
Wang Fu: Meng Duanzhu wrote for wei Li, the first hand (part 1) of the National Dynasty

author:Zhi Lan Zhai

Wang Fu's life can be described as legendary, and the Ming Shi Ben Biography says: "Wang Fu, the character Mengduan, a wuxi person." Erudite, song and poetry, noh book, writing mountain wood bamboo stone, wonderful moment. HongwuZhong, sitting tired of Shuozhou. Yongle Chu, with a recommendation, with a good book to provide Wen Yuange. For a long time, except for the Zhongshu Sheren. This is a minimalist narrative, but it highly summarizes the multi-talent of the master who can read both literature and calligraphy, and at the same time says that he was killed for an incident during the Ming Hongwu years, and in the early years of Yongle, because he was good at calligraphy, he was recommended to wenyuan Pavilion in Beijing, and then later promoted to Zhongshu Sheren.

In fact, in the ninth year of Hongwu, Wang Fu was admitted as a doctoral disciple at the age of 15. Two years later, Zhu Yuanzhang changed Nanjing to the Beijing Division, and in the autumn of that year, he invited doctoral disciples to enter Beijing, and Wang Fu was conscripted into Beijing. Regarding his later encounters, Xiao Renzong said in the "Brief Biography of the Famous Ink Bamboo Artist Wang Fu Xingyi": "When he was 19 years old, Hu Weiyong, the minister of The Spring Moon, plotted against him. At the age of 20, Zhu Yuanzhang jianguo studied under the Jiming Mountain, known as the 'GuoziJian'. Many years later, Because of his high ambition, lack of interpersonal relationships, and involvement in matters, Wang Fu degraded Shuo Prefecture (Datong City) in Shanxi Province as a military pawn for nineteen years, without the color of discouragement, and was at ease. ”

Xiao Renzong believed that Wang Fu was killed because he was clean and high-spirited, and then he was implicated because of the incident, so he went to Datong Shubian for nineteen years. What exactly wang fu was implicated in is not recorded in various literature. However, Wang Fu said in the poem "Dai Zhou Dao Zhong": "I do not know the fate of the matter, and I have fallen to the end of the world." "He was beaten up when he was young, and the authorities must have charged him with a crime, and Wang Fu should know the reasons and real reasons for his conviction, and he is inconvenient to tell about the things he wants to do, or it may involve a major background." Mr. Yu Jianhua speculated that Wang Fu may have been implicated in Hongwu's thirteen-year-old Hu Weiyong conspiracy case, which involved tens of thousands of people. As for the time of Wang Shubian, some say nineteen years, some say twenty years, in short, he lived in Datong for nearly twenty years, until the death of Ming Taizu, his affairs were alleviated.

Wang Fu: Meng Duanzhu wrote for wei Li, the first hand (part 1) of the National Dynasty

Wang Fu's "Eight Pictures of Beijing" (part one), collection of the China History Museum

In the second year of Jianwen, Wang Fu was 39 years old, and Xiao Renzong said that he returned to his hometown in Wuxi with his two sons when he was 38 years old, but in fact, his problem was not closed, Ming Zhangxun said in the "Letter of the Prince of Mengduan of the Former Zhongshu She": "Wu He, by virtue of his adopted son, he returned to the south with Chen Mengshi. It seems that Wang Fu adopted an adopted son in Datong, and he asked his adopted son to continue to fight for him, so he could return to Jiangnan.

Nearly twenty years of life in Shubian did not discourage Wang Fu, and he was described in the "Xingzhi": "Although the Gong was in the rong brigade, he was clothed and brought with him, and he was at ease. There is no shaking heart on the inside, no discouragement on the outside, and I don't know that it is who is also a squat. The Keeper knows his feelings and gives him a good gift. In the great contemporaneous period, he wrote many Shubian poems, such as his "Out of Sai Huaigu":

If you want to knock on the heavens, you can't get through, and you will be thrown into the wilderness and obeyed from Rong.

Wang Sun, who mourned Han Xin, did what he did to pluck Lü Meng.

The wind folded the edge of the cloth and was cold, and the moon eggplant blew the building into the air.

Dan Xin went to the final report, and the humble one could get the battle merit.

