
Xi Murong's 10 sentences tell the truth of life

author:Bright Net

See Word No. 836


We can only come to this world once, and we can only have one name. I would like to describe in a thousand words this kind of warmth and hazy joy that can only be found in the human world.


When I look back, I suddenly realize that all the efforts I have made in my life are only for the people around me to be satisfied with me.


In the middle of the journey, I can not belong to the beginning, or the end, not to belong to any place and to anyone, in this individual moment, I just need to belong to myself.


I have no worries or fears.

Xi Murong's 10 sentences tell the truth of life


It turns out that loving someone is not just a strong emotion, it is also "a determination, a judgment, a promise".


Youth is too hasty a book, and we read it again and again with tears in our eyes.


Knowing Junchu is like returning from the past. The end of the world is bright and the moon is new, and the twilight is the most acacia. I have come on the moon only because you are in the mountains.

Xi Murong's 10 sentences tell the truth of life


Calm down and learn how to find life out of the panic.


Don't refuse to say that beautiful vow just because it may change, and don't dare to ask for a heartfelt encounter because you may be separated.


When the fog rises, I am in your arms, and when the fog clears, it is a lifetime.

Source: People's Daily client

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