
Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea

author:Xiao Chen's tea affair
Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea

丨 This article was originally produced by Xiao Chen Tea

丨 First published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Affair

丨Author: Village Gu Chen


Spring white tea in 2021 has officially begun to be picked.

From the day of Goddess Day, the mobile phone began to ring non-stop.

"Do you have a rice picking needle now?"

"When will wilderness tea start picking?" Ask for news! ”


Being overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the crowd is also a happy thing.

However, when many new tea friends see these concepts, they feel that they are in the clouds and do not know what to do.

What is Head Picking? What is the wilderness again?

It was difficult to distinguish the three major categories of white tea, and as a result, it faced new problems.

Newcomers, don't worry!

Today's article summarizes 6 common concepts about spring white tea, and then buy it after figuring it out, in order to avoid taking the wrong road.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


What is Head Picking?

Head picking, as the name suggests, is the first wave of tea picked.

After accumulating the energy of a winter, when the spring returns to the earth, the first buds to emerge from the tea tree are picked.

In spring white tea, the most commonly heard is the head picking rice needle.

Tea as the name suggests, the white silver needles picked at this moment are like crystalline and full rice, chubby and very cute.

The head of the rice picking needle is shorter than the ordinary white silver needle, tender, and covered with thick white needles, like a snow-white elf.

And some people have heard the names of head picking peonies and head picking shoumei.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea

In fact, these are just gimmicks with the word "head picking".

According to the growth law of tea plants, the first picking is the white silver needle, followed by the white peony, and finally the shoumei.

I have never seen a year, is directly over the white silver needle, to pick white peony and shoumei.

If this is the case, why is it called the word "head picking"?

Or are there still people who keep the white silver needle and do not pick it, and wait for the white silver needle to grow into a white peony and become a shoumei, and then pick it?

But the price of white peony and shoumei is not as good as that of white silver needles. Obviously, no one will choose the big and the small, and put the higher price of the white silver needle not to pick, but to pick the white peony and shoumei.

Therefore, when buying spring white tea, tea friends should also be cautious when they see the head picking, and avoid stepping on the pit.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


What is Wilderness Tea?

Most of the white tea we see in our daily lives comes from tea gardens, which is what we often call terrace tea.

Terrace tea, there are special people to manage, care, regularly prune tea trees, timely replenish fertilizer, to provide them with better growing conditions.

They belong to the flowers in the greenhouse.

But there are also tea trees, unattended, far from people, growing freely in the wilderness, and are real "grass".

In the wilderness, white tea grown in an unattended environment is called wilderness white tea.

They are pure, natural, without excessive interference, and without deliberate weeding and fertilization.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea

Everything depends on Providence.

If the sky is beautiful and there is more rain, you can absorb more water, grow faster, and become stronger.

Moreover, wilderness tea also competes with the surrounding weeds and various shrubs for nutrients, just to survive better, in order to take root and sprout.

Therefore, compared with the tea plants that grow in the tea garden, wilderness tea has more wild energy.

The unique smell of shrubs and ferns runs through the aroma and taste of wilderness tea, which is quite a worldly high-ranking style.

However, due to the scarcity of production and the high cost of manual picking, the price of wilderness tea has remained high.

The truth that things are scarce is precious has not changed for eternity.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


What is Desert Tea?

There is also a word "wilderness", but there is a world of difference between wilderness tea and desert tea.

In fact, desert tea is not a "wild child" at birth.

In the beginning, this batch of tea trees was also a flower in the greenhouse, cared for and managed, and the gold was very expensive.

However, due to some subsequent changes, the owner did not care for it and abandoned it, and the tea garden was forced to abandon it.

For the long time that remained, these tea trees could only learn to rely on themselves and work hard to sprout.

No more watering and fertilizing, no more careful management.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea

Everything after that is on their own.

Fortunately, the original tea garden environment gave them a better growing condition, although overgrown with weeds and shrubs, not as bad as the wilderness.

Therefore, the characteristic of desert tea is that it is half with the wild rhyme of wilderness tea.

If you are worried that the yield of wilderness tea is too low and the price is too high, you may wish to try to throw wilderness tea.

For new tea lovers, it is rare to be able to taste this unique wild energy.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


What is Mingqian Tea?