The style of this poem is quite desolate, Wang Fu expressed his bitterness in the poem, and according to the laws of history, the more setbacks there are, the easier it is to write good poems, so Wang Fu's poems are also praised by later generations, and siku Guanchen commented in the summary of his poetry collection "Wang Sheren's Poetry Collection": "Although the knot is slightly weaker, and the elegance is more than enough, cover his divine thoughts are clear, so although it is long and short, it is randomly stained, and it is not exhaustive, and it is dusty and naturally fit." ”

Wang Fu: Meng Duanzhu wrote for wei Li, the first hand (part 1) of the National Dynasty

Wang Fu's "Eight Pictures of Beijing" (part two) collection of the China History Museum

Regarding the scene after Wang Fu returned to Wuxi, Xiao Renzong said in the text: "In the second year of Emperor Hui's Jianwen, Wang Fu was thirty-eight years old, was released to return to the south, and lived in seclusion in Huishan, that is, Jiulong Mountain, while calling himself 'Jiulongshan people', teaching for a living, poetry and painting for self-amusement, wandering through the mountains and forests and spring stones, and his spirit was refreshing. "Jiulong Mountain, where Wang Fu lives in seclusion, is the famous Huishan Mountain in Wuxi, and during Wang Fu's hermitage in Huishan, he actually caused hundreds of years of singing because of a painting.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Shi Sex Hai served as the abbot of Huishan Temple, and Sex Sea liked to taste tea, and there was a famous second spring in the world next to Huishan Temple, so Sex Sea drew water from the spring every day to make tea. In the twenty-eighth year of Ming Hongwu, Wang Fu was recuperating at home because of an eye disease, and one day, the famous Chinese medicine doctor Pan Kecheng took Wang Fu to the Song'an tea tasting chat in sex sea, and at this time a Huzhou bamboo worker proposed to make an elegant tea stove for sex sea. Shortly thereafter, the tea stove was made, and everyone saw that the tea stove was extremely exquisitely made, the appearance was woven with Xiang bamboo, the inside was stone gall, and the bile stove and the bamboo fence were filled with a special kind of soil.

The crowd was greatly excited to see this handicraft-level tea stove, and Wang Fu was also bright-eyed, so he drew a landscape map on the spot, and at the same time made a "Tea Stove Poem":

The monk's hall is high and idle, and the bamboo tea set is clear.

Steam yang envy three spring rain, vocal cords on both sides of the Xiang River autumn.

The jade mortar knocks the snow cold at night, and the green ou qing leads to the thick clouds.

Zen Wengtuo reopened the society, if a confidant is Zhao Zhou.

This incident also made the monk of the sex sea very excited, so he invited many friends to write poems for the bamboo tea stove, and then asked someone to transcribe these poems together and frame them into a hand scroll with the landscape paintings painted by Wang Fu, making this painting a famous collection. Later, Sex Sea went to Huqiu Temple to become an abbot, and before leaving, he gave the bamboo tea stove to his friend Pan Kecheng, which remained in Pan's family for more than 60 years, until many years after Pan Kecheng's death during the Chenghua period, his descendants gave the bamboo tea stove to Yang Mengxian.

Wang Fu: Meng Duanzhu wrote for wei Li, the first hand (part 1) of the National Dynasty

Wang Fu 's "Mountain Pavilion Wenhui Map" Collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei

In the twelfth year of Ming Chenghua, Qin Kui, a Wuxi native, returned to his hometown from his post as the prefect of Wuchang, and saw the hand scroll painted by Wang Fu from the master of the Tingsong Temple, Monk Jiehong, and lamented the separation of the painting from the furnace, so after many searches, he finally obtained this furnace from Yang Mengxian's brother Yang Mengjian, and then returned the furnace to the Huishan Temple. At that time, Qin Fu's father, Qin Xu, was presiding over the Bishan Yin Society, and all the friends in the Qin Xu Order Society jointly wrote poems to sing about this matter, and these poems were also framed into the hand scrolls painted by Wang Fu, and at that time, Qin Fu also made a "Record of Listening to the Song'an Fu Bamboo Tea Dumpling", which first said: "Bamboo is used for bamboo, and it is advisable to worship frugality and suye in the mountain house." There are six of them: one for the bottle-like Mi Ming Shi Ding, four for the tea bowl, all pottery also, square for the tea grid one, cut off bamboo pipe for it, is the HongwuJian Huishan listen to the Song'an Zhengong old object. ”

