
Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

author:Chang'an Wu Cave
Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

On September 16, 1948, the Battle of Jinan began. Su Yu, the god of war in the army, spent just eight days annihilating the 100,000 troops of the Kuomintang.

However, the Battle of Jinan was full of mysteries and always touched people's curiosity.

At that time, Su Yu had an army of 320,000, why did he only use 140,000? Wang Yaowu, who was guarding Jinan, was in a critical situation, so why did Du Yuming see death and not save him?

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > unexpected victory</h1>

In the later stages of the Liberation War, the Kuomintang was gradually defeated and retreated, and the situation on the battlefield gradually became clear.

Most of the land from Jinan to Xuzhou was already occupied by the East China Field Army led by Su Yu.

Several major regiments of the Kuomintang were divided by our army and were entrenched in several large cities, falling into passivity at every turn.

The Kuomintang generals who guarded the major cities in the town were most dangerously endangered by Wang Yaowu, a senior Kuomintang general.

The Kuomintang was gradually defeated in the Shandong battlefield, and only one city remained under the jurisdiction of the Nationalist army, Jinan.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Prior to this, the 320,000-strong army of the East China Field Army was fully equipped and planned to capture the last strategic stronghold of the Kuomintang and liberate Shandong in one fell swoop.

At this time, there were 9 regular brigades and 5 security brigades left in Jinan City, totaling 100,000 troops.

Some of these Kuomintang troops were well-trained nationalist troops, some were civilian units, and many of them were "miscellaneous armies" with limited combat effectiveness.

The East China Field Army accelerated its march, and Wang Yaowu, who was in charge of defending the city, was under great pressure.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

At the critical moment of a thousand guns, the 100,000 Kuomintang troops in Jinan City were far from enough.

Wang Yaowu repeatedly asked Chiang Kai-shek for instructions, planning to mobilize a large army from Xuzhou to Jinan for reinforcements.

However, the factional struggle within the Kuomintang was serious, and Liu Zhi in Xuzhou was hesitant to send reinforcements. It was not until the Battle of Jinan began, at the behest of Chiang Kai-shek, that Liu Zhi reluctantly began to airlift troops to Shandong.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

On June 16, 1948, the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched an attack on the Kuomintang troops in Jinan.

Our army planned to completely liberate Jinan in 15 days, but it did not expect that the speed of victory would be far beyond imagination.

The quality of the Nationalist army in Jinan was uneven, and under the impact of the ARTILLERY and blasting operations of the People's Liberation Army, it was gradually overwhelmed.

Although Liu Zhi had already airdropped the troops of the Nationalist 74th Division to Jinan, it was not too late.

The battle had just begun, and in order to prevent reinforcements from the enemy, Su Yu had already ordered our army to first capture the airfield in the western suburbs of Jinan.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

At the same time, our artillery units blockaded the airfield.

Because of this, after the arrival of the first batch of Kuomintang reinforcements, subsequent reinforcements could not continue to import.

The successful airdrop of the troops, only 7 companies of troops, a total of more than a thousand people, led by Wang Yaowu's former commander of the 172nd Regiment of the 58th Brigade, Liu Bingkun.

Despite the limited strength of the troops, Wang Yaowu was full of confidence in the advanced weapons and equipment of the 74th Division.

He personally went to the airport to greet him, but found that the heavy weapons of 7 companies had been confiscated by Liu Zhi.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Wang Yaowu believed that the 74th Division was strong in combat, so he used it as a reserve and planned to deliver a fatal blow to our army at a crucial moment.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) stepped up artillery fire and attacked, and the momentum was overwhelming. Wang Yaowu was worried, and soon after the news came again.

Wu Huawen of the 96th Army, who was responsible for guarding the outer line of Jinan, led 20,000 people to revolt, and for a while, the outer defense line of Jinan had completely collapsed, and our army almost drove straight in.

