9 years later, a word became a slur

Liang Qichao, a famous scholar in modern times, once said:

Wu Zi Xu Zhi Yong is deep, and the xiongye of the true world is also.

In Liang Qichao's view, Wu Zixu, a famous military figure in the Spring and Autumn Period, was a hero of the moment. In fact, Wu Zixu's life was magnificent, and before his death, he had predicted that the Wu Congress would be destroyed by the Yue Kingdom, and nine years later, it was fulfilled.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" >, the family is broken, leaving one person alone</h1>

In 557 BC, during the Spring and Autumn Period, King Chuping appointed Wu Hao as the Prince Taishi and Fei Wuji as the Prince's Young Master, and let two ministers of the Qiu Qiu assist the 15-year-old crown prince (芈建, also known as Prince Jian). Unexpectedly, Fei Wuji was actually a traitorous villain, and he saw that the prince reused Wu Luxury and despised himself, and planned to design to get rid of Wu Luxury.

Five years later ( 552 BC ) , Fei Wuji framed the crown prince and Wu Hao for plotting a rebellion , and King Chuping believed it to be true and immediately ordered Wu Hao 's arrest. Fei Wuji also went into the rumor that Wu Hao had two sons, neither of whom were ordinary figures, so it was better to take Wu Hao as hostages, summon his two sons to the palace together, and then kill them all together. King Chuping also wanted to cut the grass and remove the roots, so he sent someone to summon Wu Shang and Wu Yuan, wu hao's two sons.

When Wu Hao heard that King Chu Ping was going to arrest his son, he said: My eldest son Wu Shang is a man of great stature, and when he hears that his father has been arrested, he will definitely tie his hands and capture him. Unfortunately, my second son has a strong personality and can bear the burden of humiliation, and he will definitely not come.

Sure enough, when the King of Chu sent people to Wu Shang and Wu Yuan, Wu Shang knew that it was a trap and was willing to die. The soldiers snatched the door and fled.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

Wu Hao heard that his second son had escaped and sighed:

"The monarch of the Chu state is a bitter soldier."

This means that if you let go of my second son, he will not give up, and the Chu kingdom will surely fall into war in the future.

This escaped man, named Wu Yuan, he also has a well-known name, called Wu Zixu (字子胥, in character lines)!

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > two, the four seas are large, where to stay? </h1>

Wu Zixu risked death to escape from the State of Chu, he fled to the State of Song first, but there was civil unrest in the State of Song, he fled to the State of Wu, and was chased by the pursuing soldiers of the State of Chu when passing through Zhaoguan, there was a large river in front of him blocking the way, Wu Zixu was lamenting that the sky was going to kill me, when suddenly a fisherman rowed past, And Wu Zixu hurriedly shouted that the fisherman had docked. The fisherman supported the small boat to dock to pick up Wu Zixu on the boat, and then rowed the boat into the heart of the river, and the chasing soldiers behind him were beyond reach.

The fisherman sent Wu Zixu to the other side of the river, Wu Zixu touched the empty purse, very embarrassed, he took off the sword on his body and said to the fisherman: "This sword was given to my grandfather by the King of Chu, worth one hundred and two gold, I gave him to you to thank you for saving your life." ”

The fisherman laughed and said, "In order to catch you, the King of Chu offered a reward of ten thousand taels of gold." If I covet money, why don't I give you to the King of Chu!" Saying that, he rowed away, leaving Wu Zixu alone in the wind.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

After Wu Zixu crossed the river, he hid during the day and rushed to the road at night, and later fled to the State of Wu by begging all the way. In the State of Wu, Wu Zixu met a man who made him exert his ambitions, Gongzi Guang. Gongzi Guang was a cousin of Wu Wang, and he also had a name, Named Yan Lu.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > third, support the new monarch, attack Chu revenge</h1>

Gongzi Guang was a very ambitious man, and he had long coveted his cousin's position as King of Wu. Therefore, Wu Zixu recommended him an assassin named Zhuan Zhu, who successfully assassinated the Wu king, and Gongzi Guang replaced him, becoming the famous Wu king.

The ascension of King Wu to the throne directly prompted Wu Zixu's peaceful steps. After King Wu ascended the throne, Wu Zixu attacked the Chu state five times and won consecutive victories. In 506 BC, Wu Zixu led the Wu army to attack the capital of the Chu state of Ying, and King Chu Zhao fled into the wilderness. In order to take revenge, Wu Zixu excavated the tomb of King Chuping and whipped the corpse for three hundred, which was considered to be revenge for his father and brother.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

Wu Zixu not only helped King Wu defeat the State of Chu, but also successively cleaned up the surrounding states, and even the powerful States of Qi and Jin were very jealous of the State of Wu. For a time, King Wu monopolized Jianghuai, and no one was invincible.