Qin Kui believes that in addition to the stove, there are four tea bowls, and for the shape of the stove, he described it in the "Record": "The system of the mound, the circle is above and the square is down, the weaving of bamboo is the sand, and the construction of the soil is the quality." The earth is very strong, and the claws are the sound of gold and stone, and the apologies in it are false, and the kind of humble and virtuous. Molten iron is a fence, cutting up and down, in order to publicize the climate, the system is ingenious, and it is rumored that it is a true public handwriting, and Yu Du suspects that this non-good craftsman cannot do it. Xiang Xianda Zhongshu Sheren Wang Gong tasted poetry. ”

The prince in this passage refers to Wang Fu, who said that Wang Fu had composed a poem to chant this bamboo stove, which can be quoted earlier. Regarding the later situation of this furnace and the process of being lost and recovered, Qin Kui also wrote in the "Record": "In Yongle, the true publicity is silent, and the ruins have also fallen into the human world, and the only Gong han Mo still exists, and the fall is in the company of Songyun Luoyue." Chenghua Bing Shendong, Yu returned from Ezhu and Shu Su Nunnery, and the True Duke Sun Yue Jie Hong came out to show Yu, because of the recitation of Wang Sheren's work, sighed its beauty, and regretted its empty words, and wanted to restore it, because of the Shi Shi's teachings and sparse language, and the Jie Hong envoy visited Yan all over. It has been gained by the right clan in the city, and the ruin is still unharmed, and the special mingtang has lost and does not exist... The year of his death, I do not know what year it was, but I remembered it. The receiver, the poet Yang Mengxian, the one who returned, the Zhongmeng Jingyun. It is the year JiaPing Moon Looking At the Sun, yi people Qin Fu zhi. ”

Wang Fu: Meng Duanzhu wrote for wei Li, the first hand (part 1) of the National Dynasty

Wang Fu's "Qiao Ke Bamboo stone map axis" collection of the Palace Museum

Later, some people said that the original bamboo stove was lost, and some people said that it was damaged, and the Wuxi man Sheng Bingyuan ordered his nephew Sheng Yu to make two bamboo tea stoves as they were. One day, Wu Kuan in Suzhou saw one of them and liked it so much that he wrote three poems in a row, and later many poets sang about this furnace. In the end, the hand scroll that Wang Fu had drawn was also missing.

In the twenty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the famous poet Gu Zhenguan also lived in Huishan, and his living room was called Jishuyan, and it is said that he also copied a new bamboo tea stove and placed it in Jishuyan. At that time, Gu Zhenguan was very hopeful to find Wang Fu's hand scroll to match with the bamboo tea stove, but unfortunately it could not be found everywhere. In the autumn of that year, Gu Zhenguan came to Beijing to visit his friend Naran Zhide, and Nalan told him that he had recently obtained a hand scroll and showed it to Gu Zhenguan, which was a combination of Wang Fu's landscape painting for Sex Sea and his "Bamboo Furnace New Yong". Witnessing this long-awaited object, Gu Zhenguan was greatly excited, and Naran Sex de had to endure the pain of cutting love to give it to Gu Zhenguan, and at the same time, Sex De also wrote a poem for this furnace. After Gu Zhenguan returned, he also framed Nalan's poems together.

In the thirty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Song Xi served as the inspector of Jiangxi, and went to Tingsong'an to see many poems that sang about the bamboo tea stove, so he found Gu Zhenguan and asked him to take out the hidden Wang Fu hand scroll, and then Song Xi pasted it into four hand scrolls.

In the sixty years of Qianlong, Hongli southern tour, when he toured Wuxi, he lived in Huishan Temple, and then used the imitation bamboo tea stove of the temple to cook tea, for which hongli inscribed poems several times, and the fourth volume of the Imperial Poetry Collection said: "Since Xin Wei to the present, the bamboo stove has been inscribed six times, which is suitable for the emperor Zu's southern tour of the six degrees, and it is appropriate to stop, and it is not intended to patrol again." It can be seen that the Qianlong Emperor was extremely fond of this bamboo tea stove and wrote six poems successively.

