
Sweet and sour tenderloin | Tender on the outside and tender on the inside

author:Chinese culinary master Hao Zhenjiang

The dish is made of pork tenderloin as the main ingredient, with flour, starch, vinegar and other condiments, sweet and sour, which makes people's appetites open; this dish is available in Yu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Lu cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Fujian cuisine.

Sweet and sour tenderloin | Tender on the outside and tender on the inside

On September 10, 2018, "Chinese Cuisine" was officially released in Henan Province. Sweet and sour tenderloin was rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Shandong.

Today Chef Hao will take you to make a sweet and sour tenderloin on the outside!

Sweet and sour tenderloin | Tender on the outside and tender on the inside

Beat the eggs one by one, add four parts of sweet potato starch, one part of flour, stir well and make a paste. After the egg paste is adjusted, the consistency can be adjusted to the degree of a line of pulling. Add one gram of salt, two grams of sugar, and five grams of salad oil to the mixed paste and stir well. Cut the tenderloin into strips, add two grams of salt, three grams of rice wine, two grams of pepper, ten grams of green onion and ginger water, and marinate the tenderloin to taste.

Sweet and sour tenderloin | Tender on the outside and tender on the inside

Add five grams of starch to the marinated tenderloin, stir well and stir in the egg paste. The oil temperature rises to 40% heat, go down into the tenderloin, fry the shape and remove it for later. The oil temperature rises to 60% heat for re-frying, ginger and garlic stir-fry, add water, add sugar, sugar and vinegar ratio of 1:1, add three grams of salt, ten grams of soy sauce, bring to a boil over high heat, pour water starch to thicken the soup. When the sauce bubbles this fish eye, add the fried tenderloin and quickly stir-fry evenly, drizzle the oil, and put it on the plate!

Did you learn what you learned above, Chef Hao focuses on good ingredients and makes dishes with heart. Share more food with you. Check out the full video!

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