Wang Yaowu quickly issued an order: shrink the outer defense line to the city of Jinan, and immediately send a reserve to block the breakthrough of the perimeter. Soon after, seven companies of the 74th Division were placed on the post and telecommunications building in the commercial port area of the core stronghold.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Wu Huawen

The post and telecommunications building is the key defense area of the Kuomintang, the roof is equipped with heavy machine guns and cannons, the entire building is full of machine gun firing ports, combat strength, guard double support, the Kuomintang became "a giant fortress without dead ends".

The post and telecommunications building is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, our army also sent the ace unit of the East China Field Army, the 3rd Column.

As soon as the battle began, our army suppressed the enemy with strong firepower, and the 3 columns of soldiers launched a charge, and soon after cleared the defenders in other areas of the commercial port and launched an attack on the final post and telecommunications building.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

The 3rd Column soldiers blasted at the Post and Telecommunications Building with large weapons, and then used machine guns to suppress the perforations in the building.

At the same time, the elite troops of the 3rd Column attacked simultaneously from the north, west, and south.

The Kuomintang occupied the commanding heights and began to carry out frenzied strafing of our army. A large number of grenades thrown by the Kuomintang exploded around the soldiers of the 3rd Column, but our army did not have the slightest fear.

At this time, the People's Liberation Army was rapidly advancing in other battlefields in Jinan, and there was almost no suspense in the victory of our army. The Post and Telecommunications Building has undoubtedly become the ultimate showdown between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

In order to encourage the 75th Division, Wang Yaowu issued a special order: as long as the post and telecommunications building was guarded, the soldiers could be promoted to a higher rank and rich, and Liu Bingkun, who was in charge of commanding the battle, would also be promoted to major general brigade commander.

The 75th Division began its final desperate struggle, with machine guns firing wildly, the area around the Post and Telecommunications Building burst into flames for a while, and our army suffered heavy casualties.

Wang Jiwen, commander of the 8th Division, was hit by an enemy grenade while commanding the war and died heroically.

Huaye's senior general was killed, and the warriors were devastated.

At this time, outside the post and telecommunications building, the bodies of dead and wounded soldiers covered almost the entire ground.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

How fierce was the Battle of the Post and Telecommunications Building?

Wang Yaowu later recalled: "In an instant, he was killed or injured at the edge of the shooting port or lying on the window. In this way, they were constantly killed, and the defenders continued to pull the dead bodies away or push them down the stairs and continue the fighting."

The Kuomintang stubbornly resisted, and our army never gave up and launched one charge after another.

The warriors in the front fell, and the warriors in the back went forward.

Under the stubborn attack of our army, the post and telecommunications building was finally torn open, and the soldiers finally rushed into the last position of the Kuomintang.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

More than a hundred Kuomintang members were surrounded in the room by our army, and the People's Liberation Army repeatedly shouted to persuade the Kuomintang to surrender.

To their surprise, the Kuomintang refused to comply with death, and they loudly declared: "Loyalty to Chief Wang, swear not to surrender." ”

An hour later, our army decided to make a quick decision, so it threw the explosive package into the room occupied by the Kuomintang.

Since then, the last powerful company has also been breached.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Later, Liu Bingkun, the chief guard of the Post and Telecommunications Building, was seriously wounded, and the morale of the Kuomintang troops was low.

At this time, the siege of Jinan was nearing its end.

On September 22, most of Jinan had been liberated, but the commander Wang Yaowu fled in disguise, and our army tried to search for it, but found nothing.

On the 24th, the main force of the People's Liberation Army broke through the last defensive line of the Nationalist army, and the main force occupied Jinan.

That night, the People's Liberation Army had wiped out the remnants of the Nationalist army in Jinan, and the city of Jinan was finally fully liberated.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

The liberation defense line collapsed violently, the Kuomintang had completely lost the power of resistance, and after the Defeat of the Kuomintang army in Linyi, Shandong was basically liberated.

For the entire liberation war, Jinan's victory was of crucial significance.

