
Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

author:Fresh Fujian client

Fresh Fujian client news [Author: Lin Zhishuang Lin Xiuqin Photo/Text] July 16, walking into Huotong Ancient Town of Jiaocheng, you will be shocked by the surprise of this town countless times, Huotong Dongtian, Ming and Qing Ancient Street, Huotong Stream, all fascinating, and today I want to talk about the exclusive memory with a history of more than 2,000 years - Huotong Line Lion.

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In 2006, Huo Tongchen's surnamed line lion was listed in the first batch of intangible cultural heritage of the country. [Video author: Lin Xiuqin, Lin Zhishuang]

"Walking into intangible cultural heritage, Ningde 'Line Lion Tulian' adds color to cultural promotion." In recent years, the cultural and tourism departments of various counties (cities and districts) in Ningde City, in conjunction with the establishment of national cultural demonstration cities, have integrated local folk customs, intangible cultural heritage and red cultural characteristic programs such as North Road Opera, Commentary Play, Siping Opera, and Puppet Show, to carry out a variety of cultural tourism publicity and education activities, forming a "one county, one brand" cultural tourism publicity pattern with eastern Fujian characteristics.

Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

With a history of more than 2,000 years, Huotong Line Lion is known as "a unique in China", and after all the vicissitudes of time, it still shines with the charm of folk art, and was designated as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage in 2006. Huo Tong's "Line Lion Tulian" performance integrates historical publicity and education into the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, so that the general public can receive cultural education while meeting spiritual and cultural needs, and create a strong historical atmosphere.

Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

There are many surnames in Huotong Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian Province, and there are many ancestral halls, and those with ancestral halls are generally big surnames, but among the many big surnames, it is estimated that the Chen surname intersects the most, because they are the only Chen surname in the ancient town. There are no lions in China, but there is a soft spot for lions, known as the traditional culture of the national lion dance, originally derived from the lion dance, and the evolution of "lion dance" and "lion dance" has experienced a long time. The Han Dynasty historian Ban Gu mentioned the "elephant man" in the "Lile Zhi", which is noted as the shrimp and fish, and the lion person. This is the earliest record of "lion" being added to "play". It is also the first annotation of the lion dance. By the Northern Wei Dynasty 1500 years ago, the lion dance evolved into a lion dance movement and entered the historical stage as a folk performing art.

Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

The lion dance is bounded by the Huaihe River in the Qinling Mountains, divided into two major genres, north and south, and the lineup of lion performance is composed of 5 people: "lion usher" and "double lion", the lion shape is a big head and a square mouth, and the hands are golden yellow. The morphological movements are majestic and powerful, and the modal movements are tactful and smooth. The southern lion was born from the northern lion, and the performance form is mainly a single lion (2 people) performing on the "pile array". The movements are dexterous and lively, highlighting the movements such as jumping, jumping, leaping, stepping on the blue, etc., and the dance and matching skills of the southern lion are also particularly particular, and it is necessary to have a solid and stable lower plate skills, combining the waist strength, horse step, unicorn step and other footwork in martial arts and the leg work and leg method in martial arts, with flexible lion dance movements, gong and drum accompaniment, unique style. Huo Tong Chen's surnamed lion manipulates the lion to perform various movements through ropes, integrating literary skills and martial arts, and its performance has five forms: single lion (male), double lion (one male and one female), three lions (one mother and three sons), and five lions (one mother and five sons). The line lion show was originally a march along the way, dancing as you walked, and later switched to a fixed stage performance.

Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

After the practical creation of generations of folk artists, the expression of the line lion has become more and more rich, and it can perform various postures such as sitting, squatting, waking up, stretching, climbing, etc. The performers who control the lion stand behind the pedestal, hold the rope, and interpret the various movements of the lion according to the command of the drummer. When performing, the lion needs to show rich expressiveness, able to sit, squat, wake up, stretch, yawn, scratch, lick, hibernate, snuggle, jump, run to judge, go up the pillar, go down the ground, drill holes, out of holes, climb, jump holes, cross mountains, soar, rotate, roll, panting, trembling, roaring, roaring and other dynamics. These interesting gestures vividly show the dexterity and playfulness of the lion in the fortitude and might. Huo Tongchen's surname Line Lion has the characteristics of family inheritance that passes on men but not women.

Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

In 2006, Huo Tongchen's surnamed line lion was listed in the first batch of intangible cultural heritage of the country. Many news people at home and abroad have witnessed the style of the line lion. As a Dao bone heritage, Huotong Town carries a thousand years of history and is a witness of the Chinese nation's southward migration culture since the Tang and Song Dynasties. The simple people of the ancient town and the long-standing folk culture present a unique cultural ancient town. And Huotong Line Lion is a microcosm of the ancient town culture.

Review丨Lin Zhi Lin Xiuqin Editor-in-Chief of this weekly丨Lin Zhishuang

Source丨Fresh Fujian client

Original title丨"Intangible Cultural Heritage: "A Must-Have in China" National Intangible Cultural Heritage, Huo Tong Chen Surname Line Lion" Copyright Statement丨This article picture is authorized to be released.

Intangible Cultural Heritage丨"China is a Must" national intangible cultural heritage, Huo Tong Chen surnamed line lion

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