
The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

author:Mo Jizhi said

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There is an old saying in China - stealing chickens is not enough to erode rice, and this time it got the best fulfillment in our neighbor the Philippines! To be honest, for the Chinese people, they still don't want anything bad about the neighbor of the Philippines, but their little Marcos government has gone against the grain and plunged itself into the abyss, which is also impossible.

Therefore, many people who are familiar with the current situation in the South China Sea are saying that the Filipinos are following the Americans to make peace, and the result is not disgusting China, but disgusting themselves to death.

As everyone knows, the South China Sea issue has always existed objectively, and although China's feelings as a big country have not been separated from everyone, various cooperation between ASEAN and China has finally confirmed the current status quo and various peaceful development guidelines. But since the sword of US hegemonism came, the Philippines and many other countries have been ready to move. Although the Philippine government has been very sensible for a long time, Duterte in particular is very sensible, both defending himself and respecting China. Taking the Philippine ship illegally stranded at Ren'ai Jiao as an example, Duterte has always been more sensible.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

However, this small bomb involving China and the Philippines is small and big. After all, Renai Jiao is ours, and your little trick is simply a child's trick.

However, the recent outbreak of the world situation has allowed the Americans to continue to agitate the Philippines, and Marcos Jr. cannot sit still, and he began to let the military rent the dock to the Americans, so that the Americans have more seats in the South China Sea. Discerning people know that once the Americans and China clash over Taiwan, the Philippines will inevitably become a pawn of the Americans.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

Returning to the Philippine ship issue at Ren'ai Jiao, they maliciously ran aground on Ren'ai Jiao, although their behavior was ridiculous, but for the Americans, they were still very happy, after all, this is a disgusting and Chinese behavior. Moreover, the stranding of ships such as Ren'ai Jiao has nothing to do with the possession of international law. Philippine ships, which are now riddled with holes, need supplies from the Philippine military at any time.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

In fact, the Chinese people are very benevolent, and in the past, when no one was excessive, China has always acquiesced to the Philippines to carry out various material supplies. But now the Philippines and the Americans are mixed, what courtesy do I give you like this? So China asked the other party not to illegally enter Ren'ai Jiao again, and as for your supplies, don't think about anything. And our coast guard conducts very righteous law enforcement.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

Some people may say that maybe such an honest Philippines may really be an unintentional act, but in fact this is not the case. After they ran aground on Mahkota Reef, they underwent maintenance and various renovations many times. Could it be that such various preparations were unintentional? This is obviously the idea behind the scenes, let the Philippines do things near China's Ren'ai Jiao, and make China unpeaceful in this sea area.

It is a pity that the Philippine authorities, especially Marcos Jr., did not care about the security of the country and tied the Philippines to the chariot of Sino-US confrontation. It really happened that day, and the Philippines has a hard time. Now that the United States and Japan are doing things in the Taiwan Strait of China, South Korea is doing things in Northeast Asia, and China is dealing with them in an orderly manner, is it okay for you to be able to do it in the Philippines? It is clear that he will not stir up in the war, and he can develop well, which is really incomprehensible.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

Many netizens have said that you Philippines is too ignorant, can only say that the struggle between superpowers, weak chicken small countries far away is wise. It's a pity that there are always some people who feel that they are smart people, who can leave and right, take the chestnut in the fire, and retreat all over. The insidious United States also wants Treasury Secretary Yellen to visit China to ask for the purchase of US bonds, and here it is creating tensions in the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and China, Japan and South Korea, all of which is to hinder the development of investment in China, and at the same time let hot money flow into the United States, so that countries with no integrity and no bottom line should never believe it.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

But more netizens still think what's wrong with us? It is clear that fertilizer was sent earlier, why is it blackmailed by the Philippines now? Money can't be exchanged for peace, stand up and be respected, dare to fight and fight hard to not be bullied! More netizens angrily said that no matter how big or small he is, whether he enters the border of our country, civilian ships are caught, warships are shelled, see if there is still no fear of death. China sells to Cuba advanced weapons and equipment, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, reconnaissance and missile systems, and the Hongqi-9 defensive missile system to strengthen Cuba's reconnaissance capability and share intelligence. The United States uses Taiwan to contain China and balance the strategy.

The Philippines was "dumbfounded"! I wanted to "disgust" China, but in the end I "disgusted" myself

Indeed, China should announce to the whole world that the waters of the South China Sea and the Nansha Islands are China's territory, and all countries outside the region cannot conduct military exercises in China's territorial waters. On the South China Sea issue, whoever infringes on the interests of the mainland is the target of the blow and must not be lenient. On the Taiwan issue, the United States is plotting to harm the mainland, and we must deal a severe blow to it, and we must not let him go back alive. That's our attitude.

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