
The full details of sweet and sour tenderloin may not be the most outstanding, but the most detailed

author:Meal Creation Classroom

Sweet and sour tenderloin is a classic dish. It is found in Zhejiang, Lu, Sichuan, Cantonese and Huaiyang cuisines, but the sweet and sour tenderloin of Lu cuisine is the most famous. It is based on pork tenderloin as the main ingredient, after marinating, hanging paste, fried, and then seasoned with sweet and sour sauce, the dish is sweet and sour, the rich sweet and sour sauce wrapped in crisp and tender meat segments, eating a taste bud is activated instantly, is a good banquet dish, quite popular with ladies and children.

The full details of sweet and sour tenderloin may not be the most outstanding, but the most detailed

There are 5 key points to pay attention to when making sweet and sour tenderloin:

NO.1 Selection

When selecting ingredients, you must not choose water-filled tenderloin, but choose fresh dried meat, otherwise the meat flavor of the dishes made is not fragrant enough.

NO.2 Change the knife

There are two different ways to change the tenderloin: one is to cut the meat into slices, and the other is to cut the meat into strips. The way the knife is changed is different, and the effect of the dish is also slightly different. The advantage of sweet and sour tenderloin made of meat slices is that the texture is more crisp after frying, which is not bad; the advantage of sweet and sour tenderloin made of meat strips is that it sells well, and the disadvantage is that the shaping effect is poor and the back is soft. If it is cut, the tenderloin strip should not be too thick, up to more than 1 cm thick; if it is sliced, do not cut too thick, control at 0.3 cm thick effect is the best.

NO.3 Hanging paste

Since the tenderloin needs to be mixed with sweet and sour sauce and stir-fried after frying, the choice of paste is very critical. The paste is not good, and the fried tenderloin is easy to soften. In general, I recommend that you choose an egg yolk paste with a golden color and a hard texture.

How to mix the egg yolk paste: take 120 grams of sweet potato corn starch and 150 grams of flour and mix well, first add 1 raw egg yolk and 300 grams of water to make a paste, and then pour in 20 grams of salad oil to mix well.

NO.4 Fry three times

In order to make the finished product taste crisp, it is not only necessary to choose the right paste, but also to control the number of times the frying and the temperature of the frying. My frying method is: when the oil temperature rises to 50% hot, first add the tenderloin and fry until it is fixed; when the oil temperature rises to 60% heat, pour in the tenderloin and fry for 2 minutes until it is ripe and crispy; when the oil temperature finally rises to 70% hot, pour into the tenderloin and fry for 30 seconds to quickly pour out. Multiple fryings can make the tenderloin texture more brittle, and the taste is better after cooking.

NO.5 Boil sweet and sour sauce

The sweet and sour sauce should be prepared in advance, and when the tenderloin is fried, it is necessary to quickly pour the sweet and sour juice into the coating juice, and the action should be completed in one go. The traditional method of making sweet and sour juice is made of sugar, tomato sauce and vinegar as the main ingredients, and now I have added apple cider vinegar and concentrated orange juice to the juice, and the sweet and sour juice is more red and bright, and the sweet and sour taste is fresher. To prepare the sweet and sour sauce: put 20 grams of salad oil in the pot, sauté 5 grams of minced pesto and ginger, add the flavor sauce prepared in advance (40 grams of tomato sauce, 60 grams of sugar, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar 20 grams each, concentrated orange juice 10 grams), simmer over low heat until the sauce bubbles.

The specific steps are as follows:

1. Ingredients needed to make dishes: 200 grams of cut tenderloin, 200 grams of egg yolk paste, 180 grams of sweet and sour sauce.

2. Change the tenderloin to a knife, add 1 gram of salt, 5 grams of green onion and ginger juice, grasp and marinate into the bottom flavor, pour into the paste and mix well.

3. When the pan is 2 kg of salad oil, when it is 50% hot, fry the tenderloin until it is fixed; when the oil temperature rises to 60% heat, pour in the tenderloin and fry for 2 minutes until it is ripe and crispy; when the oil temperature rises to 70% hot, pour in the tenderloin and fry for 30 seconds to quickly pour out.

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, heat it and then pour in the sweet and sour sauce and fry until thick, quickly pour in the fried tenderloin, quickly stir-fry so that the sauce is evenly wrapped, sprinkle 1 gram of sesame seeds and turn well, plate. Depending on the preferences of local diners, you can also add an appropriate amount of fruit, such as pineapple, to cook.

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