
The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

author:Every day to say medical science popularization

The increasingly comfortable life makes people forget to think of danger in peace, always feel that the time of suffering and pain has passed, and now it is New China, but an epidemic has made people re-examine and think of danger in peacetime.

When the first epidemic came, we were unprepared, there were no medicines, no masks, not even enough hospital beds, even no thermometers, from December 2019 Wuhan began to appear cases of infection with the new crown virus, followed by this battle for three years, until December 9, 2022, people fought the epidemic and ushered in victory.

After the "two yang" hit, more and more people had a cold and fever and a sore throat, but the symptoms were not as deadly as when the epidemic began, and most people already had antibodies in their bodies and were vaccinated, but there was a strange phenomenon, that is, pharmacies did not lack medicine, people did not run to the hospital, the beds were also loose, and even people were not so nervous and restless.

What has the pandemic brought to people? Have you discovered such a strange phenomenon again?

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

One Yang VS Two Yang

It was supposed to be a very ordinary winter vacation, students also went home on vacation, and people who had been working outside for a year were also ready to go home, and at this time, there were cases of the new coronavirus and the epidemic began to break out.

China also carried out an unprecedented lockdown, students suspended classes, the 2020 college entrance examination was also postponed, people wore masks, people were rarely seen on the streets, people who were locked down could not go home, the whole city was tense at that time, and no one knew that this sudden attack of the virus was so serious.

The sudden attack of the virus on the opposite side, we are like a "naked test", success or failure is unknown, but we can only go all out, at the beginning many unfortunate infected people died one by one, even the medical staff who went to the front line were unfortunately infected and left.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

I don't know how painful it was for them to contract at the beginning of the epidemic, and they were afraid of nervousness. And the square cabin hospital is also being established at the fastest speed, more and more people are infected, the beds are simply not enough, the medical staff are overloaded, and the medicines and protective clothing are not enough.

Their faces are strangled by masks, which cannot subside for a long time, everyone is so full of exhaustion, and the nucleic acid that can not be done every day, if the frequency of nucleic acid is too much, it will make people panic, for fear of infected people around.

But just after the lockdown was lifted in December 2022, a large number of people began to have fever and cough, weren't you afraid at that time? I'm also afraid, because people who have not personally experienced the new crown cannot experience that feeling.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

Before I was not allowed to go out, now I dare not go out, most people have a fever at home, and the medicine for cold and fever in the pharmacy is gone, only cough medicine may have a part of a pharmacy, even the thermometer is run all over the town pharmacy can not be bought.

Small clinics, large hospitals are fever patients, doctors are also dragging a body temperature of 38.5 to work, unfortunately infected people's weak body, high fever to 39 degrees, throat more like being "cut" by a knife, against a week of unwashed hair, so slowly survive a week, a week later most of them are better, but may still have a little cough.

Years ago, many people have been infected, after three years, many people also have antibodies, 2023 is the most lively year since the epidemic, people began to buy New Year goods, but also to celebrate the safe passage of the epidemic.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

Just in April, "Eryang" hit, many infected people were unfortunately recruited, re-infected, and had to spend a difficult week, the new crown is like "checking and filling gaps", it seems that they do not want to give up anyone, and many people who are not infected are also infected this time.

But this time is different from the past, there are still a lot of drugs in pharmacies, clinics, hospitals no longer have so fever patients, but people have been fully prepared, are at home to take medicine to treat fever, serious conditions may choose to go to the hospital, but most people still take fever-reducing drugs at home, people are mostly frank with "Eryang", as if they know that it will come.

This also reflects people's peace of mind, no longer as unprepared as before, this time people are very prepared to resist the "two yang", people have experienced the epidemic, what are they afraid of "two yang"?

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

Will there be multiple infections

The new crown has become history, we have all become witnesses and experiencers of this history, and as time goes by, looking back on the new crown is more about lamenting the tense situation at that time and the attitude of the Chinese people to the epidemic.

"One side has difficulties and all parties support", in this mutual help, the epidemic was finally defeated, entering any place no longer checking the itinerary code health code, the streets also returned to their former liveliness, students no longer suspended classes because of the epidemic, people working no longer unable to earn money because of the epidemic, people slowly put down familiar and unfamiliar masks, as if back three years ago, but many epidemic heroes went to another world.

