
The 2024 Staff Table Tennis Competition ended successfully

author:Xinmin release

On June 28, the 2024 employee table tennis competition of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty - Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party, Unite and Strive for a New Journey" sponsored by the Xinmin Federation of Trade Unions came to a successful conclusion. After 4 days of fierce competition, the team of the Municipal Urban and Rural Law Enforcement Bureau, the team of the Municipal Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Promotion Center, and the team of the Municipal Education Bureau won the top three men's teams, and the Municipal Education Bureau, Xinliu Street, and the Municipal People's Congress team won the top three women's teams, and the first, second and third places in men's singles and women's singles were awarded to the groups and individuals.

The 2024 Staff Table Tennis Competition ended successfully

This competition fully demonstrated the spirit of the city's employees who are aggressive, energetic and tenacious, promoted the development of the city's staff fitness sports, and promoted the healthy development of the city's workers' sports.

The 2024 Staff Table Tennis Competition ended successfully
The 2024 Staff Table Tennis Competition ended successfully

The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions said that it would take this opportunity to take cultural and sports activities as the carrier to continuously enrich the cultural and sports life of employees, enhance the happiness and sense of gain of employees, and promote the cultural undertakings of employees in our city to a new level.

Reporter: Zhang Rui

Rong Media Editor: Sun Jiaqi

Review: Wang Yan


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