
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

author:Eight tours in Tongzhou
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

Tongzhou has a magical old street called South Street, the general people call it South Street, this street in addition to eighteen and a half cut alleys, there are a variety of food, of which sugar roll fruit is the halal representative snack of the most. This halal snack has also gradually entered the tables of thousands of Tongzhou people, especially in the New Year, they basically have to buy one to eat.

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

So you may say, what is this sugar roll fruit? Pronounced out, it is actually pronounced as a volume (two sounds) fruit (light tone). And as the name suggests, it is to roll up all kinds of fruits, don't underestimate this roll of fruit, it is really very complicated to do. For example, from the raw materials, it is very complicated, with yam and jujube as the main ingredient, yam taste sweet and noodle, and jujube meat is sweet and smooth, coupled with green plum silk, hawthorn cake shredded, nuts or dried fruits, sesame seeds and other accessories, played a role in regulating sweet and sour, appetizing and degreasing.

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

Finally, the outside is rolled up with oil skin, turned into a root, and then cut into a triangle, and finally fried.

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

The sugar roll fruit is placed on the plate, golden and bright, neat, and then poured on it with syrup or sprinkled with some white sugar, it makes people appetite-boosting and tempting to the extreme, eating it in the mouth, the skin is crispy, the inside is soft, sweet and fragrant, very delicious, evocative.

Then because the production process is too complicated, the average person still goes out to buy directly.

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

The foregoing is about buying the root, because the purchase is a root, cut into triangular pieces about 2cm thick, and you can fry it in the pan.

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit
Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

Fry the sliced rolls in a frying pan until golden brown. Add oil, water, osmanthus flowers, white sugar, simmer over low heat to form a syrup, put the fried rolled fruit into the syrup and roll it, so that the outside of the roll fruit is evenly wrapped with a layer of bright syrup.

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

When serving, sprinkle with osmanthus flowers, sugar, golden cakes or white sesame seeds according to your preference, and serve while hot. Sugar roll fruit must be eaten as soon as possible after being made, because after the sugar roll fruit is cooled, the raw materials inside will become hard, and the wonderful taste of soft and sweet will be lost.

Of course, in fact, there is a kind of salted roll fruit, which is more difficult to buy, that is, it is more unattainable. Generally, beef can be used as the main ingredient, mixed with pepper water, and then stirred with starch, and also made into a roll fruit, which is the so-called salty roll fruit, also known as meat roll fruit.

At the New Year's dinner table, come to some sugar roll fruit dipped in some white sugar, not to mention how beautiful, eat a bite of sweetness, this year has been sweet.

Wishing you prosperity

Good luck

Tongzhou New Year DIY food sugar roll fruit

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