
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

author:Shadow under the moon 85555
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

In order to make it more convenient for patients to seek medical treatment, the medical service of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital has been greatly upgraded! Open up the WeChat family account medical insurance payment, and become the first tertiary hospital in Shanghai to realize online family account medical insurance payment!

With the help of the online service platform of the WeChat official account of the Internet Hospital of our hospital, you only need to bind the "medical insurance family account" to register and pay through the official account of the Internet Hospital, and make online payment of medical insurance on behalf of family members (parents, spouses, children).

Introduction to the Family Account

Family account means that the insured can add the family medical insurance code to their WeChat, display the medical insurance code on behalf of the family to complete the medical insurance payment for medical treatment and drug purchase at the window/self-service machine, or complete the medical insurance payment on the official account of the medical institution through medical insurance mobile payment, so as to accompany the medical treatment without a card. You can also help your family members with medical insurance account inquiries or medical insurance business on your WeChat.

1. How to bind a family account

Step 1

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Search for the official account of "Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital Internet Hospital" on WeChat, and click on the homepage "Personal Center - Medical Insurance Electronic Voucher".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Step 2

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Open the medical insurance e-voucher and select "Family Account".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Once you agree to the agreement, click "Add Now".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Face recognition is required for the first operation.

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Enter the family member information to be bound and click "Next".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Once you have uploaded your documents and signed the Personal Pledge, click "Activate and Add Account".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Tick and click "Authorize Activation".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

The addition is successful, click "Finish".

TIPS: Persons under the age of 16 can be directly authorized to activate, and those over the age of 16 need to perform face recognition in person.

2. How to register and pay with the medical insurance family account in our hospital?

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Click on the shortcut in the lower left corner of the official account to make an appointment for outpatient services.

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Select the department, doctor, and time slot that your family has made an appointment with, and click Submit.

In particular, it is important to note that the patient must be selected correctly (you can add the patient's information in advance in the "Personal Center - My Medical Card").

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

After the appointment is successful, click on the medical insurance payment in the lower right corner to help your family pay for medical insurance.

All your family needs to do is wait in line at the waiting area at their appointment time.

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

After the doctor prescribes the relevant prescription or checks and tests, you will receive a message to be paid, click on "Medicare Payment".

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital
Read in one article: How to use family affection to pay for medical treatment in our hospital

After the payment is successful, your family can go directly to the corresponding pharmacy window to pick up the medicine or have it checked.


1. Our hospital's WeChat medical insurance family payment only supports Shanghai medical insurance;

2. Before the visit, the family member needs to add the patient's information in the official account "Personal Center - My Medical Card" to complete the filing;

3. The bound person ≤ 16 years old, and needs to upload the birth certificate of the bound person or the household registration book of both parties, and the binding can be completed after the review is passed;

4. The bound person > 16 years old (such as the elderly), the household registration book needs to be uploaded, and the binding can be completed only after face recognition authentication;

5. A maximum of 5 family members can be bound to the family account;