Some people get infected once and then get infected a second time, so will there be a third or fourth time? It's hard to say.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

Even if antibodies already exist in the body and have been vaccinated, but antibodies have a "shelf life", and the virus is still mutating, there is still some time before the virus is completely eliminated, and it is difficult to ensure that it will not be infected during this period.

Especially for the elderly with low resistance, the elderly with underlying diseases must pay more attention, no matter when, we must pay more attention to the group of the elderly, their bodies are no longer as able to resist as young people, although the "combat effectiveness" of the virus has weakened a lot, but it is still possible to "defeat" the elderly with underlying diseases and people with low resistance.

When "one yang" many people will use antigen reagents for testing, when they see the parallel bars, they are still very panicked, although the virus at that time has not died, but still panic, to the "two yang" when almost no one is tested, think that anyway are cold and fever, there are no other symptoms, yang does not matter, according to the cold and fever treatment can be.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

Obviously, people have no previous panic, even at the beginning, people stockpiled food, supermarkets will be rushed to the emptied, now people are not like this, both the mentality and the severity of the condition are slowly improving.

Although it is possible to be infected many times, and there is no conclusion on how many times it will be infected, but do not be too nervous, avoid too anxious, according to the current observation, the symptoms after each infection will become lighter and lighter, on the one hand, the virus is slowly decreasing over time, on the other hand, the body's resistance is increasing.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

Prevention of reinfection

Although the symptoms after reinfection are relatively mild, multiple infections will inevitably leave sequelae on the body, and it is necessary to try to avoid infection if you can avoid it.

Just like people only know how good health is when they are sick, only when they eat a bad stomach do they know that they should not eat junk food, and only when they have an accident do they know that they should not ride so fast.

For low immunity and the elderly, infection should be prevented, and immunity and elderly prevention can be achieved through reasonable diet, scientific exercise, adequate sleep, and attention to personal hygiene.

In addition, not only the immunocompromised and the elderly, but also other people should do a good job of prevention and make their bodies healthy and healthy, after all, "the body is the capital of the revolution."

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

1. Reasonable diet and scientific exercise

No matter who should do a reasonable diet, supplement more high-quality protein and vitamins, drink water appropriately, get up early on weekdays to practice, and walk after meals, not only can relieve the fatigue of the body but also enhance exercise and improve the body's immunity. It would be better if it was a lap.

2. Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is very important for the body, poor sleep will affect the mental state of the day, and even affect work and study, if long-term sleep is not good, often stay up late, then it is likely to change the biological clock, their own body will also be affected, low resistance, the human body is relatively weak, and the virus often likes to "take advantage of the weakness", affecting physical health.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

3. Pay attention to personal hygiene and do a good job in personal protection

Wash hands before meals, wash hands after meals, wash hands after using the toilet, this is from kindergarten, teachers have taught students, in special periods, more to do a good job of disinfection and sanitation, less crowded places, to avoid cross-infection; Wear a mask when going out, pay attention to hygiene when riding outside, ventilate the house frequently, and maintain fresh air.

4. Maintain a good attitude

A good attitude can bring people a lot of help, there is a saying: "Peace of mind is the foundation of health preservation, optimistic, cheerful, happy, joyful emotions are the key links of health preservation." ”

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, when people's mentality is good, they will be full of hope for life, then the blood will run smoothly, the functions of the internal organs will be coordinated, the yin and yang will be kept peaceful, and the body will naturally be in a healthy state.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

5. Get vaccinated

The body's antibodies will disappear over time, and if the infection with the new crown virus has healed for a long time, the new crown vaccine can be given to stimulate the body to produce antibodies again to prevent infection.

After three years of war without gunsmoke, many people have a sense of being prepared for danger in times of peace and the importance of resistance.

The number of new crown "two yang" is increasing? But there is a strange phenomenon, did you find it?

But now that the new crown has become a thing of the past, we, as experiencers, should understand the suffering inside, and we should understand that the epidemic is a national movement in which no one is a bystander.

In the common epidemic war, in the face of the quiet return of the "Eryang", people have made sufficient preparations, which is the result of the joint efforts of everyone, and hope that there will be no more epidemics in the future, and people will live peacefully.