
The "SIM card hard wallet" is online, making digital yuan payment more convenient

author:Block Supreme Treasure
The "SIM card hard wallet" is online, making digital yuan payment more convenient

Recently, the digital RMB SIM card hard wallet jointly developed by China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China officially launched the digital RMB App, which has attracted widespread attention. The launch of SIM card hard wallets has made digital yuan payment methods more convenient, and has also expanded the popularity of digital yuan.

The "SIM card hard wallet" is online, making digital yuan payment more convenient

SIM card hard wallet is a technology that links a digital RMB soft wallet to a super SIM card issued by the operator, so that the SIM card has the function of digital RMB payment. Users only need to go to the business hall to replace or receive a new Super SIM card, then log in to the digital RMB App and open a SIM card hard wallet to use. The biggest feature of this hard wallet is that whether the network environment is good or the network environment is not good, or even when the mobile phone is disconnected, the screen is turned off, and the power is turned off, the payment can be completed.

This convenient payment method brings a new experience to users. In the past, users needed to scan the code or call up the QR code to complete the payment, but now, they only need to touch the locked screen or even the mobile phone in the shutdown state to touch the merchant POS machine to easily complete the payment. This network-free payment method greatly improves payment efficiency and brings users a more convenient payment experience.

The SIM card hard wallet launched this time not only supports networkless and electricityless payment, but also has NFC function, so that Android mobile phone users can also enjoy this convenient payment method. Users only need an Android mobile phone with NFC function, they can go to the business hall to replace or receive a new super SIM card, and then log in to the digital RMB App and open a SIM card hard wallet to use.

It is worth noting that only Android phones with NFC function currently support SIM card hard wallets. For those users who do not have NFC function, they need to use other digital yuan payment methods, such as QR code payment.

The launch of SIM card hard wallets is not only a major innovation in digital RMB payment methods, but also a deepening of the connection between digital RMB and hardware devices. It reflects the continuous enrichment and improvement of the digital yuan system in terms of soft and hard wallets. At the same time, the security level of this hard wallet is the same as that of mainstream financial IC chips, which can ensure the security of user data to the greatest extent.

Industry experts said that SIM card hard wallets can make digital yuan more widely embedded in terminal devices such as smartphones, improve the coverage of hard wallets, and increase the popularity of digital yuan. At the same time, they predict that in the future, SIM card + digital yuan will further expand the scenario, focusing on small and high-frequency consumer payments, and play a greater role in the promotion of digital yuan. This means that the use scenarios of digital RMB will be more abundant and diverse in the future, not only a change in payment methods, but also an upgrade of digital lifestyle.

The "SIM card hard wallet" is online, making digital yuan payment more convenient

The launch of the digital RMB SIM card hard wallet is an important step in the popularization of digital RMB. In the future, with the continuous promotion and popularization of digital RMB, we have reason to believe that this convenient payment method will bring better payment experience and life convenience to more people.