But Hongli really liked this bamboo tea stove, and he asked someone to imitate two bamboo tea stoves during his first southern tour to bring them back to Beijing. But the tea stove can be imitated, and the second spring in the world cannot be brought back. However, the emperor always had a way, and Hongli also built a listening song nunnery next to the first spring in the world he named, the Beijing Yuquan Spring, but changed the name to the bamboo stove mountain house, which was placed in the imitation Huishan bamboo tea stove. To this end, the Qianlong Emperor also wrote a "Record of the Bamboo Furnace Mountain House of Yuquan Mountain", in which he wrote:

The bamboo stove tea house in Huishan can be described as the essence of knowing tea and drinking. Its floor cover began in the Ming Dynasty, and the monk's sea made bamboo stoves on Huiquan for frying, the name of the tea house, because it was passed down. The previous years occasionally went to its land, pouring ice and snow on merit, and the monks came out of the dust, as if the clouds and the flowing water were also. Returning to Pinyu Spring, it is better than Huishan Mountain, because the two houses are on the side of the spring,...... And the bamboo stove of the imitation Huishan Mountain, suitable for a few, between the crab eyes and fish eyes, also lingers and flutters. Those who have nothing to do and are happy to be quiet for many years. And what the rest of the people! Occasionally, it is also indispensable to purify the gods. Fu Jingshe and bamboo stoves can be imitated, while Huiquan cannot be imitated, and now there is no need to imitate, and there are those who cannot be imitated by Huiquan? Is it not only the basis of holding tea and drinking, and my bamboo stove mountain house is less mediocre?

Wang Fu: Meng Duanzhu wrote for wei Li, the first hand (part 1) of the National Dynasty

Wang Fu's "Hermitage Scroll" collection of the Palace Museum

The Qianlong Emperor's love for the bamboo tea stove is really incomparable, and it is precisely because of this preference that he is also very concerned about Wang Fu's painting, and the emperor's concern will of course be highly valued by the local officials in Wuxi, Wang He said in the article "Huishan Listening to the Song'an Bamboo Tea Stove and the Bamboo Stove TuYong": "Forty-four years after Qianlong, Qiu Lian of Wuxi County Zhixian saw its damage, carried it to the official office, and remounted it, and that the neighbor's house caught fire, yanliao county office, and the bamboo stove Tuyong all vanished, Qiu Lian was impeached, fined two hundred and two silver, and rescued The Song'an. ”

This is really self-defeating, Wuxi Zhixian originally wanted to repair the four hand scrolls framed by Song Jiao, but unexpectedly let Wang Fu's paintings and posterity's inscriptions all turn into paper ashes. This incident made the emperor very unhappy after hearing this, so he wrote a "Bamboo Furnace Mountain House Poem" to record this matter: "The number of classics was originally called Huishan Temple, and the four figures have been paid for the clouds. (The four pictures of the old Tibetan king of Huishan Temple were destroyed by fire last spring.) Because each of them supplemented its scrolls, it was still paid to the monks of the temple. Although the cloud is supplemented by the old view, it seems that there is no essence of the house. ”

Obviously, the fine could not save the destroyed paintings, so the emperor ordered Zhang Zongchang to make up the paintings, Dong Yu also made up a painting on the emperor's orders, and Hongli himself also wrote some of the original poems by himself, and then reframed these supplementary paintings into hand scrolls and put them back in Huishan Temple. After such a toss, the bamboo tea stove and Wang Fu's paintings are even more famous in the world. But unfortunately, these supplementary paintings were later lost, and Gao Boyu said in "Listening to the Discussion of the Yulou Series": "In the Xianfeng Decade, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom army invaded Wuxi, and the bamboo mounds and scrolls were all lost. In the second year of Tongzhi, Qin Xuanye bought a bamboo scroll painted by Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty in Shanghai, and a few years later, Qin Enyan obtained Wang Mengduan's "Xishan Yuyin" and rolled it in the Dongting Mountain people's home, which coincided with the completion of the Huangbu Dun monk's house, because he also presided over the collection of monk Hua Yilun. ”

This legendary story makes the bamboo tea stove at Huishan Temple a famous cultural event in history, and the name of Wang Fu's painting is also known to future generations. In fact, he was already a famous painter in the Ming Dynasty, for his painting talent, Zhang Xunru wrote in the "Letter of the Late Zhongshu Sheren Mengduan Wanggong Xing": "When the tour is over, every time you encounter the long corridor Subi, the wine is full of several covets, and the horizontal and horizontal sprinkles are spilled, if you are not careful." At the end, the mountains are stacked, the smoke clouds are vast, and the clues are unpredictable. Or the title is up to a hundred thousand words, and the salty is like the one who has been constructed. The ancient poems he composed are Wei and Liu, and the laws and poems are late Tang Dynasty, and the words are feminine and galloping in the world. ”