
Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge

author:Shallow tea home

The "Thousand Golden Fangs" records: "It is advisable to eat porridge in spring"; there is also a folk saying that "drinking porridge in spring is better than tonic". Drinking porridge in the spring can not only replenish water very well, but also be easier to digest. Adding some seasonal ingredients to the porridge can also alleviate the cutting of the human body by the time qi.

Today, I will share a full set of 12 kinds of commercial breakfast porridge for everyone, the ingredients, the ratio, the boiling time are super detailed, and the small partners of health can collect it and do it slowly!

<h1>1. Red date black rice porridge</h1>

Ingredients: 10 kg of black rice, 4 kg of glutinous rice, 3 kg of wheat kernels, 3 kg of Huajiang bean, 3 kg of sorghum rice

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge


(1) Before making porridge, you can soak rice in cold water for more than four hours. When making porridge, put the dates first, (the dates and cold water together under the pot),

(2) When the porridge is good, put red date slices to garnish.


(1) After the water is boiled, first put the prepared rice, and 10 kilograms of water with 1 kilogram of prepared rice. Then turn off the low heat and cook, about 50 minutes or so, Huajiang bean eight ripe (with the teeth not hard), when put white sugar, 10 pounds of 250 grams of white sugar, according to the market taste). Add three grams of red date flour and cook all the rice

(2) High heat hook tapioca flour, (good porridge road tapioca flour hydration into the boiled porridge, and constantly stir to prevent the bottom of the paste pot. The water boils for about 3 minutes, and the tapioca flour and water and rice are completely combined. It feels good that the porridge has a viscosity. Garnish with sliced dates.

<h1>02. Guiyuan apple porridge</h1>

Ingredients: (rice, wheat kernels, dates, cinnamon balls, brown sugar, apple powder, apple chunks, red date slices)

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge

(1) First put the date in cold water and put it in the pot.

(2) First remove half a spoonful of wheat kernels.

(3) Wheat kernels are quickly cooked for the rice.

(4) When the porridge is good, put brown sugar, apple powder, apple chunks, and red date slices.

Summary: (1) (put cold water into date water and boil first put wheat kernels), 24 pounds of water 1 pound of wheat kernels, half a pound of rice.

(2) First put the wheat kernels on low heat and cook for about 20 minutes (cook until the wheat kernels bloom) Enlarge the rice and cook half a pound (cook for about 25 minutes)

(3) After the porridge is good, put white sugar and sweeten brown sugar to tone, put apple powder to add flavor, according to the market 24 kg of water 500 grams of white sugar, 120 grams of apple powder

(4) Hook the tapioca flour on high heat and stir constantly to prevent the bottom of the pot. The water boils for about 3 minutes, and the tapioca flour and water and rice are completely combined. Feel the porridge has a viscosity of good porridge good after putting apple pieces red bunches garnish.

<h1>03. Sydney oatmeal porridge</h1>

Ingredients: 12 kg of oatmeal, 4 kg of glutinous rice, 4 kg of red rice

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge


(1) First, less oat rice

(2) Add the rice

(3) Put the pear pieces when the porridge is good, and add a little gardenia water to tone the color.


(1) After the water is boiled, first put 24 kg of oat rice 7 two oat rice on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes

(2) Put the rice with the mixture again, (24 pounds of water and 1 pound of 2 pairs of good rice. Cook on low heat for about 40 minutes

(3) After the rice is cooked, put 24 catties of sugar according to the market taste

(4) Hook the tapioca flour on high heat and stir constantly to prevent the bottom of the pot. The water boils for about 3 minutes, and the tapioca flour and water and rice are completely combined. It feels good that the porridge has a stickiness, and it boils for about 3 minutes. After the porridge is good, turn off the heat and put an appropriate amount of pear pieces of goji berries, and garnish with dates.

<h1>04. Mountain planting pearl porridge</h1>

Ingredients: glutinous rice 10F, oatmeal 4 kg, red rice 6 kg, small red beans 4 kg

(1) Before making porridge, you can soak rice in cold water for more than four hours. Put 30 grams of pearls when the porridge is almost ready

(2) Put raisins when the porridge is good

(3) When selling, put mountain grains

After the water boils, first put the prepared rice 10 pounds of water and 1 pound of mixed rice). Bring to a boil over low heat, about 50 minutes (when the red beans are almost ripe), put the pearl beans, (10 pounds of water put 30 grams of pearl beans). Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes until the pearl beans are completely blackened and float.

(2) Then put apple flour, 10 pounds of water 60 grams of apple powder.