As the Americans said: "Since then, where the PEOPLE's Liberation Army is going to go, where it wants to attack Hecheng, no one can stop it anymore." ”

The Battle of Jinan was a complete victory, and the soldiers were excited.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Our army shortened the original siege time from 15 days to 8 days, annihilating 100,000 enemy troops.

Since then, the strategic situation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has gradually shifted from defense to offense, and major battlefields across the country have responded positively, laying the foundation for a comprehensive victory in the Liberation War.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="80" > the mystery of the Battle of Jinan</h1>

The Battle of Jinan was a great victory and the morale of our army was high, but this battle left two unsolved mysteries:

First, Hua Ye sent 320,000 troops to liberate Jinan, but General Su Yu only used 140,000 of them.

Second, Jinan was of great significance to the Kuomintang, Wang Yaowu asked Chiang Kai-shek to increase his troops, and Du Yuming received reinforcement orders, so why didn't he send troops to rescue him?

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="85" > the "secret" of 140,000 siege troops</h1>

Before the Battle of Jinan officially began, our army was ready for arduous combat.

In order to ensure the victory of the war, Su Yu submitted 3 battle plans to his superiors.

First, round up the point to help. The ultimate goal of our army in seizing Jinan was to eliminate the Kuomintang forces in Shandong.

First of all, Su Yu ordered his men to attack the city first, and if the Nationalists in other regions came to support, our army would have enough opportunity to annihilate them.

Since the People's Liberation Army has seized the opportunity and there are no reinforcements, it is only a matter of time before Jinan is captured.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Second, troops were sent to ambush the Kuomintang troops who came to reinforcement, and the focus of the battle was established in the siege stage.

The use of marginal troops to delay the movement of the Kuomintang reinforcements, buying time for huaye's main forces to attack the city.

Third, encircle the points to provide reinforcements and focus on sieges.

Su Yu planned to capture Jinan Airport first, completely cut off the Nationalist reinforcements, and then focus on attacking the reinforcements.

After no worries, he did his best to attack the city.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

After detailed study and discussion, the Party Central Committee finally chose the third plan.

According to the initial deployment, the siege and reinforcement were carried out at the same time, and Huaye needed to invest at least 200,000 troops.

Subsequently, Xu Shiyou, the commander-in-chief of the attack on Jinan, led 140,000 troops to focus on the attack, while Su Yu led 180,000 troops to the south.

Xu Shiyou led 140,000 troops to the city, and the Kuomintang already felt the crisis.

Chiang Kai-shek ordered Wang Yaowu to hold our army in check for 10 days. At the same time, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Du Yuming to lead Xuzhou's forces to the north quickly to support Jinan.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Xu Shiyou

According to the original plan, Wang Yaowu only needed to support for more than 10 days, and when Du Yuming's army arrived, he could attack Xu Shiyou's army on both sides, and the situation on the battlefield would be reversed.

Su Yu had already anticipated That Du Yuming's reinforcements would move north, and he led an army of 180,000 men to the south, focusing on blocking Du Yuming's army.

All along, Du Yuming was very jealous of Su Yu. Because of this, Du Yuming could not continue to the north, and the Battle of Jinan eventually evolved into the ultimate battle between Xu Shiyou and Wang Yaowu.

At this time, the Jinan battlefield again spread the news of success, after 5 rounds of frontal fighting, Xu Shiyou has led 140,000 troops to completely break through the Jinan defense line.

In this way, Su Yu and Xu Shiyou only used 140,000 troops to win the final victory in the Battle of Jinan.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Su Yu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="112" > internally corrupt and defeated</h1>

After the victory in the Battle of Jinan, the soldiers conducted a carpet search of the city, but never found any trace of Wang Yaowu.

Towards the end of the battle, Wang Yaowu had made full preparations for his escape.

Disguised, he searched for many stand-ins, escaped from the sewers, and successfully evaded the pursuit of Huaye warriors.

