
Too ferocious! The national table tennis players advanced 11-1, 11-2, 11-2, and ended the battle in 13 minutes

Too ferocious! The national table tennis players advanced 11-1, 11-2, 11-2, and ended the battle in 13 minutes

Too ferocious! The national table tennis players advanced 11-1, 11-2, 11-2, and ended the battle in 13 minutes

Table tennis WTT Nigeria fierce battle is in full swing, Beijing time on the evening of June 14, a huge gap in strength duel came to an end, the national table tennis combination He Zhuojia / Wang Xiaotong met Frema / Quabbi from Ghana, the result was completely a one-sided fight, He Zhuojia / Wang Xiaotong not only won 3-0, but also let the other party take 5 points in three games.

Because the gap in strength between the two sides is too large, we can clearly see that the national table tennis players have converged their combat effectiveness on the field and did not let the other party swallow zero eggs out, which can be regarded as leaving some face for Ghanaian players!

Too ferocious! The national table tennis players advanced 11-1, 11-2, 11-2, and ended the battle in 13 minutes

As we all know, Africa's table tennis foundation is relatively weak, except for a few athletes such as Aruna, Omar, Mechelf, Gouda and so on can impact Asian and European masters, most of the rest of the athletes' level is relatively average, and the above are distributed in Nigeria, Egypt, like Ghana and other countries The level of athletes is significantly inferior.

In the first round of the women's singles qualifying round, national table tennis player Li Yake had already played Ghanaian athlete Quabi, when Li Yake advanced 11-3, 11-4, 11-4, and then this opponent played against us in the women's doubles event, and lost even worse.

Too ferocious! The national table tennis players advanced 11-1, 11-2, 11-2, and ended the battle in 13 minutes

The battle of He Zhuojia/Wang Xiaotong, Frema/Quabbi was really boring, because soon after the start of the game, everyone found that this Ghanaian pair was not our opponent at all, and even the relatively standard hitting action was not an easy task for them.

In the first game, He Zhuojia/Wang Xiaotong almost kept a clean sheet against Frema/Quabbie, and finally ended the fight 11-1, and then won two consecutive 11-2 to end the fight, and it took only 13 minutes to get a ticket to the main draw.

Too ferocious! The national table tennis players advanced 11-1, 11-2, 11-2, and ended the battle in 13 minutes

I have to say that the level of Ghanaian players does have a gap with the national table tennis, not to mention that He Zhuojia is still an athlete who has hung Mimato Ito and the main player of hard national table tennis, and she is still a special playing style of long rubber, and the rotation is varied, which makes the opponent even more dizzy - how can Frema/Quabi usually meet such a strong opponent? It would be nice to be able to play the whole game.

Of course, competitive sports are originally strong and weak, and all masters have grown up step by step. Although the African player lost the competition this time, we still look forward to more Aruna and others appearing, making the confrontation in the table tennis more exciting!

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