
Jinyan's love for students and the courage to take responsibility shows true feelings

author:Nakahara Flux

Henan Economic Daily reporter Yang Lei correspondent Li Xiaomeng

Recently, Xinmi Charity Federation, Xinmi Municipal Education Bureau and Xinmi Rural Commercial Bank jointly held the donation distribution ceremony of "Party Building and Joint Construction of Jinyan Scholarship" in 2021. Members of the team of Xinmi Rural Commercial Bank and 24 representatives of jinyan students attended the event. Wang Yuzhi, president of Xinmi Charity Federation, and Liu Zhenmin, secretary of the party group and director of Xinmi City Education Bureau, attended the event.

At the event, the bank briefly introduced the efforts and achievements of the bank in party building and co-construction, inclusive finance, and fulfilling social responsibilities. As a local financial institution, the bank has always had the feeling of home and country, the courage to assume social responsibility, serve the local economy, and is committed to providing more inclusive and comprehensive comprehensive services for the masses, and has always grown up with the people in the jurisdiction and coexisted with each other.

The Secretary of the Party Committee and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Xinmi Rural Commercial Bank expressed warm congratulations to the students who had achieved excellent results and were about to enter the university, and put forward their ardent hopes for them. I hope that they will always build up the confidence and courage to overcome difficulties and face life calmly. It is hoped that they will strengthen their ideals and convictions, establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values, and bravely shoulder the heavy historical responsibility entrusted by the times. I hope that they will study hard, become talents as soon as possible, and after returning from their studies, they will give back to their hometown and contribute to the construction of a beautiful new secret.

In this "Party Building and Joint Construction of Jinyan Scholarship" activity, Xinmi Rural Commercial Bank donated a total of 350,000 yuan to 298 outstanding students in the jurisdiction. In the next step, Xinmi Rural Commercial Bank will take this donation activity as an opportunity, combine the study and education of party history and the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", strengthen contacts with various units, conspire together, explore more forms and richer connotations of party building and co-construction, benefit the people and help the people, in order to continue to fulfill social responsibilities, adhere to the local bank with family feelings, mission responsibility, humanistic temperature, and unique competitiveness.

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