Put white sugar, put 250 grams of E sugar according to the market taste of 10 pounds of water, and then put less black brown sugar to color.

(3) Finally, hook the tapioca flour on high heat and stir continuously to prevent the bottom of the pot. The water boils for about 3 minutes, and the tapioca flour and water and rice are completely combined. Feel that the porridge has a viscosity, turn off the heat and put raisins, and put the mountain grains when selling.

<h1>05. Mustard dessert eight treasure porridge</h1>

Ingredients: Mustard, purple rice, guiyuan, red dates, red beans, black beans, peanuts, barley, walnuts, corn flour, rock sugar, brown sugar.

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge


1. Soak the mustard, purple rice, red beans, black beans and barley in water for 4 hours and set aside;

2, casserole into the appropriate amount of water, into the soaked red beans, black beans, mustard boiled, simmered for half an hour, into the purple rice, barley, corn flour boiled on high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour, into peanuts, dates, cinnamon balls to cook until viscous, add walnuts, continue to cook on low heat until soft and sticky, add rock sugar, brown sugar to boil until dissolved, put into the container.

Features: soft glutinous slightly sweet, healthy spleen and dampness.

<h1>06. Pumpkin lily porridge</h1>

Ingredients: 1/2 pumpkin (about 300 grams), 100 grams of fragrant rice, 100 grams of glutinous rice, lilies, cinnamon meat, red dates, lotus seeds 20 grams each, sugar, salt a small amount.

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge


1: Soak the dates and lotus seeds in cold water for 20 minutes, remove the hearts of the lotus seeds, wash and set aside; remove the stems and seeds of the pumpkin, wash and dice.

2: Wash the glutinous rice and fragrant rice and bring water to a boil in a pot, add diced pumpkin and red dates and lotus seeds, cook for 20 minutes on low heat, open the pot and stir clockwise with a spoon for a while, then add lilies and cinnamon meat and cook for 10 minutes, then add sugar, and add a small amount of salt to avoid being too sweet.

<h1>08. Guiyuan lotus seed porridge</h1>

Ingredients: 60 grams of glutinous rice Herbs: 10 grams of cinnamon meat, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 6 grams of red dates, rock sugar to taste

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge


1: Wash the lotus seeds, pit the dates, wash the round glutinous rice, and soak in water.

2: Add 600 ml of water to lotus seeds and round glutinous rice, cook for 40 minutes on low heat, add cinnamon meat and red dates and cook for 15 minutes, add rock sugar to taste, and then eat.

09. Yam goji berry porridge

350 grams of rice, 150 grams of glutinous rice, 250 grams of yam peeled and diced, goji berries to taste, 7000 grams of water, all raw materials into the pressure cooker to boil, stir a little cover, saic to reduce the heat for 30 minutes.

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge

10. Skinned egg lean porridge

350 grams of rice, 150 grams of glutinous rice, 200 grams of lean pork stuffing, sautéed in a small amount of oil, 15 grams of salt, 7000 grams of water, put into the pressure cooker and stir to cover the lid, SAIC changed the heat to a low time for 30 minutes, and finally put in 200 grams of peeled eggs (cut into small cubes) and stir well.

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge

11. Nourishing black rice porridge

350 grams of glutinous rice, 150 grams of black rice, 7000 grams of water, put into a pressure cooker and bring to a boil, stir and cover the pot, and reduce the heat to a low heat for 30 minutes

12. Rock sugar lotus leaf porridge

350 grams of rice, 150 grams of glutinous rice, 200 grams of rock sugar, an appropriate amount of goji red dates, a piece of dried lotus leaves, 7000 grams of water, shredded dried lotus leaves and boiled in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes, the lotus leaves are fished out and put into rice, rice, dates, rock sugar and goji berries after boiling, stir the lid, and change the steam to a low heat for 30 minutes. It is best to have fresh lotus leaves, first cook the porridge and then tear the washed fresh lotus leaves into several pieces and cover the porridge and cover the pot and simmer for 10 minutes before stirring well.

Commercial breakfast porridge full recipe, want to open a shop can be used directly! Ingredients, ratios, boiling time... 1, red jujube black rice porridge 02.Guiyuan apple porridge 03.Sydney oatmeal porridge 04.Mountain plant pearl porridge 05.Qishi dessert Eight treasure porridge 06.Pumpkin lily porridge 08.Guiyuan lotus seed porridge

The above is all the content shared today, if you like it, you can quickly collect it and try it! For more home-cooked recipes, good food ingredients, and dry goods to share, please pay attention to the crispy candy, which is updated for you every day!

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