The picking time of white tea is usually not to look at the number of months, but to see the solar terms.

China has twenty-four solar terms, which are the product of ancient agricultural civilization.

In the past era of agricultural production, it was to watch the sky and eat.

By observing the movement of celestial bodies and understanding the changes in the time of year, climate, phenology and other laws, the formation of solar terms.

As a crop, tea is naturally also closely related to the change of solar terms.

Qingming is the 5 solar terms of spring.

Tea leaves picked before the Qingming Festival are called Mingqian tea.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea

At that time, the climate was warm, the grass and trees were budding, the vitality was exuberant, and the spring and jingming were like.

The white tea trees in the alpine tea garden are also growing luxuriantly at this time.

Under normal circumstances, before the Qingming Dynasty, what is picked is white silver needles and special grade white peony, which is the "peony king" in the mouth of tea friends.

Due to the low temperature at this moment, it is conducive to the accumulation of endoplasm in the tea plant, including rich theanine.

Therefore, it tastes unusually fresh and pure.

Around the Qingming Festival, the temperature gradually rises, and white peonies are picked.

As a special seasonal tea, "Qingqing Peony" can be encountered but not sought, and it needs the blessings of the heavens and places.

The soft floral fragrance and the clear fragrance make people fall intoxicated in its gentle countryside for a long time.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


What is GuYu Tea?

Guyu tea is also a special seasonal tea.

Friends who like to drink green tea often hear "tea before the rain", not Gu yu tea.

However, due to the particularity of white tea picking, the spring tea season lasts for a long time and does not end until late spring.

Shoumei, on the other hand, usually appears later, after the white silver needle and the white peony, and the picking period lasts from mid-spring to late spring.

Under normal circumstances, when it comes to the season of gu rain, it is a good time to pick the first-level spring shoumei in the alpine tea garden.

The temperature gradually rises during the day, but when night falls, it is still cold and gusty, and the temperature difference between day and night makes the tea plant accumulate more abundant nutrients.

The sunshine hours are slightly longer and the light is more intense, but it is still soft with the obstruction of thick clouds.

Such conditions have created the floral fragrance of Gu Yu Shoumei, with the fragrance of white peony, but the full and pure soup is the characteristic of Shoumei.

Temperate tea is a heavenly treasure that deserves to be cherished by everyone.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


What is Spring Tail Tea?

As the name suggests, step on the spring tail to pick the tea leaves.

In white tea, it is usually shoumei who appears at the end of the scene who plays the role of spring tail tea.

Regarding The views of Haruo Shoumei, many people have mixed opinions.

Some people think that the temperature was too high at that time, and the leaves were old and not worth drinking.

But some people believe that the high temperature makes the aroma in the tea more bright and open, and has a different flavor.

In fact, the temperature in the alpine tea garden is about 3-6 ° C lower than that of the flat tea garden, and it is protected by clouds, and the direct light is converted into diffuse light and bathed in the tea plant.

Therefore, although the appearance of Chunwei Shoumei is uninhibited, its aroma is more enthusiastic and layered than that of Chun shoumei that was previously picked.

The soup is plump and soft, with a sweet floral aroma that blends freshness and explosion just right.

Head picking, wilderness, desert abandonment, Mingqian, valley rain, spring tail, do you understand the concept of these white teas? More original knowledge about spring tea


From white tea, you can also see all kinds of life.

The tea trees that grow in the tea garden seem to be born with golden spoons, and are specially managed and cared for.

They have enough nutrients to bud without worry and freedom.

But the tea trees in the mountains are far away from the mountains, but they have to go through many tribulations.

After ensuring that you can have enough energy to survive, regenerate the roots and sprout.

Fortunately, fate did not treat them badly.

Scarce production, abundant nutrients, and unique wilderness charm make wilderness teas become the pearls in the palm of tea lovers.

Therefore the heavens will send down a great task, and the people will first suffer their hearts, strain their bones, and starve their bodies.

The special festival teas also add a shining style to the spring tea season.

Every high-quality white tea is a treasure.

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Xiao chen tea village gu Chen, columnist, tea industry original new media "Xiao Chen tea matter" chief writer, has published a white tea monograph "White Tea Tasting Notes", 2016-2020 has written more than 4,000 original articles.

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