Because Wu Zixu's merits were too great, Wu Wang Lu had intended to divide the world with Wu Zixu equally, but Wu Zixu refused.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > fourth, the king does not listen</h1>

In 496 BC, King Wu led Wu Zixu and others to attack the State of Yue, and the King of Yue sent death squads to commit suicide in front of the Army of Lu, completely stunned the generals of the State of Wu. Taking advantage of the great confusion of Wu Guojun's heart, Gou Jian led his army to defeat Que Lu, who was wounded and died. His son Fu Cha succeeded to the throne, and Wu Zixu served as a vassal of the Orphan, assisted Fu Cha, and guided Fu Cha to destroy the Yue Kingdom and avenge his father.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

Two years later, Wu WangFucha defeated the Yue king Gou Jian, who adopted the advice of Fan Li and Wen Zhong, humbly sought peace, and voluntarily went to the state of Wu as a slave. Fu Cha was very hesitant in the face of the money and beautiful women sent by The Country of Vietnam. Wu Zixu persuaded Fu Cha to take the opportunity to destroy the Yue Kingdom, but Fu Cha was kind and soft-hearted, leaving a way for Gou Jian to live.

Gou Jian stayed in the State of Wu for three years, and Wu Zixu repeatedly advised his husband to cut the grass and remove the roots, and Wu Wangfu listened to Bo Zhao's rumors and became more and more distrustful of Wu Zixu. Later, the Yue king returned to China and adopted the "Nine Techniques of Destroying Wu" in the language, and the Yue kingdom gradually became stronger. Wu Zixu advised Fu Cha to send an army to attack the State of Yue as soon as possible, but Fu Cha always wanted to go north to attack the State of Qi. At this time, Bo Yao framed Wu Zixu for rebellion, and fu Cha was furious and gave Wu Zixu to death.

Before Wu Zixu died, he was filled with grief and indignation. According to the Chronicle of History,

Wu Zixu looked up at the sky and sighed, "Oh! The courtiers were confused, and the king rebuked me. I made the Father overlord... But now if you listen to the words of the courtiers, you will kill the elders. Bi Shu Wu's tomb is made of Zi Zi, which can be used as a tool; and above the Wu Dong Gate of Wu Wu Eye County, it is to see the entry of Yue Kou to destroy Wu Ye. "He killed himself."

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

The death of Wu Zixu reminds people of Bai Qi in the Warring States period and Han Xin in the early years of the Han Dynasty. Wu Zixu's words before his death are worth pondering, he meant to say: "Back then, your father relied on me to dominate Jianghuai. And now you have listened to the rumors of Bo Zhao to harm me. After I die, I must goug out my eyes and hang them on the East City Gate, and I will see with my own eyes that the kingdom of Wu was destroyed by the Yue kingdom. ”

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > five, the general is dead, a word into a slur</h1>

After Wu Zixu's death, Wu Wangfu was almost overjoyed and addicted to wine, and Wu was strong and strong, while the Yue King next door was always staring at Wu Guo. Finally, nine years after Wu Zixu's death, King Gou of Yue launched a general attack on the State of Wu, and Wu Wangfu was defeated and retreated to Gusutai.

King Yue wanted to give Fu Cha a glimmer of life and wanted to exile him to Yongdong, but when Fu Cha heard about it, he did not tolerate the humiliation, so he drew his sword and killed himself.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

Fu Cha was the 25th monarch of the State of Wu, and his death declared the complete demise of the State of Wu, which had been in power for nearly 700 years. Coincidentally, when Gou Jian invaded the capital of the State of Wu, he passed through the East Gate. Wu Zixu really used his "eyes" to see the demise of the State of Wu. Wu Zixu is worthy of being the first ruthless person in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the poisonous oath he made nine years ago became a slur.

What must be said is that because he had no face to face Wu Zixu, Wu Wangfu specifically told his subordinates to cover their eyes with a white cloth before committing suicide, so that when he arrived in another world, he would not have to face Wu Zixu.

Before Wu Zixu died, he wanted to hang his eyes on the city wall, and 9 years later, he saw that the Wu kingdom was destroyed, the family was destroyed, and the only one person was left alone, two, and the four seas were large, where to stay? Third, support the establishment of a new king, attack Chu for revenge fourth, this great king does not listen to advice five, the general has died, a word into a slur

Liu Xiang, a famous literary scholar of the Western Han Dynasty, once commented on Wu Zixu:

Chu did not use Wu Zixu to break, Wu used it to dominate, Fu Chafei did not use Zixu to kill him, and the state pawn died.

Wu Guo's ability to obtain Wu Zixu was a blessing for Wu Guo, but Wu Wangfu sent Wu Zixu to kill Wu Zixu, which was the death of Wu Guo. If Wu Zixu can continue to gain the trust of Wu Wangfuchai, where is the miracle of "three thousand YueJia can swallow Wu"?


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