Wang Yaowu originally planned to disguise himself as a refugee and flee east along Jiaoji Road to Qingdao.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Since Wang Yaowu was from Shandong, there was no suspicion at the checkpoint along the way.

On September 28, Wang Yaowu fled to the Shouguang County area, and suddenly felt uncomfortable in his stomach, so he took advantage of the farmer's toilet.

In the early morning of the next day, our army received a report from a farmer because he found high-grade white toilet paper in the toilet that he had never used before.

Obviously, the person who can use this toilet paper is not an ordinary person.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

The field army followed the vines and set up a lot of checkpoints near Shouguang County to wait for the rabbits.

Soon after, the guards found a "trader" who looked exactly like Wang Yaowu.

Our army inquired in detail about Wang Yaowu's destination, but he was full of loopholes.

The warriors then searched and found a sheet of white toilet paper.

Our army carefully examined it again, and Wang Yaowu, seeing that he could not escape, confessed his true identity.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

As a senior officer of the Kuomintang, Wang Yaowu was placed in a prisoner of war camp directly under the East China Liberated Area after he was captured.

In the Battle of Jinan, the Kuomintang collapsed completely, and Wang Yaowu became a prisoner of the order.

Wang Yaowu's command of the defeat in the war was greatly related to the fact that Du Yuming did not lead the support troops to arrive in time.

And why didn't Du Yuming save Wang Yaowu?

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Du Yuming

First of all, Du Yuming's reinforcements were delayed and had a great relationship with Chiang Kai-shek.

Before the Battle of Jinan officially began, Chiang Kai-shek had already foreseen the "defeat" in advance, so he did not send reinforcements for a long time.

However, Chiang Kai-shek was unwilling to abandon Jinan easily, so he temporarily sent Du Yuming to Jinan to support.

He once ordered Wang Yaowu to persist for 10 to 20 days, implying that only wang Yaowu could resist the pressure in order to gain a glimmer of life for himself.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Secondly, it is Du Yuming's retreat.

At this time, what could really affect the war situation was not Wang Yaowu's 100,000 troops, but the support troops led by Du Yuming.

Because of this, Su Yu led an army of 180,000 to the south, focusing on Du Yuming.

Although Su Yu and his party slowed down Du Yuming's action speed, they did not rely on Hua Ye's combat strength, but on Su Yu's personal deterrent power.

Su Yu was known as the god of war in the army, created countless war miracles, and was even more famous within the Kuomintang, so Du Yuming was very jealous of Su Yu.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

However, in this Su Yu blockade battle, he exposed all of his 180,000 troops to Du Yuming, su Yu was frank and frank, but Du Yuming retreated.

Du Yuming knew that he did not have the ability to confront Su Yu, and his heart was full of fear.

Yes, Du Yuming's troops did not dare to advance, and could only stand still.

Reinforcing Jinan is nothing more than an optional task for Du Yuming.

Du Yuming was unwilling to risk his own life and the lives of his generals, so he decided to postpone observation, and kept leading his men to negotiate with Su Yu, maintaining a defensive posture, but not taking the initiative to attack.

Battle of Jinan: The mystery is fraught with mysteries, Su Yu has 320,000 troops with only 140,000, Du Yuming did not save Wang Yaowu's unexpected victory In the mystery of the Jinan Campaign, the "secret" of the 140,000 siege army was corrupted internally, and the soldiers were defeated

Soon after, the news of the fall of Jinan came, and Du Yuming was immediately relieved.

He ordered his men to quickly withdraw and return to Xuzhou, waiting for Chiang Kai-shek's next battle plan to avoid being surrounded and annihilated by the main huaye force led by Su Yu, and Du Yuming also secretly rejoiced.

Chiang Kai-shek's suspicions and Du Yuming's retreat led to the gradual defeat and retreat of the Nationalist army on the battlefield of Jinan.

With only 140,000 troops, our army regained the initiative in the war of liberation.

Su Yu and Xu Shiyou are really tiger generals in the army.

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