
At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team

author:Modern Express

Farewell song, long pavilion farewell. On June 30, the 2024 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony of Nanjing Medical University was held in the gymnasium of Jiangning Campus. This year, a total of 2,491 undergraduates, 2,148 master's students and 299 doctoral students graduated from Nanjing Medical University. The study of Southern Medical University has laid a solid foundation for their careers, and these young people with dreams and vitality will start from here to go to the west, to the grassroots, and to a new stage of life.

At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team

△ Graduation ceremony

Principal's message

Inherit the heart of benevolent doctors and take on the responsibility of the family and country

Before the graduation ceremony, representatives of graduates and counselors from various colleges and secondary training units of Southern Medical University sang their youth with familiar songs such as "Dreams, Blooming in Southern Medical University", "You Were a Teenager", "The Intersection of Phoenix Blossoms" and "To Tomorrow", sending blessings to the 2024 undergraduate graduates.

At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team

△ Hu Zhibin

Hu Zhibin, President of Nanjing Medical University and Chairman of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, congratulated the 2,491 undergraduates who had successfully graduated. He said that in the journey of seeking knowledge and pursuing their dreams in Southern Medicine, the students rationally "examined" and positioned their future development direction in the magnificent waves of the times. In the process of rapid development of the country, we will enthusiastically "participate", devote ourselves to practice, and bloom gorgeous flowers where the motherland needs it most; In the "climbing" on the road of striving for first-class in the ninth rank of Southern Medicine, on the historical scale of the breakthrough development of Southern Medicine, the youth answer sheet exclusive to the graduates of the class of 2024 is marked.

"This year marks the 90th anniversary of the school, and this historic moment is not only a milestone in the development of the school, but also a shining starting point for the students' life journey." Hu Zhibin said that he hoped that the students would inherit the benevolence of the people of Nanyi for life, their sincerity to the motherland, and their dedication to the people, integrate their life ideals into the great dream of the country and the nation, and polish the original background of wearing white clothes with benevolence; Inherit the power of practice, firm and realistic road, anchor the goal, tirelessly, be loyal to the truth, be diligent and prudent, keep a clear mind in a complex and changeable society, and withstand the test of the times; Inherit the will of struggle, climb the peak of innovation, take struggle as the pen, take innovation as the ink, and bravely depict the most beautiful picture of the people of Southern Medicine on the road of chasing dreams and new journeys.


Starting from Southern Medical University, he went to the west and went to the grassroots

This year, there is such a group of graduates of Southern Medical University, who have devoted themselves to the western region and went to the grassroots level, using what they have learned to sow hope for the children in the western region and the grassroots level.

At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team

△Flags were awarded to the volunteer graduates of the Graduate Student Support Group (the second from the right is Shao Jiani)

Shao Jiani, a 2020 graduate of the School of Foreign Chinese, chose to join the graduate student teaching group and went to a primary school in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan. When it came to the original intention of joining the research group, she admitted that it was influenced by her seniors and seniors. "They take the children to learn knowledge and open a window to the outside world, and they are all role models for me. I would also like to contribute to the local elementary school as a member. ”

In the past few months, Shao Jiani has held two class meetings. Through the online class meeting, she had a better understanding of the local customs. This also made Shao Jiani full of yearning for the local area. "I studied English and also have a high school English teacher certificate, and I hope to combine what I have learned to not only let the children know more about books, but also to bring them medical and health knowledge."

At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team

△ Flag presentation to the volunteer graduates of the "Western Plan" (third from the right is Jia Rui)

Jia Rui, a student from the School of Nursing, chose to join the "Western Plan" and bring his nursing knowledge to Xinjiang. When he was a child, Jia Rui's favorite program to watch was "Moving China", and he was moved and inspired by one of the characters. During his studies at Southern Medical University, he often participated in off-campus practice. In particular, when it comes to popularizing physiological and health knowledge to children, it is found that everyone is very lacking in this area. On the occasion of graduation, Jia Rui took the initiative to sign up for the "Western Plan", hoping to truly turn what he learned at Southern Medical University into practice and bring health to more people.

Xueba is open

He has won many awards and his dream is to become the team doctor of the national table tennis team

At the undergraduate graduation ceremony, there was also an exciting scene. The school presented awards to the "Most Influential Undergraduate Graduates", and 10 struggling young people from Southern Medical University took the stage to accept this shining award.

At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team

△ Award for "Most Influential Undergraduate Graduate".

What makes them the most influential undergraduate graduates? To this end, the reporter specially interviewed Shao Bo, a 2019 graduate of clinical medicine (5+3) integration major, and unlocked a period of "open" college life.

At the graduation ceremony of Southern Medical University, Xueba bluntly said that he wanted to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team


Table tennis has won a total of 4 gold medals in international competitions; 2 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 2 total victory awards in national competitions; 5 gold medals and 3 bronze medals in provincial competitions; Dance won 1 provincial gold award...... These awards were won by Shao Bo during his time in school, he has loved table tennis very much since he was a child, and his idol is Ma Long. Choosing clinical medicine is also a dream to become a team doctor of the national table tennis team in the future to escort the health of athletes.

For this dream, Shao Bo has been working hard. During his undergraduate years, he has published 3 SCI papers, applied for 1 national patent, won the first prize in the main competition of the 18th "Challenge Cup" National College Students' Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, the provincial special prize, the first prize in the National Life Science Competition, etc., and entered the clinical skills team through selection, and won the second place in the individual event and the sixth in the group in the Far East International Olympiad Surgical Competition.

"Kindness is the most important character of a doctor," says Shao. In his spare time, he actively participates in blood donation, and he is also a member of the "Heart Care Project", following the team to screen and rescue children with congenital heart disease across the country.

"Table tennis not only strengthened my body, but also gave me a dexterous hand and a strong heart, which helped me better treat patients on the operating table." Shao Bo said that the direction he chose was orthopedics. "Because I was an athlete, I have a better understanding of the impact of injuries on my career, and I have more experience in preventing and treating them."

"I would like to thank my alma mater for nurturing me, my family who has always supported me, my teachers who have worked hard, my teammates who have fought side by side, and my opponents along the way...... I will continue to promote sportsmanship, dedicate myself to the cause of medicine, and bring happiness and health to more people. ”

Correspondent Tian Tian Modern Express/Modern + Reporter Li Nan Image source: School official WeChat

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