
As soon as it is on the table, the sweet and sour tenderloin is sweet and delicious, and the soup bibimbap is so fragrant that it is not a loss to learn

author:Ann with truffles

Regarding the popularity of sweet and sour tenderloin, I will not say more, such a delicious dish, hurry up and learn it!

As soon as it is on the table, the sweet and sour tenderloin is sweet and delicious, and the soup bibimbap is so fragrant that it is not a loss to learn


Half a pound of tenderloin (you can put more meat lovers), 2 eggs, 5-6 spoons of starch, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2-3 spoons of sugar, a little pepper, 5-6 spoons of tomato paste, 2-3 spoons of white vinegar. These recipes can be added or subtracted according to their own tastes, and it is recommended to make them while tasting.


1, first wash the tenderloin, drain the water, cut into slender strips, you can also slice;

2, put into a large bowl, concave a little sugar, salt, pepper, grasp and mix well, marinate for about 15-30 minutes into the taste;

As soon as it is on the table, the sweet and sour tenderloin is sweet and delicious, and the soup bibimbap is so fragrant that it is not a loss to learn

3, beat the eggs into it, put the starch in, grab the meat strips evenly, heat the oil pot, put it in after warming, fry until golden brown and fish it out, after frying, put it into the pot and fry it again;

4, pour the tomato sauce into a small bowl, put in sugar, white vinegar, salt, you can taste the seasoning, leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put the prepared tomato sauce into it, cook until it bubbles;

5. Pour the tenderloin into it, let each piece of meat be wrapped in ketchup, and you can get out of the pot!

As soon as it is on the table, the sweet and sour tenderloin is sweet and delicious, and the soup bibimbap is so fragrant that it is not a loss to learn

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